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Nun Run To St. Louis


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That's how you have to run. In case you didn't know.

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Ok, question... It shows that the Missionaries of Charity are in the St. Louis Archdiocese. Does anyone have contact info for them?

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1304463282' post='2236575']
Ok, question... It shows that the Missionaries of Charity are in the St. Louis Archdiocese. Does anyone have contact info for them?

You could probably call the Sisters in NYC and ask - 718-292-0019.

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When I was in St Louis, the [b][url="http://www.altonfranciscans.org/"][b]Sisters of St Francis of the Martyr St George[/b][/url] [/b]were the housekeepers for the Archbishop. They used to attend Mass at the Cathedral, and I had occasion to chat with some of them afterwards - they seem lovely. The
order's mother house is in Germany and the American provincial mother house is in Alton, Illinois, with convents in the Diocese of La Crosse, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, the Archdiocese of St. Louis, the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, and others.

Since they do have a convent in St Louis, they might agree to meet with you if you contact their American motherhouse about it.

According to Wikipedia...

The charism of this congregation is "To make the merciful love of Christ visible". The Sisters live this out in an intense spiritual life, grounded in the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a committed common life and an active apostolate. The sisters serve in health care, education, domestic service, and [u]care for prelates and priests[/u].

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The Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, MI have a mission convent in St. Louis. I don't know what their contact information is in that diocese, but you could probably call the convent in Alma and ask them to direct you:


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  • 2 weeks later...

The Little Sisters of the Poor are near the Arch. I'm transferring there tomorrow morning. Prayers, please, and we'll see you in St. Louis!

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Everytime I see this thread....

[i]Meet me in St Louie, Louie, meet me at the fair....[/i]

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  • 2 months later...

Nun run update! We are probably going to have 6-7 women going on our nun run!!!!!!! And, if we were to find another van, I think a few more might want to go. Which is amazing, considering I didn't know anyone else who was discerning; totally serious, it had to be the Holy Spirit at work for me to ask the right people.

We are probably attempting to visit far too many communities for such a short time... but they all sounded soooo good!

[b]Things on the list to do[/b]:
Adoration with the Pink Sisters
Visit the Basilica/Cathedral
Prayer/Apostolate touring of various communities- cloistered and active
Spend the feast day of Blessed Mother Teresa with the Missionaries of Charity!!! And probably helping to serve lunch at their soup kitchen :)

And a brief "student brother sprint" to see the Central Province Dominicans!

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Please give yourselves enough time to do all that without losing your breath and having your memories be a blur!

P.S. When shall we look for you?

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[quote name='littlesister' timestamp='1311023657' post='2269629']
Please give yourselves enough time to do all that without losing your breath and having your memories be a blur!

P.S. When shall we look for you?

Sister- we are going to try! It will be quite the experience :) As you have a home in Indy, we aren't going to see you in St. Louis. But hopefully some of our discerning women will go down there this year!

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