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Doesn't It Just Boggle Your Mind?


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Hello there,

I've just been thinking it over... How, if I ever get accepted into the right order, it is really Jesus that said "yes" through that Superior. Jesus, true God and true Man, personally wanting me/you in that order. And not only that, but God, Who is above us mere humans, wants to eventually MARRY me/you?! It just boggles my mind. How can I/we possibly live up to that? ...With all our sins, faults and failings. Yet, by God's grace we can. It just overwhelms me. Wow...

It amazes me all the graces God gives His brides to live as His bride... to live such a high calling... to make it through the sacrifices and struggles...

Can you just imagine entering Heaven and seeing not only your God, but your SPOUSE-GOD! Wow! The ecstasy... the rapture... the glory... the overwhelming love...

God bless you.

Edited by JoyfulLife
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