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My Birthday And The Lord


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Yeah I could post this in open mic ... but it kind of belongs here.

So ... yesterday was my bday. I was kinda in a bad mood the day before (I was being a spoiled brat really ...). So I kinda got over it, and enjoyed the day at work.

Wednesday evening Mass comes along. I get there -- and I start getting bday greetings from my facebook friends that go to Church with me in the South Jersey shore. So ... I go and ask for a Mass intention in thanksgiving.

I get asked to read the psalm. And take the offertory up (I *never* get asked to do that). I get a bday blessing from the priest alongside a 2nd lady who had her bday as well.

The Mass is on the Charismatic side (we have the prayer group afterwards). They start the offertory hymn. And I'm floored.

See ... the song that's being played is one of the first christian songs that I learned that has a vocational theme to it (it used to be like a theme song for me). The chorus goes like this (its a translation):

[i]I place my life to your service, oh Lord. It may not be much but I give it (surrender it) to you today. And if my hands today are empty, You can fill them with Your great Power and Love. Use my hands, oh Lord.
This is playing as I'm walking down the aisle with the gift of wine. I don't know if the priest saw the tears but they started flowing. And the woman who accompanied me (I was asked to pick someone to walk with me) is a widowed woman who has devoted her life to the Lord as well.

And if this isn't enough ... (I guess I needed to give Him a few more tears) the communion hymn started. The last time I had sung that song at a prayer group, I cried through it because of its meaning to me. (again here is a translation of the chorus)

[i]You created the flowers for me, who is like You, who is like You. You, tell me who is like (similar) to You, tell me Jesus, who is like You. There is no one so special, who is like You, who is like You..... Jesus.

[/i]Days like my bday can be a bit difficult -- sometimes I wonder am I doing the right thing with my commitment to the Lord? Wouldn't it be easier/better to get married, to have children (or maybe adopt) and to have a family, instead of relying on friendships and my intimacy with the Lord? What if someday I'm left all alone ... without anyone at my side to celebrate the little things in life?

Then He responds. I couldn't have asked for a better bday gift. Ever. It was as if He knew my heart. Besides ... even the reading and the psalm (although they have a definite lenten theme towards Jesus as the suffering servant) kept reminding me about my relationship with Him. About Him knowing my sufferings, my moments of trials and misjudgements, etc.

All I kept getting from the entire Mass (and to boot -- there was adoration right after instead of the normal prayer group!!!!!!!!!!!!!) was His immense Love for me ... a love that in spite of (and knowing full well of) all of my shortcomings (and in spite of at times feeling like I've failed miserably at trying to follow Him as His disciple) led Him straight to the Cross to die, as my Savior. Could He have gotten off that Cross -- certainly. But He didn't because He loved me too much.

"Give me Your Grace and Your Love, and that will suffice"

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That's what I love about Jesus. He knows exactly what we need and when we need it and gives it to us so selflessly. I think He wanted you to see how much He loves you and cares for you. Jesus is the Lover of your soul. He loves to work these little miracles in us to prove that He is still with us. I am so glad you had a wonderful birthday present. What better giver than God, right? :love:

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That is so beautiful. Of course Jesus won't forget your birthday as His love is unfathomable, right down to the tiniest details.

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