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How Are Pro Life People For The Death Penalty?


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In US history, there have been 16,000 executions. Of those, only 30 were of a white man convicted of killing a minority. Florida has never executed a white man for killing a black man. Prosecutors have the sole authority on who will face the death penalty, and in death penalty states, only 2% of prosecutors are members of a minority group.

If the system has a built in racial bias, we should not support it.

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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1303223928' post='2230167']
In US history, there have been 16,000 executions. Of those, only 30 were of a white man convicted of killing a minority. Florida has never executed a white man for killing a black man. Prosecutors have the sole authority on who will face the death penalty, and in death penalty states, only 2% of prosecutors are members of a minority group.

If the system has a built in racial bias, we should not support it.
good point.

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I'm anti-death penalty because like J-lol said, we have the means to keep violent offenders away from the public and because it can be far more expensive to pursue the death penalty. However, I am pro- "if it makes you sin, cut it off" for prisoners. Example: child molesters? ... Can you spell C-A-S-T-R-A-T-E ?

edit: spelling

Edited by AudreyGrace
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[quote name='AudreyGrace' timestamp='1303229277' post='2230199']
I'm anti-death penalty because like J-lol said, we have the means to keep violent offenders away from the public and because it can be far more expensive to pursue the death penalty. However, I am pro- "if it makes you sin, cut it off" for prisoners. Example: child molesters? ... Can you spell C-A-S-T-R-A-T-E ?

edit: spelling
well, unfortunately, you'd be wrong. i brought this up, maybe a year or two ago...and was promptly shot down. sorry. :(

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here's a couple of topics on that...

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The only person I would want to give the Death Penalty to would be Charles Manson. I'm totally Pro Life but that man is insane

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Really guys? What a bunch of illogical arguments.

1. The pope was speaking in a personal capacity regarding the DP. It's not official teaching.

2. It is not inconceivable that a person is a danger to people from within prison. There is such a thing as a mafia boss. If we can't keep drugs and weapons out of prisons, how can we possibly hope to keep all information from reaching a mafia don?

3. It is not a valid point that there is discrimination in America. It has no bearing on whether the death penalty is acceptable in specific instances. The only thing it indicates is that the death penalty is likely overused on minorities, underused on whites, or that there are differences between races. (Out of curiousity, how often has the DP been exercised on Asians? That might indicate some social or genetic differences among races as well.)

4. The death penalty has an inhibiting effect *on some people* in the commission of violent criminal activity. Just yesterday there was [url="http://www.suntimes.com/news/huntley/4896325-417/repeal-of-death-penalty-backfires.html"]this case from Illinois[/url] where a guy looked up the law in Illinois to ensure they *didn't* have the death penalty before viciously murdering his former girlfriend.

5. The ten commandments have no problem with the death penalty being applied to a guilty party.

Don't act as if it's unreasonable to support the death penalty. All that said, I think the law needs to be kept on the books, and barely ever used. Only use it in the case that a guy is likely to be able to kill again. Even if it's another prisoner, they should be protected as well.


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[quote name='AudreyGrace' timestamp='1303229277' post='2230199']
I'm anti-death penalty because like J-lol said, we have the means to keep violent offenders away from the public and because it can be far more expensive to pursue the death penalty. However, I am pro- "if it makes you sin, cut it off" for prisoners. Example: child molesters? ... Can you spell C-A-S-T-R-A-T-E ?

edit: spelling

Prisoners are people too. We can't act as if some prisoners aren't harmed or killed fairly frequently by other prisoners, so be careful claiming that "we can keep violent offenders away from the public." Unless they can be kept away from all people, including other prisoners and guards, the offenders haven't been rendered harmless.

Changing a person's anatomy isn't a decision that should be taken lightly, I believe the Church has some pretty hard hitting things to say about that practice, so be careful there.


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[quote name='LinaSt.Cecilia2772' timestamp='1303168445' post='2229954']
Okay this is one thing i've noticed about alot of politicians and people. Alot of them say they are pro life, but they are ALL FOR the death penalty. Aren't people who are pro life supposed to keep the sacredness of human life no matter what age they are and no matter what crimes they have or havent committed? This makes absolutely no sense to me what so ever. I believe that if you are pro life, you are against both abortion and the death penalty. Not just one, which is mainly abortion. I sometimes even see practicing Catholics have this mind set, when they clearly state that they are pro life. Me being a practicing Catholic, i am against both, and it's beyond me why people think that the death penalty is right. A person on death row has the same amount of life as an unborn baby does. Plain and Simple. No matter what crimes they have committed, they are still human life, and we should respect that as much as we do unborn human life.

Not sure how anyone could be "ALL FOR" the dp. Life is of course sacred but it is also clear from scripture that we are allowed to defend ourselves and families individually when our life is at risk. Should we be against the death penalty we personally impose when an intruder is about to harm our family?

Now in the same way governments have the responsibility to keep order and protect their citizens. Read Romans 13. It is pretty clear. Thus the Church has always had just war theology. Does this mean we are all for wars? Certainly not. ALL WAR IS UGLY. But again self defense and order.... Now with the death penaly again society has the right to impose this to keep order and protect it's citizens. This right has always been recognized by the Church. It does not mean that a state HAS to have the DP. Further it can be argued that there is little need of it now do to our very secure prison systems, which were far less secure in that past.

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Groo the Wanderer

IMHO, the death penalty should be reserved for people who resurrect old threads on Phatmass.

...or at least extend their Lenten sacrifice an additional 120 days...

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good point Magi dragon, obviously the best way to protect violent criminals from injury is to just round up the most violent ones and kill them.

stupidest point, ever.

Edited by Jesus_lol
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[quote name='MagiDragon' timestamp='1303239994' post='2230250']
Really guys? What a bunch of illogical arguments.

1. The pope was speaking in a personal capacity regarding the DP. It's not official teaching.

2. It is not inconceivable that a person is a danger to people from within prison. There is such a thing as a mafia boss. If we can't keep drugs and weapons out of prisons, how can we possibly hope to keep all information from reaching a mafia don?

3. It is not a valid point that there is discrimination in America. It has no bearing on whether the death penalty is acceptable in specific instances. The only thing it indicates is that the death penalty is likely overused on minorities, underused on whites, or that there are differences between races. (Out of curiousity, how often has the DP been exercised on Asians? That might indicate some social or genetic differences among races as well.)

4. The death penalty has an inhibiting effect *on some people* in the commission of violent criminal activity. Just yesterday there was [url="http://www.suntimes.com/news/huntley/4896325-417/repeal-of-death-penalty-backfires.html"]this case from Illinois[/url] where a guy looked up the law in Illinois to ensure they *didn't* have the death penalty before viciously murdering his former girlfriend.

5. The ten commandments have no problem with the death penalty being applied to a guilty party.

Don't act as if it's unreasonable to support the death penalty. All that said, I think the law needs to be kept on the books, and barely ever used. Only use it in the case that a guy is likely to be able to kill again. Even if it's another prisoner, they should be protected as well.


May i refer you to a text known as the Catechism of the Catholic Church? that may help you out there [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/like.gif[/img]

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[quote name='MagiDragon' timestamp='1303239994' post='2230250']
Really guys? What a bunch of illogical arguments.

1. The pope was speaking in a personal capacity regarding the DP. It's not official teaching.

2. It is not inconceivable that a person is a danger to people from within prison. There is such a thing as a mafia boss. If we can't keep drugs and weapons out of prisons, how can we possibly hope to keep all information from reaching a mafia don?

3. It is not a valid point that there is discrimination in America. It has no bearing on whether the death penalty is acceptable in specific instances. The only thing it indicates is that the death penalty is likely overused on minorities, underused on whites, or that there are differences between races. (Out of curiousity, how often has the DP been exercised on Asians? That might indicate some social or genetic differences among races as well.)

4. The death penalty has an inhibiting effect *on some people* in the commission of violent criminal activity. Just yesterday there was [url="http://www.suntimes.com/news/huntley/4896325-417/repeal-of-death-penalty-backfires.html"]this case from Illinois[/url] where a guy looked up the law in Illinois to ensure they *didn't* have the death penalty before viciously murdering his former girlfriend.

5. The ten commandments have no problem with the death penalty being applied to a guilty party.

Don't act as if it's unreasonable to support the death penalty. All that said, I think the law needs to be kept on the books, and barely ever used. Only use it in the case that a guy is likely to be able to kill again. Even if it's another prisoner, they should be protected as well.


actually i read somewhere that after the death penalty is used, crime increases. it is not a deterent.

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