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Religiosity And Intellgence Quotiants


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why is it a bad thing if there are 'stupider' people who believe in God?

Jesus said we must be like little children to enter the kingdom....usually kids aren't known for their smarts. :idontknow:

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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1304377799' post='2236006']
If that wasn't outright intended to be insulting, then you demonstrated a severe lack of prudence. You've got a bit of nerve to tell him "don't attack me again" after making a statement like that.

well, considering the title of this thread is spelled incorrectly.... :|

in all honesty, i'm just joking, but i did think it a little humorous that a thread about intelligence was not spelled correctly. :hehe:

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1304382895' post='2236029']
I must say though, in a thread about intelligence, i found it quite hilarious to see the number of spelling mistakes in the Title and original post. funny stuff.
didn't see your post before i posted. great minds and all that jazz ;)

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' timestamp='1304383896' post='2236037']
I assume the title is a joke but just in case:

Religiosity And [s]Intellgence[/s] [s]Quotiants[/s] Damned [s]Stasitics[/s]
Religiosity and Intelligence Quotients, Damned Statistics

Get a brain morans.
i :love: you. :blowkiss:

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1304389291' post='2236103']well, considering the title of this thread is spelled incorrectly.... :|

in all honesty, i'm just joking, but i did think it a little humorous that a thread about intelligence was not spelled correctly. :hehe:[/quote]Why must you mock me for my typos? But this is the glorious defense of religion, personal attacks and strawmen.

Edited by Mr.CatholicCat
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[quote name='Mr.CatholicCat' timestamp='1304389828' post='2236114']
Why must you mock me for my typos? But this is the glorious defense of religion, personal attacks and strawmen.
:blink: i'm not mocking. just poking a little fun. :( i did not mean to be mocking, so if you took it that way, perhaps you should take a look at that chip on your shoulder? in other words, perhaps try to see the good intent instead of evil intent everywhere you look.

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1304389134' post='2236100']
...usually kids aren't known for their smarts. :idontknow:
Wait, wait...you mean that when someone says I'm just a big kid they're really calli....bah

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[quote name='Maximilianus' timestamp='1304390060' post='2236118']
Wait, wait...you mean that when someone says I'm just a big kid they're really calli....bah
:console: sorry, dude.

on the upside, perhaps you'll be closer to getting to heaven?! :dance: :angel:

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1304390323' post='2236123']
:console: sorry, dude.

on the upside, perhaps you'll be closer to getting to heaven?! :dance: :angel:

Hopefully, with some fear and trembling

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My conjecture is atheists tend to be more skeptical/legalistic thinkers and for this reason they are better at taking tests.

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Tally Marx

[quote name='Mr.CatholicCat' timestamp='1304365011' post='2235878']
When I studied sociology, a Catholic doctor of sociology said that higher income, social support, education, and intelligence tended yield less religiosity. From my casual experience with religious people... moreover radtrads, fundamentalists, extremists, dogmatists... I do notice this trend.


First, I am not inclined to believe that atheists are more intelligent than Christians or religious, as far as ratio is concerned. I have met atheists who... well, weren't very smart... and I have met atheists who were very intelligent. I have met religious people who aren't very smart, and then again, some of the smartest people I know are religious. I don't really trust people who come out and say that they know the general trend for a large amount of people; today, most anyone can come out with a statistic. It's hard to sift fact from propaganda and the fantasies of biased persons.

[b]Higher Income & social support[/b]- I would suppose that with greater comfort and assurance that said comfort is to continue, there is less to remind us of our need for God. We become content with what we have, distracted by the material items we have gained, and conceited with what is--seemingly--our own ability to handle and eradicate all our problems.

[b]Education and Intelligence[/b]- When we have learned a lot, we tend to to slip into the habit of thinking that we know it all, and admitting that there is something out there that we do not understand and could never understand, that there is something greater than ourselves, is too degrading. Our pride doesn't allow it. The more we learn, and the more intelligent/educated we know ourselves to be, the less likely are we to admit that we are ignorant-- even and especially in the area of philosophy and religion.

Whereas, if we are constantly reminded of our own inadequacy we are more inclined to be humble enough to admit to a Higher Being. And if we aren't used to having all the answers, we will more easily admit that there is Something we don't know.

Edited by Tally Marx
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[quote name='Tally Marx' timestamp='1304390902' post='2236137']

[b]Education and Intelligence[/b]- When we have learned a lot, we tend to to slip into the habit of thinking that we know it all, and admitting that there is something out there that we do not understand and could never understand, that there is something greater than ourselves, is too degrading. Our pride doesn't allow it. The more we learn, and the more intelligent/educated we know ourselves to be, the less likely are we to admit that we are ignorant-- even and especially in the area of philosophy and religion.

This sounds very Franciscan. :hehe:

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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1304392818' post='2236170']

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Nihil Obstat

I read somewhere that Jean Marie Vianney was of rather lower intellectual ability such that he had to try a few times to get into seminary.
However, I only read that once and I honestly cannot be bothered to find out of it's true.

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