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An Eye For An Eye?


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An Iranian man who threw acid into a woman's face and destroyed her eyesight has been sentenced to having the same punishment inflicted on him, at the request of his victim. Read the full story here:

This is apparently legal under the oh so fair and reasonable 'justice' system known as sharia law. What are everyone's thoughts on this?

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I see that you saw this too huh? Actually he did more then destroy her eyesight, he disfigured her face. She was once a beautiful young lady and he stole that which G-d had given to her.


She now has to go under hundreds of surgeries to just get her to appear half way normal. All that the judge sentenced him to was blinding with acid [a pinch of what he did to her]. She herself was going to be present and has the opportunity to do it herself if she so choses. This is a real problem throughout many third world countries, particularly Pakistan, India, Bangledesh and I think Iran wants to squash such problems with their "eye for an eye" laws.

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[quote name='ParadiseFound' timestamp='1305413486' post='2241551']

This is apparently legal under the oh so fair and reasonable 'justice' system known as sharia law. What are everyone's thoughts on this?

I don't see anything unjust about this. And I don't see how this is anything other than fair and reasonable. As Reza noted, he's really getting off easy. He's just being blinded. That's only part of what he did to her.

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I had someone say that to me right before he attempted to stab my eye out. Thank God for thick glasses. Can't say I approve.

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Apparently he might only get blinded in one eye, and only after he's unconcious in a hospital ward. More like 'an eye for two eyes'.

Edited by xSilverPhinx
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Nihil Obstat

Well to make him take that conscious would qualify as torture and cannot be justified.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1305418085' post='2241583']
Well to make him take that conscious would qualify as torture and cannot be justified.

Half the torture...actually less then half the torture that he gave her.

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='RezaMikhaeil' timestamp='1305418149' post='2241585']
Half the torture...actually less then half the torture that he gave her.
Doesn't justify torturing him.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1305418756' post='2241588']
Doesn't justify torturing him.

We he better :beg: the woman to pardon him, :notworthy: but it doesn't look like she is going to do so. :unsure:

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i dont condone it. it's simply too much of 'an eye for an eye' and barbaric.
with that said, we do punish people for the sake of 'justice' only, even if it's putting them in prison. now, we can squabble about whether this or that constitutes as 'preventing other damages to society' by putting htem in jail, but at the end of the day, it's often if not only in some situations due to 'justice' only.
that's also 'an eye for an eye', to a large degree, isn't it? and it might not be plying fingers off or throwing acid on faces, but in some sense it's 'torture'.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' timestamp='1305419495' post='2241592']
i dont condone it. it's simply too much of 'an eye for an eye' and barbaric.
with that said, we do punish people for the sake of 'justice' only, even if it's putting them in prison. now, we can squabble about whether this or that constitutes as 'preventing other damages to society' by putting htem in jail, but at the end of the day, it's often if not only in some situations due to 'justice' only.
that's also 'an eye for an eye', to a large degree, isn't it? and it might not be plying fingers off or throwing acid on faces, but in some sense it's 'torture'.

As much as I'd like to agree with you, putting people behind bars for acid throwing attacks hasn't hindered the throwers for a second.

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Can someone explain how this is 'barbaric' but locking somebody in a small cage for 23 hours a day for years on end is enlightened and just?

Violence is inherent to the state system. People just prefer it be disguised rather than accept it as an essential part to the system they depend on. So people want to put criminals away and pretend that if they just lock them in a small cage with other violent men, out of sight out of mind, we are being enlightened and humane.

Edited by Hasan
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[quote name='ParadiseFound' timestamp='1305413486' post='2241551']This is apparently legal under the oh so fair and reasonable 'justice' system known as sharia law. What are everyone's thoughts on this?
I don't think it's any more arbitrary and unreasonable than American sentencing. Would you rather have acid thrown on your face or be put in prison for 25 years? I think I'd take the acid. The American justice system thinks that because it does not inflict physical harm, that therefore it does not inflict harm. Frankly, I think some corporal punishments can be more humane than years and years of mental anguish in prison (not that either type of punishment solves the real problem). I'm not saying I support throwing acid in people's faces as punishment. I'm just saying that I don't think it's necessarily any more cruel than locking a man away for years.

Edited by Era Might
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[quote name='RezaMikhaeil' timestamp='1305419240' post='2241591']
We he better :beg: the woman to pardon him, :notworthy: but it doesn't look like she is going to do so. :unsure:

we should also pray for her to find the path to forgiveness (at least if he's sorry, which is another long difficult thread in itself to address). she's been put in a difficult path in life.

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[quote name='Era Might' timestamp='1305421527' post='2241601']
I don't think it's any more arbitrary and unreasonable than American sentencing. Would you rather have acid thrown on your face or be put in prison for 25 years? I think I'd take the acid. The American justice system thinks that because it does not inflict physical harm, that therefore it does not inflict harm. Frankly, I think corporal punishments are preferable to years and years of mental anguish (not that either of them solve the problem). I'm not saying I support throwing acid in people's faces as punishment. I'm just saying that I don't think it's any more cruel than locking a man away for years.

Wow. Stop the presses. Era and Hassan agree.

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