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Factors In Setting Entrance...


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I'd like to hear the different factors involved in setting a specific entrance date for each person.

God bless you.

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Some Orders only one set entrance date for [i]everyone[/i] entering that year. I think both of the Dominican communities are like this.

I know with my order it is more flexible (enter when you can) and the specific date is determined by what is good for you and your family and what's going on at the Novitiate house.

I hope to enter on a Marian feast day. I'm shooting for Aug. 15th, but that's probably not very likely given my loan amount. March 25th would be neat, too. But, at this point, I just plan on entering once my loans are completely paid off, whenever that might be.

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The community I was planning to enter allowed postulants to enter when they would like if they had a specific feast day that was special to them. When they asked me when I wanted to enter, I wanted to on October 1st because I was really close to St. Therese and felt that she brought me to the Carmelites so it was only natural that I would choose her feast day.

The same order in St. Louis, however, usually sets the entrance date for September 8th, though it can vary in special circumstances. My friend's sister was expecting her second baby and my friend didn't want to miss the birth and baptism, so she considered entering on October 1st since it was the soonest available feast day after The Nativity of Our Lady. She ended up entering on the previously set date of Sept. 8th, however, because she didn't want to wait to start her vocation.

The postulants who entered St. Louis last year entered on July 16th. I don't know why they brought it forward, though. There were 3 to start out with, but now there are only two.

It really depends on the order. They choose when the postulants enter or decide to let the postulant choose her own entrance date.

I wonder how it works for the Sister Servants of the Eternal Word, though?

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And what about other factors, like needing more time to mature; having to pay off student debt; needing more discernment time; etc.?

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[quote name='JoyfulLife' timestamp='1303255641' post='2230344']
And what about other factors, like needing more time to mature; having to pay off student debt; needing more discernment time; etc.?

Again, that probably depends by community. For example, I've applied and been accepted but entrance date is pending on getting rid of my student loans. A friend of mine waited a year (for more time mature) before entering the Poor Clares.

My guess with "needing more discernment time" is that one wouldn't apply for entrance until they were sure they wanted to enter.

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1303254525' post='2230340']
I wonder how it works for the Sister Servants of the Eternal Word, though?

I remember Cherie or Tally mentioning that they set it for August on a feast for Mary.

It's the 14th and 21st here: [url="http://www.sisterservants.org/newsletters/Fall%202010%20Newsletter.pdf"]http://www.sisterser...0Newsletter.pdf[/url]


The Sisters are getting their new names and the habit on August 15, the Feast of the Assumption. I believe there will be four new novices. I will let the pham know as soon as I get word! :)

Edited by JoyfulLife
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[quote name='JoyfulLife' timestamp='1303256701' post='2230352']
I remember Cherie or Tally mentioning that they set it for August on a feast for Mary.

It's the 14th and 21st here: [url="http://www.sisterservants.org/newsletters/Fall%202010%20Newsletter.pdf"]http://www.sisterser...0Newsletter.pdf[/url]


That would be really neat to enter on the eve of the Feast of the Assumption of Mary because I was baptized on August 15th, 1983 at two weeks old. :)

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Awwll... 2 weeks old? That's so cute. That would be really special.

I just read that jgirl entered July 16, 2006.

Wow. I was just looking at one of my first posts about finding the right order, and you, Mater, and Cherie were among the first to post. I didn't realize that. Cherie told me about the SsEW way in the start and the website wasn't fully ready to visit yet. It feels like a nudge from the start from God, I hope. :)

I found a thread on determining if it's THE order.

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I just picked out a great quote from that thread: "I felt like I could really grow and be part of something beautiful." I've got to feel that. That's an excellent thing to feel about an order.

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[quote name='JoyfulLife' timestamp='1303257712' post='2230361']
Awwll... 2 weeks old? That's so cute. That would be really special.

I just read that jgirl entered July 16, 2006.

Wow. I was just looking at one of my first posts about finding the right order, and you, Mater, and Cherie were among the first to post. I didn't realize that. Cherie told me about the SsEW way in the start and the website wasn't fully ready to visit yet. It feels like a nudge from the start from God, I hope. :)

I found a thread on determining if it's THE order.

LOL, I posted there under my old screename when I was discerning with the Carmelite DCJ community. I was InHisLove726. I hate that screename and I cringe everytime I see it. I love my current one and this one is permanent. :)

[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=93561&view=findpost&p=1861378"]My post[/url]

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:hehe2: I like your current name a lot.

Someone entered August 22nd

I think it's safe to say that the entrance date varies, but the different vows including Novice are on feast days. Edited by JoyfulLife
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[quote name='JoyfulLife' timestamp='1303259388' post='2230366']
:hehe2: I like your current name a lot.

Someone entered August 22nd

I think it's safe to say that the entrance date varies, but the different vows including Novice are on feast days.

It's funny how many people from Phatmass have entered the SsEWs. :hehe:

If I could choose any date, I would choose May 31st in honor of the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. :love:

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SsEW usually have one entrance date, and that was usually July 16th, the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and their founding day. However, it's been other dates if they had to wait for whatever reason. And, they are not against having a young woman enter in, say, January or some other month of the year if necessary, separate from the other postulants who would have already entered earlier in the year. So ... generally it's one set date, but if circumstances require a different date or time for another Sister, they'll do that. :) lol - hope that helps, regarding the SsEW, anyway :)

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May 31st. :love: That's my Baptism date, and I don't think it was intentional by my parents.

I would probably ask for sometime in the summer or late summer so my friends could come up to Alabama with me and stay a while. :smile2: That's a great thought.

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[quote name='CherieMadame' timestamp='1303261480' post='2230384']
SsEW usually have one entrance date, and that was usually July 16th, the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and their founding day. However, it's been other dates if they had to wait for whatever reason. And, they are not against having a young woman enter in, say, January or some other month of the year if necessary, separate from the other postulants who would have already entered earlier in the year. So ... generally it's one set date, but if circumstances require a different date or time for another Sister, they'll do that. :) lol - hope that helps, regarding the SsEW, anyway :)

It's so neat that they not only incorporate Franciscan and Dominican spiritualities together but that they also celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. My old email address that I used to send Sr. Louise my letters has "Carmelite" in it from when I was discerning that charism and I didn't want to change it because it would have been too much hassle to change all my subscriptions. She asked me why I was interested in their order if I was also interested in the Carmelites and I had to explain my discernment with the Carmelites DCJ. She then told me about the enrollment of the retreat participants in the Brown Scapular at the end if they are interested. That was amesome! Which reminds me, I still need to ask my priest to enroll me. :blush:

[b]Cherie, I have been meaning to ask you a question regarding birthday and feast day celebrations. Some orders that I have been in contact with, especially cloistered ones, do not celebrate birthdays. They celebrate the Sister's name day which is the feast day of the saint the Sister is named after. How does this work in regards to the SsEW? I'm always interested to know the various traditions in each order.[/b] :)

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