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Pre Entrance Jitters

Mary Magdalene

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Mary Magdalene

[quote name='franciscanheart' timestamp='1304354939' post='2235803']
My head tells me all kinds of crazy things. I thank it for sharing and talk to Jesus. :like:

haha Love it!:like:

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Mary Magdalene

WOW Thanks everyone for all the stories and reassurance! It is very much appreciated. I'll keep each and everyone of you in my prayers. Please keep me in yours.

Nav- your entrance is sooo soon. :clapping: So happy for you!

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Santa Cruz

[quote name='Mary Magdalene' timestamp='1304261974' post='2235317']
Has anyone set a date for their entrance into religious life or is entering some time in the next few months and is starting to geta little nervous? I am entering postulancy on the 1st of August this year and have to arrive in the US in the last week of July. However I am starting to get a little nervous. I'm excited but nonetheless the thought of leaving Australia and home is starting to get the better of me. Has anyone else experinced this in the past before entering into an order or at the moment?


Praying for you and your beautiful journey ever closer to our Lord.

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[quote name='franciscanheart' timestamp='1304354939' post='2235803']
My head tells me all kinds of crazy things. I thank it for sharing and talk to Jesus. :like:

Lol -- I'm adopting this as a personal motto :)

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[quote name='Mary Magdalene' timestamp='1304425157' post='2236289']
WOW Thanks everyone for all the stories and reassurance! It is very much appreciated. I'll keep each and everyone of you in my prayers. Please keep me in yours.

Nav- your entrance is sooo soon. :clapping: So happy for you!

thank you! It has been moved to the 30th. :) :priest:

Edited by tnavarro61
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The only thing I will add is that decisions should be made from a place of peace, not doubt. So, if you were pretty sure when you applied that this was what you were supposed to be doing, and it's just while you were waiting that you got the 'jitters'...that's not a reason not to go. So, I'd say, hang in there! If where you enter is not where you belong, that will become clear over time. But it's hard to know before you even get there...so, get there!

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Mary Magdalene

[quote name='MithLuin' timestamp='1304527941' post='2236889']
The only thing I will add is that decisions should be made from a place of peace, not doubt. So, if you were pretty sure when you applied that this was what you were supposed to be doing, and it's just while you were waiting that you got the 'jitters'...that's not a reason not to go. So, I'd say, hang in there! If where you enter is not where you belong, that will become clear over time. But it's hard to know before you even get there...so, get there!

What you just said is exactly what I was thinking the other day and what my mum told me as well! Thanks!

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Catherine Therese

[quote name='Mary Magdalene' timestamp='1304545529' post='2237094']
What you just said is exactly what I was thinking the other day and what my mum told me as well! Thanks!

Hi MM. Have been praying for you and will continue to do so. Please pray for me too!

I'm right there with you on the jitters. For me, its heightened by the fact that I still haven't heard back in response to my application. There was a delay in getting the psych assessment over there (the chap who did the psych is overworked like you'd never believe!!) All I can do is wait and trust.

In the meantime, i've more or less given away most of my household of things, the furniture except a bed and a bookcase, whitegoods, appliances and about 75% of my clothes. The big question is whether or not to go the rest of the way when I don't have a definite answer yet? I have another few weeks left at work but after that do I sell the car? How far do I go when I don't yet know?

I know there is a list longer than my arm of things I'm required to do/organise before I go... but they don't give you the list until you get the acceptance of course... the word limbo comes to mind!

[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/nunpray.gif[/img][img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/nunpray.gif[/img] its a beautiful time - but a difficult one, isn't it?!

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I've thought of this often... For example, when Therese and her sisters joined Carmel, they were close to home -as it seems many religious have been throughout history (barring missionaries). I wonder if it might not be beneficial for some to enter communities close to their hometowns. Alas, that luxury is gone for many, I know, with the reduction in the number of religious.

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[quote name='LaboureSociety' timestamp='1305055742' post='2239737']
I've thought of this often... For example, when Therese and her sisters joined Carmel, they were close to home -as it seems many religious have been throughout history (barring missionaries). I wonder if it might not be beneficial for some to enter communities close to their hometowns. Alas, that luxury is gone for many, I know, with the reduction in the number of religious.

Interesting thought...

I know for most parents, this would be super helpful. I remember having a conversation with my mom who asked why I couldn't enter with a community in my home state. Just knowing you're close by is a huge relief for parents, I think.

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[quote name='LaboureSociety' timestamp='1305055742' post='2239737']
I've thought of this often... For example, when Therese and her sisters joined Carmel, they were close to home -as it seems many religious have been throughout history (barring missionaries). I wonder if it might not be beneficial for some to enter communities close to their hometowns. Alas, that luxury is gone for many, I know, with the reduction in the number of religious.

For me, this really isn't an option in my immediate area. There are a few religious here like the Daughters of Charity and another order I'm not familiar with that are habited, but the rest are rather so-so on the list of orthodoxy. I hardly ever hear of any religious orders here, though I have looked at the diocese website. All of them are basically missionary orders, including one from the Philippines and all of them have the novitiate in another part of the country or the world. If I did somehow enter one of the orders stationed here, it wouldn't be at the convent here, it would be in the Motherhouse. The Daughters of Charity are stationed in Emmitsburg, MD and other provinces in the nation. I would never be guaranteed to return to a convent here, either.

I am, however, considering a religious order that is fairly close to my state of residence. It is about 8 hours away from my city, but in another state. They are the Sister Servants of the Eternal Word in Birmingham, AL. I am also considering the Religious Sisters of Mercy in Alma, MI, but they are definitely farther away. The Sister Servants are the order I am most attracted to and I am planning a trip there this Fall, probably in October, depending on if I can find a job or not. :)

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[quote name='TeresaBenedicta' timestamp='1305056375' post='2239743']
Interesting thought...

I know for most parents, this would be super helpful. I remember having a conversation with my mom who asked why I couldn't enter with a community in my home state. Just knowing you're close by is a huge relief for parents, I think.

That's true in my case, too. My mom was relieved when she found out I was considering the SsEW only 8-9 hours away from us. She knew that in order to see and visit me, she would be able to drive there. However, if I entered somewhere else, she may not have that option.

I have a few religious orders south of my residence, but one is a missionary order established in Poland and the other is one that does retreats on Consecration to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts. I don't feel attracted to either of them.

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Mary Magdalene

[quote name='Catherine Therese' timestamp='1305045854' post='2239669']
Hi MM. Have been praying for you and will continue to do so. Please pray for me too!

I'm right there with you on the jitters. For me, its heightened by the fact that I still haven't heard back in response to my application. There was a delay in getting the psych assessment over there (the chap who did the psych is overworked like you'd never believe!!) All I can do is wait and trust.

In the meantime, i've more or less given away most of my household of things, the furniture except a bed and a bookcase, whitegoods, appliances and about 75% of my clothes. The big question is whether or not to go the rest of the way when I don't have a definite answer yet? I have another few weeks left at work but after that do I sell the car? How far do I go when I don't yet know?

I know there is a list longer than my arm of things I'm required to do/organise before I go... but they don't give you the list until you get the acceptance of course... the word limbo comes to mind!

[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/nunpray.gif[/img][img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/nunpray.gif[/img] its a beautiful time - but a difficult one, isn't it?!


Catherine Therese!
Tis indeed a beautiful time! But also difficult. Wow, you have given away most of your stuff already! I haven't even started that yet, although I think all of it will just go to my sister anyway. She can decide what to do with it after i leave. Maybe wait on giving the other stuff till you get definite answer. I was thinking about you ther other week, wondering how things were going.

I don't even know if my visa will come through in time, still waiting on it. So don't know whether or not i should book my plane ticket. Although the sisters think that I should. Sooo many things to think about... I only have three weeks of uni left, can't wait to finish and be done so I can start thinking about other things.

Good luck with your last few weeks of work! I'll be praying for you :-)

Edited by Mary Magdalene
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