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Pre Entrance Jitters

Mary Magdalene

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Mary Magdalene

Has anyone set a date for their entrance into religious life or is entering some time in the next few months and is starting to geta little nervous? I am entering postulancy on the 1st of August this year and have to arrive in the US in the last week of July. However I am starting to get a little nervous. I'm excited but nonetheless the thought of leaving Australia and home is starting to get the better of me. Has anyone else experinced this in the past before entering into an order or at the moment?

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I think the jitters come with the territory any time you make a life altering decision - whether it is marriage, changing jobs, having a baby or entering the convent. I expect to enter in August and everyday I give myself a million reasons why I shouldn't - and then I ignore them.


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[quote name='ksterling' timestamp='1304262451' post='2235319']
I think the jitters come with the territory any time you make a life altering decision - whether it is marriage, changing jobs, having a baby or entering the convent. I expect to enter in August and everyday I give myself a million reasons why I shouldn't - and then I ignore them.



If you don't mind sharing, where are you hoping to enter? (sorry if this has already been discussed a million times). Prayers for you and MaryMagdalene!

Edited by Lisa
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Mary Magdalene

[quote name='ksterling' timestamp='1304262451' post='2235319']
I think the jitters come with the territory any time you make a life altering decision - whether it is marriage, changing jobs, having a baby or entering the convent. I expect to enter in August and everyday I give myself a million reasons why I shouldn't - and then I ignore them.



At first I thought maybe I was having doubts, but I think I will take your advice and ignore them!

Edited by Mary Magdalene
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I was supposed to enter August 22nd of this year but now that has been postponed to August 22nd of nexriedt year. Even though my entrance is over a year away, I still have some worries and at times I wonder not necessarily about my call to the religious life but whether I should have considered another community. But then I come to the realization that I am heading where God wants me to be and if I must serve him elsewhere he will show me through my discernment with the community.

As Kat mentionned, your excitement has much to do with the big change that you will experiene in July. Just trust Him to guide you and be your comfort while you are away from home. If it makes you feel better, one of my sisters is from Australia and she is even further from home (she is in Spokane, Washington)

Prayers for you,

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[quote name='Mary Magdalene' timestamp='1304261974' post='2235317']
Has anyone set a date for their entrance into religious life or is entering some time in the next few months and is starting to geta little nervous? I am entering postulancy on the 1st of August this year and have to arrive in the US in the last week of July. However I am starting to get a little nervous. I'm excited but nonetheless the thought of leaving Australia and home is starting to get the better of me. Has anyone else experinced this in the past before entering into an order or at the moment?

This is 100% normal. If you weren't nervous ... I'd call you abnormal :).

Case in point ... when I was leaving to go to Argentina (where I entered), I *moved* the night (well, morning) of my trip. I mean -- 2am in the morning, finishing loading up the car, to take my leftover stuff to my sister's house. We must have gotten to my sister's at around 3am.

I'm at that point soooo panicked, that I said "That's it -- I'm not going. I'm going to cancel my flights. I give up (yada yada yada)"

My sister said "LIKE (add verb here) YOU'RE NOT GETTING ON THAT PLANE."

I got like 2 hrs of sleep, then finished packing and drove myself for 2.5 hrs to the airport. Two people from my parish (again 2.5 hrs away) waited for me a the airport to say bye. A priest who was traveling to visit family (that I know) was also at the airport (we planned to be on the same flight).

I get delayed getting on the plane. Why? They were doing a more extensive check of my background because I was on the no-fly list. Ha. Love it.

I was the *last* person to get approved for boarding.

The flight arrives in Buenos Aires, and both the priest and I have to change planes. We get a taxi ... and the taxi driver was really fresh (the priest realized that he should have worn his collar).

I was soooo happy to finally make it to the convent. So ... expect the unexpected until you enter. :)

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Sister Marie

I was terrified the day I entered... not before... it all kinda hit me at once! haha. I was supposed to arrive at the Motherhouse at like 2 or 3 in the afternoon on entrance day so I slept in... knowing I wouldn't have the luxury for quite a while! I remember sitting on our porch with my coffee, in my pajamas, and thinking "What am I doing?!?!" Somehow though, I made it in the car and to the Motherhouse. I thought I would be so sick on the way there!

God took care of all of it and once I was there all I could think was that I couldn't wait for all the people to leave and I could get on with real life now. (I hate transition so I just like it to happen and be done!) When I finally got to bed after all the celebrations I felt so at peace knowing that I was living in the same house as Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and I knew that I was where I was supposed to be. I fell asleep with no problem and I've just continued from there.

Just trust God will help you get there! I know it's hard too!

Sister Marie

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[quote name='carmelite15' timestamp='1304293321' post='2235472']
I am so sorry for asking but where are you entering?

If I remember correctly, [i]Mary Magdalene[/i] is entering the Religious Sisters of Mercy in Alma, MI.

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Mary Magdalene

Yes, MM is right. entering with the Sisters of mercy of Alma, Michigan

Thanks for all the advice everyone. I was starting to worry that perhaps I wasn't called to religious life and should bail lol. It was really good hearing some of your experiences! :like:

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[quote name='Mary Magdalene' timestamp='1304261974' post='2235317']
I'm excited but nonetheless the thought of leaving Australia and home is starting to get the better of me. Has anyone else experinced this in the past before entering into an order or at the moment?

you are not alone. I am experiencing that. Although my community is just in my country, but it is in another island.. it has another culture and different dialect. I never expected that there would be sorrows before I leave. Leaving my family, my friends and my phriends is surely a sacrifice... and I expected my going to be jubilant and exciting. I feel the weight of sacrifice. Well religious life is following Jesus.. taking up the Cross... religious life is the Way of the Cross. [i]Via Crucis[/i]. This thought keeps me going through despite the doubts, the indirect oppositions, the pain of leaving good things.

In fact right now, I do not feel like my entrance is near. All is plain and simple. No ecstasies. No levitations. Just plain and simple. Slowly I am buying some things needed, and i haven't bought my plane ticket yet (family asks entrance to be moved.. so no plane ticket yet as the date is not sure). Everything is like natural.. I feel like I am on a boat and I just let the waves carry me.

Prayers for you!

Edited by tnavarro61
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You're entering the day before my 20th Birthday! Know that I will be praying for you on my birthday. You're lucky, I wish I was entering soon

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My head tells me all kinds of crazy things. I thank it for sharing and talk to Jesus. :like:

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[quote name='franciscanheart' timestamp='1304354939' post='2235803']
My head tells me all kinds of crazy things. I thank it for sharing and talk to Jesus. :like:

Pretty much.


Sometimes, when things look like they might [i]finally[/i] be happening... when things turn real for however long... Fear jolts through me. I can think of every reason NOT to enter. So I just turn to Jesus and say what I've said all along, "Your will be done, Lord, not mine. Fears aren't enough to dissuade me. If this isn't Your will, You need to speak in different words."

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I'm a little different in that I don't have an entrance date or a community that accepted me, yet. I don't even know if I have a religious vocation, but I still have jitters about religious life. Sometimes the thought crosses my mind, "Do I really want to do this?" I start thinking of silly reasons for me NOT to enter or even try it out. But the peace reigns in my heart when I think about possibly becoming a Sister and fulfilling my lifelong vocation (God-willing).

It's a huge change in your life--like marriage. I'd be concerned if you weren't a little jittery before you entered. But above all things, you must remember that this is a tremendous gift and honor that God gave you. :)

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