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My Visit To Carmel


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[b]"I will lead her into the desert and speak to her heart." Hosea 2:16 [/b]
My Lord, He did speak to my heart when I walked into the desert of Carmel. As I walked in front of the Monastery of Mary, Mother of Grace I didn't expect much. Just some more Carmelites. I saw one sister outside. I didn't think she was an extern, just thought this Monastery observed what I like to call "loose enclosure". Since I was early I asked the sister if the chapel was open for prayer. She says, "Oh yes. Walk right on in." I prayed a decade of the DVMChaplet. Then walked to the gift shop and asked this woman sitting there where I was to meet the sisters. She was blonde, older, and she was wearing a nice blazer with a red turtle neck.
"What's yourr name?"
"Oh, uh...Dylana. My name is Dylana."
She walks into a hallway where she picks up a phone.
"Yes, sister. A Sr.Dylana is here to see you."
When she said Sr.Dylana I almost jumped through the roof. I am not even a postulant OR in community and somehow she thought I was a religious. I laughed it off, and quickly another sister arrived. She introduced herself as Sr.Mary Ame? I couldn't hear it well. But I just smiled and followed her down a dark hallway into the...grille parlor??

I had been thinking that this was a loose enclosure community, but in fact those were two extern sisters and this was a STRICT papal enclosure community. Though their habit was minorly updated, their enclosure was not. This I fancy very much. They are the TRUE SPIRIT OF VATICAN II. This is them: [url="http://www.lafayettecarmelites.org/"][color="#cc3300"]http://www.lafayettecarmelites.org/[/color][/url]

The curtain behind the grille rolled away to reveal a short little Carmelite, Sr.John Mary.
She is a beautiful, shining example for all cloistered religious because of her SHEER JOY. Even when I saw her face I was still thinking, "I don't know. There are so many Carmels. This one won't be for me. Anyways I want to go out of the state, and this is only an hour away from my town." Thankfully I kept my heart open. I sat down, asked questions, and conversed with this marvelous nun who loved to talk. She, surprisingly, talked more than I. As our conversation progressed that tug I know so well started to reveal itself. Then as my visit drew to a close she asked me,"Dylana, what has led you to Carmel? What do you expect to find in Carmel?"

[url="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fkI8kVOjJmg/Tbuo4lZ-opI/AAAAAAAAAEk/1uwTuxbOULs/s1600/veiling-day.jpg"][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fkI8kVOjJmg/Tbuo4lZ-opI/AAAAAAAAAEk/1uwTuxbOULs/s400/veiling-day.jpg[/img][/url]"I know this sounds SO cliche but something just is tugging ay my heart. I don't know what it is, but I....I guess I could say that it feels....right. But that just can't describe it. I can't describe it. My heart just feels home."

Folks, I think I have found my home, but I'm going to pray about it. As I pray please pray for me. I will continue to visit. I have 3 years left of high school. I have time to just go visit and pray and find what God wants. Because in the end it comes down to HIS will and HIS will alone. Not mine. HIS.

Venite adoremus.

Sankta Katarina av Vadstena,
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[quote name='the171' timestamp='1304376871' post='2235992']
[b]"I will lead her into the desert and speak to her heart." Hosea 2:16 [/b]
My Lord, He did speak to my heart when I walked into the desert of Carmel. As I walked in front of the Monastery of Mary, Mother of Grace I didn't expect much. Just some more Carmelites. I saw one sister outside. I didn't think she was an extern, just thought this Monastery observed what I like to call "loose enclosure". Since I was early I asked the sister if the chapel was open for prayer. She says, "Oh yes. Walk right on in." I prayed a decade of the DVMChaplet. Then walked to the gift shop and asked this woman sitting there where I was to meet the sisters. She was blonde, older, and she was wearing a nice blazer with a red turtle neck.
"What's yourr name?"
"Oh, uh...Dylana. My name is Dylana."
She walks into a hallway where she picks up a phone.
"Yes, sister. A Sr.Dylana is here to see you."
When she said Sr.Dylana I almost jumped through the roof. I am not even a postulant OR in community and somehow she thought I was a religious. I laughed it off, and quickly another sister arrived. She introduced herself as Sr.Mary Ame? I couldn't hear it well. But I just smiled and followed her down a dark hallway into the...grille parlor??

I had been thinking that this was a loose enclosure community, but in fact those were two extern sisters and this was a STRICT papal enclosure community. Though their habit was minorly updated, their enclosure was not. This I fancy very much. They are the TRUE SPIRIT OF VATICAN II. This is them: [url="http://www.lafayettecarmelites.org/"][color="#cc3300"]http://www.lafayettecarmelites.org/[/color][/url]

The curtain behind the grille rolled away to reveal a short little Carmelite, Sr.John Mary.
She is a beautiful, shining example for all cloistered religious because of her SHEER JOY. Even when I saw her face I was still thinking, "I don't know. There are so many Carmels. This one won't be for me. Anyways I want to go out of the state, and this is only an hour away from my town." Thankfully I kept my heart open. I sat down, asked questions, and conversed with this marvelous nun who loved to talk. She, surprisingly, talked more than I. As our conversation progressed that tug I know so well started to reveal itself. Then as my visit drew to a close she asked me,"Dylana, what has led you to Carmel? What do you expect to find in Carmel?"

[url="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fkI8kVOjJmg/Tbuo4lZ-opI/AAAAAAAAAEk/1uwTuxbOULs/s1600/veiling-day.jpg"][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fkI8kVOjJmg/Tbuo4lZ-opI/AAAAAAAAAEk/1uwTuxbOULs/s400/veiling-day.jpg[/img][/url]"I know this sounds SO cliche but something just is tugging ay my heart. I don't know what it is, but I....I guess I could say that it feels....right. But that just can't describe it. I can't describe it. My heart just feels home."

Folks, I think I have found my home, but I'm going to pray about it. As I pray please pray for me. I will continue to visit. I have 3 years left of high school. I have time to just go visit and pray and find what God wants. Because in the end it comes down to HIS will and HIS will alone. Not mine. HIS.

Venite adoremus.

Sankta Katarina av Vadstena,

PS- she said i might have a vocation

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I'm so happy for you! The tugging at the heart - exactly what I felt when talking to Sr MM of the FSP. To find a place where your love for Jesus can be exploited to it's fullest potential... :cloud9:

I will be praying for you!

Pax and God bless

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[quote name='HopefulBride' timestamp='1304380218' post='2236018']
Where is this picture from? The chapel looks beautiful


its from a traditional community, cant remember what.

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Tally Marx

[quote name='the171' timestamp='1304376871' post='2235992']
[url="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fkI8kVOjJmg/Tbuo4lZ-opI/AAAAAAAAAEk/1uwTuxbOULs/s1600/veiling-day.jpg"][/url]Folks, I think I have found my home, but I'm going to pray about it. [/quote]

I will be praying for you!
I'm not Carmelite and have never felt drawn there, but I am very fond of this community for many reasons. I have known it long and it is always so peaceful there, and beautiful, and the Sisters and aspirants are just so happy.....

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[quote name='Tally Marx' timestamp='1304388008' post='2236087']
I will be praying for you!
I'm not Carmelite and have never felt drawn there, but I am very fond of this community for many reasons. I have known it long and it is always so peaceful there, and beautiful, and the Sisters and aspirants are just so happy.....


Do you know Sr. John Mary? :) And yes, I only met the externs and Sr. John Mary but their joy just filled me. The joy they had, I wanted. :) I can't believe God's calling me to the heart of the Church, Carmel. Thank you for your prayers. :) I pray that I will enter after graduation in three years. :)

+Venite adoremus, Dominum+

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I'd love to visit Carmelites, but I know I'm not called there. I'd just like to try out the experience

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[quote name='FutureSister2009' timestamp='1304445083' post='2236389']
I'd love to visit Carmelites, but I know I'm not called there. I'd just like to try out the experience

You ought to try out one of the retreats hosted by the Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus in St. Louis, MO. They have both a vocation retreat and a holiness retreat. I've been to one of the vocation retreats and, while I didn't participate in all of it because I was sick, what I did participate in was really great. It helped me continue my discernment.


Sr. Mary Joseph is their Provincial Superior. I think Sr. Mary Michael is acting as the vocation mistress even though they don't have someone permanently assigned to that role (they don't even call her that). The Sisters there are very sweet and you get to do a lot! They take you on tours of their elderly home and the daycare. You also participate in the Rosary, Divine Office, and the Mass each day. Recreation is a blast. One night, we had supper in the private garden which the Sisters are usually only allowed in. It was a Mexican night and was the only night that the Sisters ate with the retreatants. The other times they ate in the refectory and the retreatants ate in a little room attached to the elderly home's dining room, so we got to talk with the residents while we were waiting for our dinner to be served. It was a nice experience and I wished I could have participated in more. I've often thought about going back, but my friend who entered there recently left so I don't think I'll be going back anytime soon because I was planning to go to see her. I'm saving up my money to go to Alabama instead. ;)

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Tally Marx

[quote name='the171' timestamp='1304392631' post='2236162']

Do you know Sr. John Mary? :) And yes, I only met the externs and Sr. John Mary but their joy just filled me. The joy they had, I wanted. :) I can't believe God's calling me to the heart of the Church, Carmel. Thank you for your prayers. :) I pray that I will enter after graduation in three years. :)

+Venite adoremus, Dominum+

No, I actually do not know Sister John Mary.
Is Sister Amie still an extern (it's been a while since I have been able to visit... :( )?

Edited by Tally Marx
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[quote name='Tally Marx' timestamp='1304446837' post='2236411']
No, I actually do not know Sister John Mary.
Is Sister Amie still an extern (it's been a while since I have been able to visit... :( )?

still an extern

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I love when it's traditional and faithful to the 1990 constitutions.

Look at this video
(nice habit!)
It's a community in Spain.

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[quote name='Studiumecclesiae' timestamp='1304527330' post='2236881']
I love when it's traditional and faithful to the 1990 constitutions.

Look at this video
(nice habit!)
It's a community in Spain.

i havent even watched the video yet, but let me guess. the happy singing poor clares? :)

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[quote name='the171' timestamp='1304554561' post='2237221']
i havent even watched the video yet, but let me guess. the happy singing poor clares? :)

No it's not, it's Carmel :)

But... I love what I've seen of Iesu Communio (who were the happy singing poor clares) :love:

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The Carmelita's in Chile are also a very traditional and beautiful order. Los Andes is where they are. :D

Edited by InPersonaChriste
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