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U.s. Religious Knowledge Survey


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I'm new to this forum, this doesn't really seem the right place to post this as its not really a debate, but I noticed a similar type of topic with regards to respective IQs. Sorry if it has already been posted on this forum, I did a search but couldn't find it. It was a bit of an eye opener to me, read into it what you will, I'm just posting because I thought it was surprising.

[b][url="http://pewforum.org/Other-Beliefs-and-Practices/U-S-Religious-Knowledge-Survey.aspx"]U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey[/url]
Atheists and agnostics, Jews and Mormons are among the highest-scoring groups on a new survey of religious knowledge

Edited by stevil
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Ed Normile

I just took the quiz at the link and scored 14 out of 15, that was easy and shocking that so many people got it wrong. Then again if you take into consideration that according to election results this country, America, is fairly evenly divided between conservatives and liberals, it makes more sense considering that liberals do not research nearly anything, they accept things emotionally, that is to say whatever sounds good to them has to be true. How else can you explain these people thinking that the U.S. constitution says anything about seperation of church and state, when its easily readable at any library or online. How else would you explain the election of a politician to the highest office in the land, who has had no experience, never held a real job, and all because he promised hope and change? If sounded good so it had to be true.


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I just took the quiz - 15 out of 15 right, but I admit I guessed on the last one.

It wasn't anything like tough - not even challenging. No Dark Age saints, no papal encyclicals, no essay questions.

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14/15 here, too. (That last one... I had no clue, except the one familiar name I knew wasn't right. So 50/50 chance on it.) Looks like that was the hardest question for people who took the survey, only 11% got it right.

I found it interesting that the questions most people got correct were about Mother Teresa's religion, and whether prayer was allowed in schools.

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Vincent Vega

For the record and right up front, I'd just like to say that as a general rule, I would not consider "most" Catholics to be "educated" Catholics.

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15/15, have to credit last answer to my cousin's Protestant minister husband who whenever we discuss religion, never seems to think there was Christianity in America before the Great Awakening.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1304796357' post='2238464']
For the record and right up front, I'd just like to say that as a general rule, I would not consider "most" Catholics to be "educated" Catholics.


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i would also like to point out this is knowledge about ALL religions and not just the religion you are a part of. so to me, this quiz means nothing. i would like to see how much a person knows about THEIR religion. i study catholism and protestantim. i don't even bother studying hinduism or buddism. to me, a more meaningful survey is what each person knows about their own religion.

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I took this quiz when it first came out. I've been very fortunate to have a lot of religious education, however. (and despite going to a public school)

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I scored a 14/15.
I've always been a big supporter of a mandatory World Religions class in high school. I think it's necessary that students are educated in the fact that there is a respectable and spiritually active world out there, and we're living in it.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1304819996' post='2238547']
i would also like to point out this is knowledge about ALL religions and not just the religion you are a part of. so to me, this quiz means nothing. i would like to see how much a person knows about THEIR religion. i study catholism and protestantim. i don't even bother studying hinduism or buddism. to me, a more meaningful survey is what each person knows about their own religion.
I don't know... I think it's important to at least consider the basis of other religious beliefs. Do you actually [i]believe[/i] in your own religion if the only reason you follow it is that you have never known anything else?

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[quote name='philothea' timestamp='1304835686' post='2238641']
I don't know... I think it's important to at least consider the basis of other religious beliefs. Do you actually [i]believe[/i] in your own religion if the only reason you follow it is that you have never known anything else?

a basic knowledge of other religions beliefs is good. although for me once i found out what the basics beliefs of hinduism,buddism,islam were about, i didn't bother learning more since they are the wrong religion.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1304820942' post='2238553']
I met Protestan Tim once. Nice guy.

eh, i thought the man was quite delusional. for some reason he kept trying to tell me he was born before he ever existed.

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15 out of 15. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/clap2.gif[/img] Then again, i'm really interested in both my own religion (Catholocism) and religion's in general

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