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Catholic Church And Gov. Welfare Programs


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[quote name='Mr.CatholicCat' timestamp='1305396180' post='2241409']
Was there a reply in this garbled nonsense? I didn't see one.
I accept your surrender.

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1305396150' post='2241408']
I have the right to keep and bear arms. Does that mean the government must provide me with weapons through a government program?

Well if we are going that route I want an HK-G3

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1305396219' post='2241411']I accept your surrender.[/quote]You couldn't handle my surrender.

But not even close...

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1305395874' post='2241406']
does the government not have a responsibility to give everyone life, liberty and a chance at the pursut of happiness? well without government assiatnce, some people would not be alive. so how is the government supposed to give the people a chance at life?

No the government does not give life, they have aresponsability to make sure all havea chance at life, not to make sure everyone stays alive... Are you arguing we should have government funded organ transplants, howabout laws regulating what you eat, when you drive, exactly how many drinks you can have, or all the other things that might "keep you alive".

That sounds like slavery to me.

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[quote name='Don John of Austria' timestamp='1305396264' post='2241412']
Well if we are going that route I want an HK-G3
Clearly we must give it to you because "right" and "entitlement" are synonyms, just like "pragmatism" only exists as a lame political ideology based on a poor understanding of the consequences of the [i]philosophy [/i]of pragmatism.

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[quote name='Mr.CatholicCat' timestamp='1305396180' post='2241409']
Was there a reply in this garbled nonsense? I didn't see one.

But I am sorry you reject pragmatism: "[i]A practical, matter-of-fact way of approaching or assessing situations or of solving problems.[/i]" Why do you reject pragmatism, because an ideology tells you to...

Is that summation what you based your decision to subscribe to pragmatic philosophy on? It would be practical to kill the weak. It is practical to kill drug dealers. [s]It is practical to indefinitely imprison many types of criminals.[/s]

Morally unacceptable, as I said. Morality is often impractical.

Actually, on further thought, it's impractical to indefinitely imprison people. So we should just kill those whose rehabilitation would be more costly than their execution.

Edited by Winchester
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Don John of Austria

[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1305396441' post='2241416']
Clearly we must give it to you because "right" and "entitlement" are synonyms, just like "pragmatism" only exists as a lame political ideology based on a poor understanding of the consequences of the [i]philosophy [/i]of pragmatism.

Wellget to it Cap'n. WHERE IS MY G3!

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[quote name='Don John of Austria' timestamp='1305397157' post='2241425']
Wellget to it Cap'n. WHERE IS MY G3!
We don't supply weapons. You'll need to contact your congressperson.

I can point you in the direction to obtain a lower for an AR-15 for 60 dollars and then an upper at your convenience for 400-650. There is even a piston-driven upper and I believe some options for 7.62x39. The lower requires an FFL, but after that, you can get an upper sent right to your house.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1305396150' post='2241408']
I have the right to keep and bear arms. Does that mean the government must provide me with weapons through a government program?

completely different things. you never answered my question. does the government have the responsibility to its citizens to provide them with a chance for life and how do they do that for someone who would die without assistance to live?

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1305396803' post='2241420']Is that summation what you based your decision to subscribe to pragmatic philosophy on? It would be practical to kill the weak. It is practical to kill drug dealers. [s]It is practical to indefinitely imprison many types of criminals.[/s]

Morally unacceptable, as I said. Morality is often impractical.

Actually, on further thought, it's impractical to indefinitely imprison people. So we should just kill those whose rehabilitation would be more costly than their execution.[/quote]Dear Glen Beck, just because someone subscribes to an idea, doesn't mean they subscribe to every possible ramification of that idea, nor does it mean that their responsible for every conceivable negative consequence of an idea. But we were discussing economics, not morals, not that it's important.

I am going to take my leave from this discussion, I tire of the lack of sincerity. I apologize and please pardon me.

Edited by Mr.CatholicCat
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[quote name='Mr.CatholicCat' timestamp='1305392872' post='2241378']
The poor have some advocates, the wealthy have the rest. But there is no one defending or promoting the middle class.
Politicians are ALWAYS talking about The Middle Class like it's some sacred caste. Frankly, I wish they would shut up about it. The Middle Class is what makes our silly system work. Get enough people who aren't destitute but who aren't wealthy, and keep them pacified. The middle class is the politician's dream: they're in the middle, not rocking the boat.

One might argue that the middle class is what we aspire to as a society. Maybe, but I have no interest in being part of "The Middle Class" (although I admit it's an easier road in life). At least the poor have a pot of gold at the end of the tunnel. The pot of gold for The Middle Class is behind an HD TV screen.

And, of course, the poor in this country aspire to be middle class. They buy into The Middle Class even more than The Middle Class does. That's unfortunate.

Edited by Era Might
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[quote name='Don John of Austria' timestamp='1305396419' post='2241415']
No the government does not give life, they have aresponsability to make sure all havea chance at life, not to make sure everyone stays alive... Are you arguing we should have government funded organ transplants, howabout laws regulating what you eat, when you drive, exactly how many drinks you can have, or all the other things that might "keep you alive".

That sounds like slavery to me.

your going off in a different direction. does the government have a responsibility to all its citizens to provide them with a chance for life? does the government have a responsibility to someone who is born with some medical problem and requires a ventilator to continue breathing? does the government have a responsibility to this person to provide for them something they can't provide for themselfs or should the government just let the person/child die?

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[quote name='Mr.CatholicCat' timestamp='1305397707' post='2241435']
Dear Glen Beck, just because someone subscribes to an idea, doesn't mean they subscribe to every possible ramification of that idea, nor does it mean that their responsible for every conceivable negative consequence of an idea. But we were discussing economics, not morals, not that it's important.

I am going to take my leave from this discussion, I tire of the lack of sincerity. I apologize and please pardon me.
You mean you didn't understand the ramifications of your idea and instead of thinking of them when challenged chose to insult me.

Glenn Beck is a Statist. Admittedly, less of one than you, but since you have possibly even less grasp of what he says than you have of pragmatism in either its philosophical or political form, I don't expect you to know that.

PS: I know you read this.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1305397579' post='2241433']
completely different things. you never answered my question. does the government have the responsibility to its citizens to provide them with a chance for life and how do they do that for someone who would die without assistance to live?
They are not completely different. They are human rights. And I did answer.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1305398009' post='2241443']You mean you didn't understand the ramifications of your idea and instead of thinking of them when challenged chose to insult me.[/quote]Wouldn't arresting a drug dealer have the same desired effect, with less effort, seems more pragmatic to me. So no... you didn't challenge me.[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1305398009' post='2241443']Glenn Beck is a Statist. Admittedly, less of one than you, but since you have possibly even less grasp of what he says than you have of pragmatism in either its philosophical or political form, I don't expect you to know that.[/quote]This of course isn't insulting.[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1305398009' post='2241443']PS: I know you read this.[/quote]I'm glad we are off topic, but I am leaving this topic, there is no amount of horseplay that can attract me back to the topic.

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