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Greetings From Sadora (Laetitia Crucis)


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I was at the [url="http://dominicansrs.co.uk/"]Dominican Sisters of St Joseph[/url] over Easter, and managed to have a few words with Sadora (laetitia crucis). She is very happy and, God willing, will receive the habit in October. She prays for everyone in the Vocation Station every day, and I am about to print off the new discerning/entered list to post to her.

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A w esome! The FI's tell me she is also called "Anne" which confused me even more...

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[quote name='JoyfulLife' timestamp='1304346112' post='2235721']
A w esome! The FI's tell me she is also called "Anne" which confused me even more...

Sorry, JoyfulLife, I'm not sure I understand - who are the FI's, and who do they call Anne?

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Archaeology cat

Wonderful! I'd intended to send her some Easter cookies. Well, guess I could still do that - it's still Easter. :)

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Nihil Obstat

Every day I wear the rosary she made for me. :) It reminds me to pray for her vocation.

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[quote name='rosamundi' timestamp='1304360479' post='2235833']
Sorry, JoyfulLife, I'm not sure I understand - who are the FI's, and who do they call Anne?

I believe she means the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate, the order that Sadora was planning to enter, but decided against. I also think that Sadora went by Ann with the FI Sisters because that's her middle name and is easier to pronounce. ;)

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I miss her lots -- we had a conversation right before leaving that helped place my experiences in perspective, and for that I'm always greatful. Praying that she will persevere and become a wonderful sister.

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