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Visiting Kirk Edge Carmel Today


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Well, its 5am and I will soon be setting off to visit Kirk Edge this weekend. Im feeling quite nervous but also looking forward to seeing a very different type of Carmel to Quidenham - I think its possibly as different as you can get within the UK Carmels! Please keep me in your prayers while I continue my discernment and listen to God as he talks to me about my future.

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Wow, are the nerves kicking in yet? Anytime I would go off to a convent, my stomach would have butterflies--mostly because of the excitement of being with Sisters. I hope you have a wonderful time and that you understand God's will when you are there. :)

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Well Im about an hour away now and yes Im nervous! Im very much looking forward to being there, but as always there is that fear of the unknown. All I can think about at the moment is Carmel and my desire to return, but I know any decisions must come from discernment not despairation.

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Prayers for you. May the Lord guide you and may you continue to be open to His Holy will.

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You will have to read this after your return but be assured of my prayers as you seek God and His will. Well His will anyway, seeking Him is easy because He dwells within in the cell of your heart so that part is easy to find, sort of.

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Many prayers!!! ***[i]scribbles into the queue of the prayer list....[/i]***[i] [/i]

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