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Religiosity And Intellgence Quotiants


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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1304376142' post='2235983']
I didn't see anyone arguing this point.
What point was being argued?

Does this thread even have a point?

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[quote name='Mr.CatholicCat' timestamp='1304377259' post='2235995']
Personally, I find the consistent resentment fascinating. Less religiosity statistically tends to mean higher income, social support, education, and intelligence.
Interestingly, Murray's findings showed the opposite (at least regarding income and social support.)

"Although secularization has long been on the rise, it’s more pronounced in the working class. [b]Among the upper middle class, 42 percent say they either don’t believe in God or don’t go to church. In the working class, it’s 61 percent. In other words, a majority of the upper middle class still has some religious commitment, while a majority of the working class does not.[/b]"

Msgr. Pope's commentary:
[quote]Now this is very paradoxical to some I am sure. I happened to discover the truth of this when I lived among the poor of Southeast Washington for 7 years. I had always thought that the poor were very religious. I think the Scriptures themselves influenced me in this as they warned of riches and indicated God’s loving favor to the poor. But one of the discoveries I made about the very poor was that almost none of them ever went to church! I came to see this as one of the things that contributed to their poverty. For what it indicated was their disconnectedness from others. Churches, among other social functions, serve to knit people together in a socially supportive structure. Having severed themselves from such a community, the poor were even more vulnerable.[/quote]

I'd recommend reading the entire linked article (wish I could find more direct material from Murray himself, as the linked articles consist of commentary from others).

Do you have countering statistics (other than the survey regarding IQ test scores)?

Edited by Socrates
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[quote name='Mr.CatholicCat' timestamp='1304366031' post='2235890']
Why are you turning this discussion into a trolling personal attack or at the least strawman argument? You're not helping your case.

Be honest, the dig at traddies, etc at the bottom of your first post started it.

[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1304366950' post='2235907']
"'I'm not saying that believing in God makes you dumber. My hypothesis is that people with a low intelligence are more easily drawn toward religions, which give answers that are certain, while people with a high intelligence are more skeptical,' says the professor."
I could buy that.

That does make perfect sense. many of the absolute stupidest people i know subscribe to a religion with easy answers and no personal thought required.

I must say though, in a thread about intelligence, i found it quite hilarious to see the number of spelling mistakes in the Title and original post. funny stuff.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1304374928' post='2235974']

While I hate to tout my own braininess (as its really irrelevant to anything), lets just say I've scored high on IQ tests, as well as in my academic studies. I also attend the traditional Latin Mass at a very conservative FSSP parish, and most would classify my political, cultural, and religious beliefs as very conservative. And this is true for many much more intelligent than myself.[/quote]

You hate touting it so much that you sliped it unnecessairly into the conversation!


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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1304380967' post='2236023']Interestingly, Murray's findings showed the opposite (at least regarding income and social support.)

"Although secularization has long been on the rise, it’s more pronounced in the working class. [b]Among the upper middle class, 42 percent say they either don’t believe in God or don’t go to church. In the working class, it’s 61 percent. In other words, a majority of the upper middle class still has some religious commitment, while a majority of the working class does not.[/b]"

I'd recommend reading the entire linked article (wish I could find more direct material from Murray himself, as the linked articles consist of commentary from others).

Do you have countering statistics (other than the survey regarding IQ test scores)?[/quote]Interestingly, I don't care about your opinionated libertarian hero who writes on whatever whim he had in mind. But I find the terminology of "working class", a bit confusing when put against "middle class".

Interestingly, there were multiple sources cited and that statement you quoted itself came from my doctor of sociology, so I would have to ask her where it came from specifically.

But, I doubt you read the article or topic I posted... or the reference to an entire book... So if I don't read your one source and man, I hope you forgive me.

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I assume the title is a joke but just in case:

Religiosity And [s]Intellgence[/s] [s]Quotiants[/s] Damned [s]Stasitics[/s]
Religiosity and Intelligence Quotients, Damned Statistics

Get a brain morans.

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[quote name='Mr.CatholicCat' timestamp='1304383875' post='2236036']
Interestingly, I don't care about your opinionated libertarian hero who writes on whatever whim he had in mind.[/quote]

Socrates doesn't have libertarian heroes.


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Vincent Vega

[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' timestamp='1304383896' post='2236037']
Get a brain morans.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1304385303' post='2236056']
Where'd you get that picture of me?

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1304385666' post='2236058']
Your fb... :huh:
Cardinals FTW.

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I know it wasn't intended, but this thread makes me lol...I'll enjoy it while it still open.

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Intelligent ppl are moar likely to be vegetarian too. Kind of cool.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1304382895' post='2236029']

I must say though, in a thread about intelligence, i found it quite hilarious to see the number of spelling mistakes in the Title and original post. funny stuff.

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