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All-male Priesthood

Lil Red

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[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1304968702' post='2239215']BTW: I am agahst that the Catholic organisation won't let females into the priesthood or be Pope. In my mind this is a form of gender discrimination.[/quote]
well, we're not an 'organization' like any other. :)

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1304968702' post='2239215']
BTW: I am agahst that the Catholic organisation won't let females into the priesthood or be Pope. In my mind this is a form of gender discrimination.
I would be too, if I didn't understand the theological underpinnings of the whole thing.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1304987187' post='2239359']
I would be too, if I didn't understand the theological underpinnings of the whole thing.
I'm starting to learn a tad about it, getting a Catholosism for Dummies lesson at the moment, however my instructor seems to have gone AWOL, maybe she has given up on me thinking I am too dense to learn or possibly she is quite busy at the moment.

It's obviously something that only a Catholic can understand fully, a non Catholic would never agree to it, well maybe a non Catholic man who doesn't like women would agree to it, but I don't think he would understand it.

Question for you:
Do you understand why an all powerfull, all loving, perfect god doesn't want women in the preisthood?

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[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1305015829' post='2239576']
Question for you:
Do you understand why an all powerfull, all loving, perfect god doesn't want women in the preisthood?

This would be better asked in a new thread.

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[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1305015829' post='2239576']
I'm starting to learn a tad about it, getting a Catholosism for Dummies lesson at the moment, however my instructor seems to have gone AWOL, maybe she has given up on me thinking I am too dense to learn or possibly she is quite busy at the moment.

It's obviously something that only a Catholic can understand fully, a non Catholic would never agree to it, well maybe a non Catholic man who doesn't like women would agree to it, but I don't think he would understand it.

[b][u]Question for you:
Do you understand why an all powerfull, all loving, perfect god doesn't want women in the preisthood?

new thread?

Edited by AudreyGrace
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Since I go to school with seminarians, I get questions all the time about how oppressed I feel. Jesus broke every social taboos of his time. Had he wanted to ordain women, he would have. I am not arrogant enough to question Christ about his motives.

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I have my personal opinions on the matter -- but I live and abide by Church teaching therefore its a non-issue.

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1305015829' post='2239576']
I'm starting to learn a tad about it, getting a Catholosism for Dummies lesson at the moment, however my instructor seems to have gone AWOL, maybe she has given up on me thinking I am too dense to learn or possibly she is quite busy at the moment.

It's obviously something that only a Catholic can understand fully, a non Catholic would never agree to it, well maybe a non Catholic man who doesn't like women would agree to it, but I don't think he would understand it.

Question for you:
Do you understand why an all powerfull, all loving, perfect god doesn't want women in the preisthood?

The same reason an all loving all powerful God would forgive David for misuse of power and stealing the Wife of his subjects but destroy Sualfor making peace and showing mercy.

Or that He would demand a blood sacrifice to atone for sin.

God makes decisions, He does not ask us what we think about them, nor if we find them rational.

I can make this whole women preist thing very simple... Christ did not make any women Apostles, the Apostles did not choos to make any women to successor Apostles, nordid they make women Priest. The arguement that women could not have been such in that society is ridiculous, Deborah was ner athousandyears beforeChrist, and there were prophetesess. Anna lived in the Temple itself.

Women were important in the early Church but Christ did not give them the Role of Priest or Bishop. He simply didn't and niether did the Apostles, Since theSacrament of Holy Orders was instituted by them, nor was it ever done in the history of the Church. Scripture and Tadition both tell us that the Church soes not have the authority to ordain women.

THis is a theological matter, whereas married priest is a disciplinary matter.

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1305015829' post='2239576']
Question for you:
Do you understand why an all powerfull, all loving, perfect god doesn't want women in the preisthood?
No I do not. I do not understand a lot of the things He does, and I think it would be presumptuous of me to feel like I should be able to.

Edited by USAirwaysIHS
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Don John of Austria

[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1305046507' post='2239673']
No I do not. I do not understand a lot of the things He does, and I think it would be presumptuous of me to feel like I should be able to.

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Since a priest acts in persona Christi, in the person of Christ, and since Jesus was a man I as a woman cannot ever fit or fill that role. God knows best.

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I dont agree that women should be allowed to be preists.

As Don John stated, no apostles were women. Women had and stilll do have their own position within the curch, and it is probably just as important.

God did not create us to understand Him. God is the Alpha and the Omega, He is the Almighty and we [i]cannot[/i] understand Him. It just isnt possible.

And I dont dont think that preists should be able to get married either.(but that's another topic)

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Another question....

When God became a human being, why was Jesus male and not female? I mean, obviously he had to be one or the other, and apparently....God has a Son, not a Daughter.

Doesn't mean I can't be a daughter of God, so it all works out in the end. :)

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It has to do with the nature of marriage and the symbolism that God used to reveal Himself to us. All things in creation reveal truths about God; the way that God designed us and told us to live reveals more about Him than most things.

We, the baptized, are members of the Church, the Bride of Christ. When we receive communion (the Body of Christ) within us, we take the role of His bride and He enters into us creating life that was previously not there. The priest acts in persona Christi in that instance, so he is giving us the gift of His life. It would be inappropriate to have a woman acting as a man, just as it would be inappropriate for a man to act as a mother.

Clearly there's more to this, but I need to get some work done.

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