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Daughters Of St. Paul


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[quote name='Tally Marx' timestamp='1304682810' post='2237899']
I was discerning with the Daughters of Saint Paul, and I liked them very much (ESPECIALLY their apostolate) but I just didn't feel that it was what God wanted for me.
Sooo.... Yeah, I suppose it is just you and [b][u]Krissy[/u][/b]!
As for school, I'd listen to Sister MM.

Bahahaha...She always says shes this[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/amen.gif[/img], not this [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/nunpray.gif[/img]

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1304547971' post='2237150']
I hope to skype with Sr. MM soon. Question: is it ok to read the book she sent me on Eucharistic Adoration that has prayers in it while at Adoration?


My spiritual director informed that people shouldn't do regular reading in Chapel because it ignores Jesus. Rather, like St. Teresa of Avila, you can bring pictures or a spiritual book, and read over a sentence or short paragraph, and just meditate on it, prayer over it, contemplate it, talk to Jesus about it, etc. It's meant to be a helper to prayer time with Jesus, not a regular reading time.

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[quote][size="2"]Our living and working together bring great strength to the mission. Sisters with gifts and training in art, writing, design, editing, music, photography, public speaking, audio recording, administration, production and diffusion, work together, alongside the laity, in a many-faceted mission with the common goal of proclaiming Christ and his gift of salvation.[/quote]

Wow! I really like that. If things don't work out with the SsEW, I might look into these Sisters. Does anyone know how they are about people with health conditions on medicine, especially for mental health?[/size]

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A degree in journalism will be helpful with the Daughters of St. Paul. More then likely if they accepted you tomorrow, they would still have you finish your degree at some point, so you might as well get it finished and be able to use the knowledge right away. Look at this final year of college as your first year accepting your Vocation and vows of obedience, offer it up, and learn as much as you can so you can bring that knowledge into the order and their media-based mission. Journalism = telling us about the news. FSP = telling us about the Good news.

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1304547971' post='2237150']
Question: is it ok to read the book she sent me on Eucharistic Adoration that has prayers in it while at Adoration?


I'll bet a cookie that is EXACTLY what it was written for!

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[quote name='JoyfulLife' timestamp='1304697444' post='2237959']
Wow! I really like that. If things don't work out with the SsEW, I might look into these Sisters. Does anyone know how they are about people with health conditions on medicine, especially for mental health?[/size]

I don't know.

But you might be interested in Sister Kathryn's book.


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They used to have a bookstore near me.

It was great! When I was little, my friends and I would go at Christmas and get our pictures taken as members of the Nativity Scene. So much fun.

The store closed about three years ago? I'm not sure. But I'm still a bit sad. There's one near where I"m moving, so I'll have a Catholic resource store again!!!


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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1304604548' post='2237493']
Hardy har har Lady limoncita. [/quote]

WHO R U CALLING LADY LIMONCITA? thats not my name lol

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I just added Sr. Susan on Facebook and I'm tempted to go through her friends and add all the Sisters!

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Oh! I wonder if Sr MM has Facebook... I don't want to make it overly obvious that I'm discerning. I don't want or need my parents finding out at this point. :hehe:

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