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Orthodox Religious Though Not In A "habit"


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I was actually surprised when I saw one of the post here that promotes a religious congregation wherein most members are in total dissent to the teachings of the Church. I saw one post wherein someone is interested in joining a group of dominicans wherein recently one of them was excommunicated by a bishop pf phoenix. I pray for her. Hope if she join she can at least bring bit of orthodoxy to this congregation.
Sad to say,..
I was thinking about posting something here.
There are religious congregation out there though not in the habit whether totally not donning one or partly wearing one ie not having a veil but are faithful to the Church through and through. I saw some of them doing their various apostolates and bearing fruit. Please for those who might be leaning toward this option or vocation consider them. Know them and pray for them
While doing graduate studies in UI- Urbana Champaign i meet some of them. Their vibrant orthodoxy helps a lot of Catholics whether the storm in that secular environment
I still remember a couple of women joining them

I am referring to the Apostles of Interior Life


They're doing great job esp in Texas A&M

Also please expand the list

Happy Easter

Edited by MichaelKoenigTalidong
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Thank you for telling us about this community! This makes me very happy! If others have more to list, that would be great. Unfortunately, it's often hard to tell a community's faithfulness to the Magesterium by their website- so unless someone has personal experience, it can make it a bit difficult to decide whether a non-habited order (or a habited one, for that matter) are truly centered on the church. So, thank you for sharing!

Also, it's very possible that those posting about various communities are unaware of the situation. Maybe you could send them a private message?

Edited by Lisa
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[quote name='MichaelKoenigTalidong' timestamp='1303994964' post='2234216']
I saw one post wherein someone is interested in joining a group of dominicans wherein recently one of them was excommunicated by a bishop pf phoenix. I pray for her.

Thank you for posting this topic. It is something very much upon my heart lately. I am not familiar with the Dominican community you are referring to, nor do I need to know, however, because one sheep has gone astray does not mean that the whole flock has? Perhaps it is just that one sister or a few? Again, I do not know them.

Also, it may be possible that someone is called by God to enter a community that is not obedient to the Magisterium? In the history of the Church, God uses these people to reform. Surely it would be a very rare case. Personally, I would not want to enter a community if they are not faithful to the Magisterium. Which raises a question. I thought all religious are supposed to wear a habit? I did not realize that one could be orthodox and not wear a habit?

[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1303999204' post='2234230']
Unfortunately, it's often hard to tell a community's faithfulness to the Magesterium by their website- so unless someone has personal experience, it can make it a bit difficult to decide whether a non-habited order (or a habited one, for that matter) are truly centered on the church.

How true Lisa! Indeed, it is necessary to know the community you are entering and to love them through and through. A website is helpful but also limited. To me, not only is it important that a community is obedient to the Magisterium but also that they are loving toward their neighbor. How sad the religious adorned in a habit, dotting the i's and crossing the t's but with a mean spirit condemning others. Lord spare me!

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The Apostles of Interior Life were founded in 1990. I imagine that wearing fairly normal looking modern dress (rather than an older style habit) is part of their founding charism, which seeks to evangelize the young. I know people at Texas A & M who know them, and they are amesome. Actually, it's possible my friend might be entering there, though I do not know the details to confirm that.

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There's a lot of opinion and charisms in the Church and all of them leads to God. Once i ask my economics research professor who is a vowed laywoman of Institucion Teresiana, " why not dominicans, or augustinians or carmelites?" What she said inspires me " The Holy Spirit breathes where it pleases"
I believe it is Blessed John Paul II who said that despite the so many problems facing the Church today with clerical abuse, decline of religion, the breakdown of family life; what is needed right now is Fidelity, Fidelity, Fidelity..and more FIDELITY.
I believe whatever vocations you have right and if in religious life you are faithful to your charism and to the teaching of the Church, you'll grow and bear fruit whether you're community is wearing the habit or not.
Apostle of Interior Life is truly orthodox; just ask Bishop Finn or Bishop Naumann or their professors in Pontifical Lateran University. Their formation is intense and demanding. Besides having their secular degrees they study philosophy and theology like that of priests in Pontifical Lateran. This prepares them for their primary apostolate which is to be spiritual directors.
They have abundant vocations too just like DSMME

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