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I have been vegetarian since age 9 (22 years) and while I was at Quidenham they catered for me. Now I am looking to enter again elsewhere I am really torn between my morals and belief that it is wrong to eat God's creatures, and feeling that I ought to just accept what I am given, especially now I cannot have dairy. What should I do?

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Santa Cruz

[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1305184138' post='2240414']
I have been vegetarian since age 9 (22 years) and while I was at Quidenham they catered for me. Now I am looking to enter again elsewhere I am really torn between my morals and belief that it is wrong to eat God's creatures, and feeling that I ought to just accept what I am given, especially now I cannot have dairy. What should I do?

I don't want to tell you either way what I believe is a personal decision. From the age of 18 I was a vegetarian and even a vegan after learning of the horrible meat industry in the United States...After a couple of years though I changed a bit in that I would eat whatever was served to me and would avoid meat whenever I had the option or was purchasing food for my own consumption. I made this personal decision based upon Luke 10:8, 1 Corinthians 9:14, and 1 Corinthians 10:27.

Your being vegetarian from age 9 though is a bit different than my decision at age 18. Have you had meat at all? I wonder about your ability to digest? If you do decide to eat meat you may want to start slow to give your body a chance to build up those enzymes and relearn how to digest protein from an animal.

Keep us posted! :)

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You could look into orders that have their own free range farm. They will probably be more progressive, and may not wear habits. That would take care of not wanting to participate in the US butchering industry.

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Another thing to keep in mind - do you not take a vow of obedience? I would talk to the Sister in Charge and do as she says. (I did not vote.)

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Yes, the digestion thing is a bit of a worry for me as I have had no meat and no fish in that time. As I am planning to return to Carmel it is most likely I will not need to eat meat (one community I am considering do but there may be the option to 'opt out', I'd need to check) but they do eat fish. As I mentioned, it wasn't an issue at all at Quidenham - we were such a big community that there were all sorts of dietry needs and leftovers would be saved as 'specials'. Also, as I cooked most days, it didn't stand out that I was having specials - the cooks tended to end up with all sorts of strange leftovers that we didn't feel we could give to the rest of the community!:burger: I wouldn't feel so bad about it now if I had not been diagnosed as dairy intolerant, but I am and I know this is a pain for the cooks wherever I go, plus I cannot go within 6foot of celery without ending up in hospital, so I feel I need to do my utmost to cause as little disruption as possible. I think that, whenever I do find the right community I might be best to mention that I have been veggie but am willing to give it up, and ask for patience while I get my body used to it again, hopefully they will see I am willing to adapt and accept it may take my body a little time.

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1305214810' post='2240480']
I think that, whenever I do find the right community I might be best to mention that I have been veggie but am willing to give it up, and ask for patience while I get my body used to it again, hopefully they will see I am willing to adapt and accept it may take my body a little time.

Personally, I think that's a great way to go :like: Most communities are certainly willing to deal with any particular Sisters' dietary [i]needs, [/i](I think you'd be hard pressed to find a community without a Sister who had [i]some[/i] kind of food allergy, intolerance, etc!) and if they don't consider your vegetarianism a need or won't cater to it, then your willingness to give it up shows the degree of your religious obedience. :)

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[quote name='Luigi' timestamp='1305227741' post='2240577']
Join an order that's vegetarian itself - such as the Trappistines.
But I believe they are lacto-ovo vegetarian, not vegan. I don't know of any order that is vegan.

I think faithcecelia has the right attitude. Just be honest and up front with the communities you are considering and start re-introducing these foods back into your diet now because as you inidicated it will take time for your body to adjust. However, if it is truly God's will for your life that you become a Carmelite, then He will remove any obstacles, even dietary ones. I hope my other post (on the other thread) was not too harsh. It may have come across that way and that was not my intention.

In Christ,

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[quote name='ACS67' timestamp='1305228428' post='2240580']
But I believe they are lacto-ovo vegetarian, not vegan. I don't know of any order that is vegan.

I think faithcecelia has the right attitude. Just be honest and up front with the communities you are considering and start re-introducing these foods back into your diet now because as you inidicated it will take time for your body to adjust. However, if it is truly God's will for your life that you become a Carmelite, then He will remove any obstacles, even dietary ones. I hope my other post (on the other thread) was not too harsh. It may have come across that way and that was not my intention.

In Christ,

I am not looking to be vegan, I gave that up without hesitation when I entered Carmel, but was allowed to remain properly veggie rather than Carmelite veggie (ie pescatarian). Unfortunately I became quite ill and lost masses of weight, which was suspected by my NM to be psychological/an ED, but has turned out to be lactose intolerance.

Maybe I need to found a new strand of Carmel that is completely vegan and lives from nature as far as possible - nettle soup and dandilion tea anyone??:hehe2:

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