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Michael Savage


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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1304179769' post='2235043']
When he's on I usually listen to him. I agree with some of the things he says. Disagree with some. But, one thing I know he is is pretty entertaining.

I wish I could get him on the radio where I live. I think hes only in select areas like San Francisco and Austin, Tx.

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[quote name='infinitelord1' timestamp='1304144951' post='2234972']
You are saying that its an act?

its an act just like stephen colbert is an act. his stick ensures he gets ratings. the more crazy he acts, the higher the ratings. its the reason he is one of the most popular radio hosts over the years.

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[quote name='infinitelord1' timestamp='1304153640' post='2234987']
sorry i realized that you answered my second question so I changed it to a different question.

Do you think that Illegal Aliens should have medical care, welfare rights, financial aid, etc.?

medical care... absolutly. no person in need of medical care should be turned away. i don't care if your legal or illegal. medical care is different from welfare rights and financial aid. a person in need of medical care can not survive without. i find absolutly pathetic that republicans(not directed at you personally since who knows what political party you are) complains about death panels(rightfully so) but then talk about how illegal immigrants should be denied medical care. refusing someone medical care is not different that the democrates death panels. the difference is one kills a legal american and one kills and illegal american.

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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1304163683' post='2235000']
Michael Savage mentioned a couple of problems that wouldn't be problems if the State didn't exert coercion over hospitals and have a coercive monopoly on schools.

"We" don't have a "house," Michael Savage. We live in a society. Forcing people to provide professional medical services at gunpoint is anti-social. Forcing other people to educate your kids at gunpoint is anti-social.



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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1304191335' post='2235092']
its an act just like stephen colbert is an act. his stick ensures he gets ratings. the more crazy he acts, the higher the ratings. its the reason he is one of the most popular radio hosts over the years.

Oh, in that sense, I might agree with you. But I think the issues He talks about are real. He might just act in a certain way to grab the attention of His listeners. I do think He feels pretty strongly about a lot of what He says. I also think He loves to make liberals look bad. I have met some really conservative people who are similar to Michael Savage.

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[quote name='infinitelord1' timestamp='1304200741' post='2235129']
Oh, in that sense, I might agree with you. But I think the issues He talks about are real. He might just act in a certain way to grab the attention of His listeners. I do think He feels pretty strongly about a lot of what He says. I also think He loves to make liberals look bad. I have met some really conservative people who are similar to Michael Savage.

oh yes, the issues he talks about are real and he does feel strongly about liberalism being a mental disorder and such, although he cracks the dial up to 1000. the act is that he takes his views and goes completely over the top with them. i mean he is the only radio host i know who will consistantly scream into the mic all the time.

i think he is hilarious for the stuff he says. like one day he was in a bad mood so all he did was play oldies and talk about cooking. i mean how amesome is that. a political talk show host talks about cooking and plays oldies music all show long. or when he refuses to give out his phone number because he doesn't want people to call the show. or how every single night he goes out to eat and has some crazy story. or how he is supposed to be the most conservative person out there, yet he lives in san fransisco. or his snotty accents when talking about obama and liberals.

the guy's act is great. just don't take most of the stuff he says seriously.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1304205838' post='2235136']
oh yes, the issues he talks about are real and he does feel strongly about liberalism being a mental disorder and such, although he cracks the dial up to 1000. the act is that he takes his views and goes completely over the top with them. i mean he is the only radio host i know who will consistantly scream into the mic all the time.

i think he is hilarious for the stuff he says. like one day he was in a bad mood so all he did was play oldies and talk about cooking. i mean how amesome is that. a political talk show host talks about cooking and plays oldies music all show long. or when he refuses to give out his phone number because he doesn't want people to call the show. or how every single night he goes out to eat and has some crazy story. or how he is supposed to be the most conservative person out there, yet he lives in san fransisco. or his snotty accents when talking about obama and liberals.

the guy's act is great. just don't take most of the stuff he says seriously.

I agree with the majority of what He says. I will say that there have been some good points, in this thread, about how Illegal Aliens should be given medical care, but thats it.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1304191604' post='2235093']
medical care... absolutly. no person in need of medical care should be turned away.

I don't disagree with your conclusion. I think I disagree with how you get to that conclusion. Do you think you have a right to [i]make[/i] a doctor give you services?


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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1304208090' post='2235145']
I don't disagree with your conclusion. I think I disagree with how you get to that conclusion. Do you think you have a right to [i]make[/i] a doctor give you services?


i think if you work in the medical field and you have ANY thoughts of refusing someone medical care you should NOT be in the medical field. i am a paramedic. i work in an major inner city. i treat numerous illegal immigrants and poor patients. i think last i heard something like 60% of all patients we care for do not pay for any of their services. so only about 40%(if its even that high) of people we treat pay for thier medical care. although never in a million years would i ever think about refusing medical care to someone who is illegal or has no money. i picked this profession to help people. the medical field is like no other field in the world. almost everyone who gets into this field does so to help people. so refusing to help people, for whatever reason is completely unexceptable to me. i don't care if they are illegal immigrants, if they are poor, if they are drunks who we take care of everyday and who abuse the system. i don't care. you got into the medical field to help people so do your dang job. its really that simple.

so, i think if a doctor is refusing medical care to a non-paying patient or an illegal immigrant, they should not be a doctor. obviously the way it should be is this is never an issue. although with human beings, being the way we are, we know this is an issue. so i have no problem if the government has to force medical personel to do their jobs if they are refusing to do their jobs. if the doctors want to refuse service to people and pick and choose who they serve, they should find another profession. the medical field is about helping people.... all people. it is not and never should be about helpiing certain people only.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1304219404' post='2235209']
so i have no problem if the government has to force medical personel to do their jobs if they are refusing to do their jobs.

So if a doctor refused, you would literally be OK with another actual human being going up to him and putting an actual gun to his head to make him render first aid?


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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1304220631' post='2235213']
So if a doctor refused, you would literally be OK with another actual human being going up to him and putting an actual gun to his head to make him render first aid?


did i EVER say anything about a gun? no, if a doctor refuses care to somoene, unless the doctors safety is a concern, then he should be stripped of his medical liscense and not be able to practice medicane. if he doesn't want to do his job for all people in need, then he should not be allowed to work in the profession.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1304220820' post='2235215']
did i EVER say anything about a gun? no, if a doctor refuses care to somoene, unless the doctors safety is a concern, then he should be stripped of his medical liscense and not be able to practice medicane. if he doesn't want to do his job for all people in need, then he should not be allowed to work in the profession.

And if he practices without a license?


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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1304220917' post='2235216']
And if he practices without a license?


same thing as now. he can and will be sued for practicing without a liscense and possibly receive jail time. since it is against the law to practice medicane without a liscense.

if a doctor is refusing to do his job or does something which does the opposite of helping people (euthinasia or abortion), they should lose their liscense and if they choose to still practice without a liscense, they should be sued and receive jail time.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1304221301' post='2235218']
same thing as now. he can and will be sued for practicing without a liscense and possibly receive jail time. since it is against the law to practice medicane without a liscense.

if a doctor is refusing to do his job or does something which does the opposite of helping people (euthinasia or abortion), they should lose their liscense and if they choose to still practice without a liscense, they should be sued and receive jail time.

In other words, "you will treat each person, or ultimately, we will use physical force against you. And if you resist, we will kill you." There's the gun, Havok.


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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1304221410' post='2235219']
In other words, "you will treat each person, or ultimately, we will use physical force against you. And if you resist, we will kill you." There's the gun, Havok.


ok, so you equate losing ones liscense with killing someone? or being sued with killing someone? or going to jail with killing someone?

let me ask you something, i assume you don't work in the medical field. let's just say you don't if you do. if you went around acting like a doctor and treating patients without a medical liscense you think there should be absolutly no action taken against you? how about serving liquir at a bar without a liquir liscense? how about driving without a liscense? how about working in any number of fields that by law requires a liscense. do you think if your practicing without a liscense there should be no problem with that?

another question. do you think doctors should be allowed to pick and choose who they treat? should they be able to refuse care to someone who is an illegal immigrant? how about someone who is black? how about someone who is christian? how about someone who is female? should doctors be allowed to treat only who they choose and everyone else is left to die?

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