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Moral Dilema



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I like the Rule of Benedict's approach on this one. There should be two cooked dishes at every meal -- that way if you have a problem with one, you can just have the other. No problem.

But if you can't deal with EITHER, then you're being too picky. Deal.

Of course, you're Carmelite so the Rule of Benedict doesn't help.

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1317126924' post='2310930']
This is an old one!!

Carmelites traditionally abstain from meat but eat fish. To me, it is as ethically wrong to eat fish as to eat meat. However the conclusion we have come to (should things go to plan here at NH) is that I will eat fish, but they will accept I am having to work at it (why does fish have to taste so fishy?????) and will not be scolded for leaving some. SrMJ also told me that, due to the increasing cost of fish and the problems of overfishing (esp in the UK) that they very occasionally have chicken, and that that is absolutely optional, no sister is obliged to eat it. I have to admit though, that as far as taste goes, I'd take chicken over fish any day!

Oh my....I have had fish that tastes more like...chicken & have had chicken that tastes...not like chicken! You can cook fish in milk & it gets rid of much of the fishiness. Maybe you could focus on only eating chicken when they have it?

[quote name='TeresaBenedicta' timestamp='1317140693' post='2311029']
Funny- I'm currently eating leftover "sardine" tamales for lunch. I can't stand fish. But, I find it a nice opportunity for an act of penance. I offer it up for a priest friend of mine each time I have to eat fish.

Some of the sisters have special diets, and so they have special meals at times. I think the general attitude is "eat what you're given," but if there's a major problem (like gag reflexes that can't be helped!), you don't have to eat it.

Sardine tamales...now there's a new one! Definitely penance!

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I love tamales!! And I am not a big meat eater either. There is just something about the taste of them that is so good - maybe it's the corn tortilla? I became a vegetarian when I was a Buddhist about a hundred years ago, and when I became a Christian I kept it up until I adopted a child and she wanted meat! :P

I love being vegetarian but use common sense now... if the body needs more protein or if it would inconvenience someone who is cooking for me (such as when I lived with my sister), then I eat meat... but I don't buy it or cook it at home anymore, now that there are no children to worry about.

In a religious community, I tried to eat what they put before me.... Edmonton ate meat and I found it hard but didn't object. I preferred that the other Carmels only ate fish --- I don't mind fish (except shellfish which makes me sick).

Food is a pretty important thing to most people, but I think most communities are aware of this and take individual needs into consideration.

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1317170372' post='2311259']
I love tamales!! And I am not a big meat eater either. There is just something about the taste of them that is so good - maybe it's the corn tortilla? I became a vegetarian when I was a Buddhist about a hundred years ago, and when I became a Christian I kept it up until I adopted a child and she wanted meat! :P

Don't you mean 150 years ago? :P :P :P

Love you my sister in Christ! :)

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[quote name='cmariadiaz' timestamp='1317174157' post='2311290']

Don't you mean 150 years ago? :P :P :P

Love you my sister in Christ! :)

Well, we all lie about our age a little :P

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When I was a postulant I hated apples so as a penance twice a week instead of taking the orange which there were less of I would takethe apple.

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[quote name='DarleneSteinemann' timestamp='1317185464' post='2311462']
When I was a postulant I hated apples so as a penance twice a week instead of taking the orange which there were less of I would takethe apple.

These are the kind of little penances that I liked to do as well - take something I didn't want or deny myself something I loved!

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[quote name='brandelynmarie' timestamp='1317188444' post='2311481']
I think oranges would be my penance...it's a texture thing. :hmmm:

I know what you mean. I love Navel oranges and Clementines, but other oranges have a weird texture and funny taste that I'm not fond of. It's not terrible to eat, but I prefer not to.

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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in the dominican convent, you eat what is given, there may come a day when the pantry is empty and you get nothing...

oh, and an interesting note: a young lady came to visit the convent one day, and was telling all of us during a talking meal how she avoided such and such foods, etc. (she was a strict vegetarian.) Mother overheard her and told her, "If you want to join this community, you eat what is given." In an instant, she became a carnivore! :hehe2: Such is the desire to follow where God leads you...

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Totally Franciscan

When I was in Carmel, we did have meat. Now and then we were served liver. I have a real aversion to the texture of liver, not necessarily the taste. When the liver was passed down the table, I didn't take any and continued to pass the plate. This would have been fine with me and the end of it, except the novice mistress noticed that I did not take the liver and asked me why. The fact that I did not like liver was not the problem, but that I passed on what was given. Soooooo, her suggestion was that from now on, when liver was served, I would be given a hamburger patty instead. However, the shame of having something else prepared for me while the others ate the liver was worse than eating the liver!

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[quote name='Totally Franciscan' timestamp='1317190248' post='2311491']
When I was in Carmel, we did have meat. Now and then we were served liver. I have a real aversion to the texture of liver, not necessarily the taste. When the liver was passed down the table, I didn't take any and continued to pass the plate. This would have been fine with me and the end of it, except the novice mistress noticed that I did not take the liver and asked me why. The fact that I did not like liver was not the problem, but that I passed on what was given. Soooooo, her suggestion was that from now on, when liver was served, I would be given a hamburger patty instead. However, the shame of having something else prepared for me while the others ate the liver was worse than eating the liver!

Its not religious life, but marriage, so I guess it still fits in VS....

When my parents first got married my mother got into a lovely routine cooking my dad's dinners - Sunday roast, stew, sausages, fish on Fridays, liver and bacon once a week, etc etc. Just after their first wedding anniversary my dad finally summed up the courage to tell my mother that he really cannot stomach liver! :hehe2: Its gone down in family history because my dad is the least fussy eater in the world, I think that is literally the only thing I know he doesn't like, bless him!

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