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The Nature Of Hell


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you're the best. Thanks for one of the best and most precise explanations of this confusing topic. I was looking in about 4 different sources before I saw your reply.


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  VanHooty said:
Methinks my thirst for some random theology has been satisfied for today.  Thanks y'all.

since i clearly gave the most profound explanation, i will say 'your welcome' on behalf of everyone else who replied.

de nada. :P :P

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Jake Huether

C'mom - yeah, I like that.

In fact, there's proof for Purgatory in the story of Lazerus and the rich man. Because of the translation we think that the rich man goes to hell (i.e. eternal damnation). But if we study the passage, we know he is in hell (i.e. purgatory - not eternal damnation). The rich man, at the end of the story, has compassion for his brothers and wishes for their conversion. This compassion and love cannot be found in hell (eternal damnation that is). The story illestrates a conversion of heart - from selfishness to selflessness. Lazerus is in a state outside of purgatory, yet not in heaven yet (waiting with Abraham).

I heard this explenation from Dominic Berardino, yet hadn't had any subsiquent support for the word "hell" not meaning what it does today.

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but wouldn't you think that every person in hell would wish for the conversion of every person on earth that they cared about, so that they wouldn't suffer the same consequences?

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I think the people in hell might be to busy bemoaning their fate; thinking of themselves is what got them there in the first place.

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Jake Huether

  mulls said:
but wouldn't you think that every person in hell would wish for the conversion of every person on earth that they cared about, so that they wouldn't suffer the same consequences?

Excellent point c'mom. I was just about to say, pretty much, the same thing.

Also, mysery loves company. I would imagine that those in hell would like nothing more than to have their family members WITH them.

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Jake Huether

  mulls said:
but wouldn't you think that every person in hell would wish for the conversion of every person on earth that they cared about, so that they wouldn't suffer the same consequences?

This is a great debate topic, and something I can learn so much about.

As far as Church teachings go - what are some distinct charactersitics of the souls in hell?

Just out of the blue - I had this thought.

On the way to heaven, whether during the judgment or in purgatory, we will "learn" certain things about God and his Church in order to be PERFECT Church Triumphants (we had this discussion on another thread).

Following the same logic - on the way to hell...

Could it be possible that what good we do have is taken away...

What I mean to say is...

Actually shoot! That reminds me of the parable of the king and the three servants. Remember the one that was only given one dinary(sp). It was taken from him and given to the one who made the most!

Do you suppose that any remaining virtues of a person (such as patience or love) on their way to hell are taken from them and given to the souls in purgatory - or even us on earth maybe!.

So that - those entering hell are purly devoid of all good.

That would make sence, and it would clear up what Mulls is talking about.

I mean, I know there can't be even the slightest compassion in hell - otherwise wouldn't the souls in hell feel compassion for eachother, and even (possibly) love eachother? And if they love eachother - they wouldn't hate eachother - and then they might not "serve" Satan (who wishes for us to hate everyone!)/.

What are your thoughts...

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cool post.

i wasn't aware that those in hell will be serving Satan. are you sure about that?

and something else to throw into the mix:

maybe souls are capable of caring or compassion or other positive emotions in hell... and it is really the lake of fire where they are totally, completely, and even more horrificly stripped of anything and everything, except pain and suffering.

i'm surprised the lake o'fire hasn't been brought up yet.

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You can't truly love others unless you love God. Thus, no one in hell could possibly love anyone because they didn't love God first.

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