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How Do You Cope?


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What I plan on doing while I'm away at school is study Theology thoroughly (I've chosen it as my major), get very involved in Campus Ministry, have conversations frequently with the Priests and Sisters on campus, participate in retreats, wake up for the Prayer Service every morning, attend Mass every day, attend Adoration every Friday (I pray my class schedule cooperates with this stuff) and don't forget my end goal. God-willing, this time next year, I'll be there. I want to set my entrance date really soon so I can continue my Spiritual Growth. I'd like to spend next Advent and Lent preparing myself for entrance.

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I think it's important to remember that while it's important to prepare spiritually to enter the convent, we should also put that same hunger for a deeper spiritual life into our lives as lay people, too :)

Those sound like wonderful things, FutureSister! I can't stress time in front of the Blessed Sacrament enough. I love to go, and when I have to leave His beautiful presence, my heart absolutely aches :love:

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1307390273' post='2250530']
I think it's important to remember that while it's important to prepare spiritually to enter the convent, we should also put that same hunger for a deeper spiritual life into our lives as lay people, too :)

Those sound like wonderful things, FutureSister! I can't stress time in front of the Blessed Sacrament enough. I love to go, and when I have to leave His beautiful presence, my heart absolutely aches :love:

I'm the same way, I always don't want to leave. They only have it Friday afternoons at my new school but I'm amazed they have it at all.

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[quote name='FutureSister2009' timestamp='1306165328' post='2244878']
I don't think I ever mentioned what ministries I contribute to. I sing in choir, I used to altar serve and I was in our youth group. I wish I could get involved in more though. I've always wanted to teach CCD and RCIA. But since I'm theoretically going away to college in the fall, I can't sign up this year. [/quote]

Your college may have an RCIA or CCD program. As mine is in the city, our catholic center is also a parish for families. Students can help out with CCD and can be involved with RCIA. I really want to, but I can't next semester :sad: . I have a class the night the sponsers meet!

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Divine Mercy 9999

[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1306259517' post='2245410']
:beer: and :pm:

That's just about right. (Add some chocolate and you've got a winner.)

Adoration really helps. I really have no idea where God wants me. I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that He wants me to trust Him with each day. Waiting is soooo hard for me.

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Ephrem Augustine

The church trains us to wait at least three times a year.

its in our BLOOD

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