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How Are Pro Life People For The Death Penalty?


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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1303504882' post='2231208']
this sounds very familiar....almost like [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=112256&view=findpost&p=2229957"]someone's posted it before[/url].

Aha, another lesson in the benefits of reading a whole thread before adding my two cents, mea culpa.

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[quote name='Amppax' timestamp='1303505333' post='2231212']
Aha, another lesson in the benefits of reading a whole thread before adding my two cents, mea culpa.
lol, just givin' ya a bad time. :)

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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1303223928' post='2230167']
In US history, there have been 16,000 executions. Of those, only 30 were of a white man convicted of killing a minority. Florida has never executed a white man for killing a black man. Prosecutors have the sole authority on who will face the death penalty, and in death penalty states, only 2% of prosecutors are members of a minority group.

If the system has a built in racial bias, we should not support it.
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The Death Penalty Is Colorblind
Death penalty opponents allege that capital punishment targets minority populations, but these attacks are unsubstantiated. By contrast, U.S. Department of Justice statistics show that African-Americans constituted 48 percent of adults charged with homicide, but only 42 percent of those sentenced of death.[b] Once arrested for murder, African-Americans are less likely to receive a capital sentence than are whites.[/b] Similarly, attacks on capital punishment "race of the victim" bias are also inaccurate. Ninety-five percent (95%) of murders are intra-racial, most likely between persons who know one another, circumstances often viewed as inappropriate for the death penalty. In crimes that qualify for a capital sentence,[b] a significant number of death penalty cases involve murder of law enforcement officers, about 85 percent of whom are white.[/b]
From our dear leaders in the DOJ...

[i]Prisoners under sentence of death by race
Since the death penalty was reinstated by the Supreme Court in 1976, more than half of those under sentence of death have been white.[/i]

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[quote name='kamiller42' timestamp='1303506850' post='2231216']
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From our dear leaders in the DOJ...

[i]Prisoners under sentence of death by race
Since the death penalty was reinstated by the Supreme Court in 1976, more than half of those under sentence of death have been white.[/i]

ahh but how many more white people are there than black people? in the states at least?

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blacks probably commit more crimes though, so it'd be wrong to say just because proportionally there's more blacks being executed that it must be discrimination.

in any case, there's surely more white by a lot greater proportion than fifty fifty. ie, it said that half of all executed are black.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1303173640' post='2229983']
In today's system the death penalty is entirely unnecessary, and thus immoral. there is no need to kill a violent offender to keep them from hurting society, our jails are strong enough to hold them as long as the courts feel is necessary. It is also much more expensive to pursue death penalty. thus leaving the only valid reason for retaining the death penalty being for the purposes of revenge.

Are you willing to bet your life or the lives of your loved ones on that premise?

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[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1303600517' post='2231555']
Are you willing to bet your life or the lives of your loved ones on that premise?

in america....yes. the number of convict escapes are very minimal.

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And I'll wager that Havok does not neglect his duty to provide for the physical defense of his family/rely on another man with a gun who is minutes away when seconds count.


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[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1303600517' post='2231555']
Are you willing to bet your life or the lives of your loved ones on that premise?


I'll wager that the number of people who are innocent and sentenced to death would outweigh concerns about nonexistent escaping from prison. and that is not even considering the morality of killing people who are guilty.

these days, if dangerous people get out on the streets, it is because the justice system lets them out, not because they escape. nothing to do with the death penalty.

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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1303662536' post='2231833']
And I'll wager that Havok does not neglect his duty to provide for the physical defense of his family/rely on another man with a gun who is minutes away when seconds count.


and that has what to do with the current escape possibilities of the federal prison system. we are not talking about violent criminals the courts release. we are talking about bonafide criminals who escape from american prisons. do you contend that there is a high number of escaped prisoners in amercia once locked up in a prison facility? what percentage of crinimals do you think escape prison facilities?

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1303669711' post='2231857']
and that has what to do with the current escape possibilities of the federal prison system. we are not talking about violent criminals the courts release. we are talking about bonafide criminals who escape from american prisons.[/quote]
There are escaped violent criminals, in addition to the ones that are let out. Some of them break into houses when they go on the lam.

[quote]do you contend that there is a high number of escaped prisoners in amercia once locked up in a prison facility? what percentage of crinimals do you think escape prison facilities?

I don't contend that, and I think the percentage of prisoners who escape is low. Why do you ask?


Edited by Sternhauser
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[quote name='kamiller42' timestamp='1303506850' post='2231216']
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From our dear leaders in the DOJ...

[i]Prisoners under sentence of death by race
Since the death penalty was reinstated by the Supreme Court in 1976, more than half of those under sentence of death have been white.[/i]

We mustn't let the facts dampen the emotional effect of playing the race card.

I am sure there are intelligent arguments to made against the death penalty, but the cheap emotional race card argument (the death penalty is racist!!!!!!) is certainly not among them.

[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1303518874' post='2231269']
ahh but how many more white people are there than black people? in the states at least?
Unfortunately, the fact is that black people commit (and are victims of) higher rates of crime (particularly violent crime) per capita in America than whites or Asians.

Yeah, it's easy to just blame it all on institutional white racism, but the facts show that is at least not the whole story. The conviction and arrest patterns are the same in black-run cities as they are in white-run cities.
There is much debate about exactly who or what is ultimately responsible for the higher black crime rates, but the amount of blacks on death row is proportionate to those convicted of violent crimes in general.

Incarceration and the death penalty should be about punishing the guilty, not fulfilling racial quotas.

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1303243152' post='2230281']
IMHO, the death penalty should be reserved for people who resurrect old threads on Phatmass.

...or at least extend their Lenten sacrifice an additional 120 days...
Or for those who start a new thread to rehash an argument covered ad nauseum for 35 pages in an old thread just a little down on the same page . . .

Nothing new here.

Some relevant quotes I posted [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=44875&view=findpost&p=2220673"]here[/url].

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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1303498753' post='2231176']
That helmet is actually pretty BA.

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