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For Those Who Are Waiting...


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"However, there are many different ways of waiting. If time is not filled by a present endowed with meaning, expectation risks becoming unbearable; if one expects something but at the given moment there is nothing (in other words, if the present remains empty), every instant that passes appears extremely long and waiting becomes too heavy a burden because the future remains completely uncertain. On the other hand, when time is endowed with meaning and at every instant we perceive something specific and worthwhile, it is then that the joy of expectation makes the present more precious. Dear brothers and sisters, let us experience intensely the present in which we already receive the gifts of the Lord, let us live it focused on the future, a future charged with hope." -Pope Benedict XVI

God has a plan for you [i]right now[/i]. There is a reason that He has you where you are [i]right now[/i]. I know that waiting is hard; trust me, I know! But the waiting is more than bearable when you embrace the meaning that fills the present. Abandon yourself to God's will for you-- not just in the future, but right now. Cultivate that habit of abandonment [i]now[/i] and it will always be there in the future.

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Thank you. :love: I'm probably using this quote for a blogpost tonight

Edited to fix typos

Edited by MargaretTeresa
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Thank you, I needed this. I've been feeling a really strong pull toward consecrated virginity for a while now, and I realized yesterday that I'm only halfway old enough- the age considered "normal" is 30. I'm 15.

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I am definitely learning this every day and I am striving to truly experience the present.

Thanks for sharing TB!!

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I needed this, too! Thanks, TB!

May all of us take this time to be drawn even closer into the heart of Jesus.

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[quote name='Wikitiki' timestamp='1305074042' post='2239874']
Thank you, I needed this. I've been feeling a really strong pull toward consecrated virginity for a while now, and I realized yesterday that I'm only halfway old enough- the age considered "normal" is 30. I'm 15.

Please, don´t be impatient - I felt called to consecrated virginity when I was 16. And was able to finally receive the consecration when I was 28 (I would - because of the long time for preparation - have been able to receive the consecration earlier, but had to chance my diocese a few times because of my job - so the bishops always wanted to get to know me better... ;))...
Now I can really say that it´s not a goal that you reach - but much more: something you are able to life for the rest of your life! And it´s such a gift!
So enjoy the time of waiting - and use it to deepen your relationship!

There is so much time with your beloved!!!
United in HIM -


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[quote name='ksterling' timestamp='1305136020' post='2240131']
I don't look at it as "waiting." Rather I am preparing!


I like that! :like:

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[quote name='SponsaChristi' timestamp='1305141019' post='2240153']

Please, don´t be impatient - I felt called to consecrated virginity when I was 16. And was able to finally receive the consecration when I was 28 (I would - because of the long time for preparation - have been able to receive the consecration earlier, but had to chance my diocese a few times because of my job - so the bishops always wanted to get to know me better... ;))...
Now I can really say that it´s not a goal that you reach - but much more: something you are able to life for the rest of your life! And it´s such a gift!
So enjoy the time of waiting - and use it to deepen your relationship!

There is so much time with your beloved!!!
United in HIM -

Thank you. <3

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This really helps. God hasn't cursed me with having to wait three years, rather he has BLESSED me SOOOOO much by giving me THREE years to prepare. :)

Deo gratias. Tis' what I needed to hear. Benny knows how to use his words.

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