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Religiosity And Intellgence Quotiants


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Vincent Vega

[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1304460826' post='2236538'][img]http://static.thehollywoodgossip.com/images/gallery/flamboyant-singer.jpg[/img][/color][/size]
You had better call the American Picker guys, because it seems as though your singing partner has acquired much junk and is presently storing it in her trunk.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1304460546' post='2236534']
Libertarian heroes have Socrates.

For breakfast.


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This data can be interpreted in a number of ways. There may be a correlation between people endowed with a great intellectual capacity and pride, or simply an "I'm doing things my way" attitude. Such characteristics make religioun a real stumbling block, since one must ultimately accept the reality of our intellectual limitation, and accept the existence of a higher authority than ourselves. Remember what our Lord said, "How hard is it for the rich to make it to heaven!" This includes those rich with intelligence, beauty, wealth, etc. It's for this reason poverty can be a great blessing in the spiritual order.

[i][b]“I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children."[/b][/i]

Edited by mortify
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[quote name='Maximilianus' timestamp='1304402341' post='2236246']
I were so smart that I got into college without taking the SAT or the ACT...and I took an IQ test on the internets and it said I were a genius.

Some colleges accept credit scores in place of ACT/SAT scores. Or the credit core trumps the ACT/SAT score. A good recruiter can smell a Gold Visa card in the pocket of either the applicant or a parent.

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[quote name='mortify' timestamp='1304516065' post='2236793']
This data can be interpreted in a number of ways. There may be a correlation between people endowed with a great intellectual capacity and pride, or simply an "I'm doing things my way" attitude. Such characteristics make religioun a real stumbling block, since one must ultimately accept the reality of our intellectual limitation, and accept the existence of a higher authority than ourselves. Remember what our Lord said, "How hard is it for the rich to make it to heaven!" This includes those rich with intelligence, beauty, wealth, etc. It's for this reason poverty can be a great blessing in the spiritual order.

[i][b]“I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children."[/b][/i]

I was going to jump to the end of the thread and post something like this, but you did a better job than I would've :like:

This is what it comes down to in the end. We will be judged on love, not our IQ.

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[quote name='Luigi' timestamp='1304517000' post='2236795']
Some colleges accept credit scores in place of ACT/SAT scores. Or the credit core trumps the ACT/SAT score. A good recruiter can smell a Gold Visa card in the pocket of either the applicant or a parent.

It it had to be my awesom internet IQ score...only I don't know how the school knew how genius I was since I took that IQ test after I graduated and I never submitted the score becaue I had to pay money and join some group.

Edited by Maximilianus
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I can't believe people still do IQ tests! :blink:

It is considered one of the worst ways to determine intelligence by many in the scientific community, especially in re: to people with learning disabilities - because all IQ tests do is determine how logical you are. No IQ test in the world would ask you to draw something, determine someone's emotional state through voice or body language, ask how well you know yourself and your limits - and many other things intelligent people can do that is not based upon logic, but your right brain.

However, I think there should be a different study, what is the percentage of people who are more right-brained - i.e. creative - or balanced brained people believe in God or not?

Edited by MarkKurallSchuenemann
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[quote name='Maximilianus' timestamp='1304539500' post='2237026']
It it had to be my awesom internet IQ score...only I don't know how the school knew how genius I was since I took that IQ test after I graduated and I never submitted the score becaue I had to pay money and join some group.


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Hmmmm . . . would it be possible to create a test that has a number of political figures making statements, then test the credulity of the test taker, then compare that to their IQ and their religiosity? I think with all of that together, you *might* be able to isolate a few variables.

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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1304458537' post='2236521']
It is true. The only reason he passed his Latin exam was because it was a passage he had memorized. The Lord works in mysterious ways.


Jean Marie may have had dyslexia. He probably didn't have ADD or ADHD in light of his future career. ;) Dyslexic people are often very bright. My brother was dyxlexic and not discovered as such until he was in college, when a very perceptive chem assistant noticed that he had difficulty in sequencing chemical formulae. My bro had had no difficulty in physics. The chem assistant work around this and my bro was able to pass chem, thanks to him. This was in the 1950's.

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I think it all depends on [i]why[/i] one has a religious belief. Many intelligent people have religious beliefs for reasons having nothing to do with their intelligence. Someone may have grown up in a religious home, and retains their family's beliefs without thinking about it. Someone else may have mystical experiences not associated with education, background or IQ tests. Someone else may choose to believe because otherwise she/he would have to believe in a cold, impersonal universe. But many intelligent people put considerable value on rational thinking and logic. Educated people, especially scientists, like to have [i]evidence[/i] in something as important as religious belief. I have read that most scientists are atheists--I don't know what kind ( physicists? sociologists? ). Most theologians agree that the existence of God can't be proved. But people working as scientists sifting evidence might have a hard time with dogmatic religion.

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[quote name='jkaands' timestamp='1304627428' post='2237623']
I think it all depends on [i]why[/i] one has a religious belief. Many intelligent people have religious beliefs for reasons having nothing to do with their intelligence.
Many intelligent people hold religious beliefs for reasons having much to do with their intelligence, including a number whose reason led them to turn from atheism or irreligion to Christian Faith.

Faith and reason are allies, not enemies.
It is very reasonable to believe the universe had a Creator who is an Uncaused Cause and Pure Act, rather than the universe bringing itself into being.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1304464790' post='2236587']
Kolbe won this on the first page. Why isn't it locked?

[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1304476319' post='2236695']
For breakfast.

Well played, sir.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1304634269' post='2237688']
Many intelligent people hold religious beliefs for reasons having much to do with their intelligence, including a number whose reason led them to turn from atheism or irreligion to Christian Faith.

Faith and reason are allies, not enemies.
It is very reasonable to believe the universe had a Creator who is an Uncaused Cause and Pure Act, rather than the universe bringing itself into being.

true, but it's a long way from First Cause to Faustina's diaries. And to Christianity. I suspect there are a lot of First Causers out there who have no truck with established religion.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1304634344' post='2237689']

Well played, sir.

You forgot to acknowledge my inuendo. It was super clever.

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