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What Book Should I Purchase?



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[quote name='LaPetiteSoeur' timestamp='1303311872' post='2230514']
I'd add a [i]Right to be Merry [/i]even if you aren't discerning a cloistered vocation. I'm not, but reading this book really helped me to understand it and was wonderful to read!


I don't know about the other ones, but the vocations director for the Francsican order that taught me told me to read [i]My Life witht the Saints[/i] by James Martin, SJ. It's excellent and has helped to form relationships with "friends from above" who can help me with my discernment and other things as well.

There was another book, but I don't remember what it was!

A Right to Be Merry was amesome! I read it when I first started discerning about 2 or 3 years ago. At the time, I was considering a vocation to the Poor Clares, but I know for sure I am not called to cloistered life, though I really love contemplative prayer, so I am checking into semi-contemplative communities such as the Sister Servants in Birmingham. I would recommend that book to anyone who was discerning a vocation.

I've never heard of the book by James Martin, but I will look it up and add it to the list of potential buys later on. Right now, I am really thinking about buying "And You Are Christ's" and, if I can afford it, I'm thinking about "Fire Within." We'll see. I'll post here when I have finally made my decision. :)

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Adrienne Von Speyr's work is controversial. There are some definitely questionable things. Even though a lot of her devotional material is very moving, there is some woozy stuff on a doctrinal level - some of it struck me as plain weird. The whole situation is difficult, because I believe she herself did not write; she was transcribed. So there is the question of whether her ideas were transcribed correctly, or if this or that translation is an accurate representation of her ideas.

Generally, I advise staying away from the journals of unapproved mystics. There are other good books on your list. "And You are Christs" in particular is EXCELLENT.

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1303321283' post='2230558']
Adrienne Von Speyr's work is controversial. There are some definitely questionable things. Even though a lot of her devotional material is very moving, there is some woozy stuff on a doctrinal level - some of it struck me as plain weird. The whole situation is difficult, because I believe she herself did not write; she was transcribed. So there is the question of whether her ideas were transcribed correctly, or if this or that translation is an accurate representation of her ideas.

[b]Generally, I advise staying away from the journals of unapproved mystics.[/b] There are other good books on your list. "And You are Christs" in particular is EXCELLENT.

Really good to know. After Cherie posted that she was fishy, I read about her and she sounds very familiar to Anne Catherine Emmerich and Ann, the Lay Apostle. I am skeptical about personal locutions and visions unless they have been proven and the person is a saint. Even then, we are not required to believe in personal visions. I will stay away.

Thanks everyone! :)

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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I've never read any of these books so I voted for Poverty, Chastity and Obedience. I want to read that and Fire Within

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It was in reading And You Are Christ's that basically solidified my conviction that I am called to celibacy...LOVE it.

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