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My Talk With Sr. Mary Michael Fsp


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You're lucky! I hope it goes well for you! My parents are the same way as yours, although my dad has absolutely no idea yet. I'm thinking of waiting until after I enter to tell him. Because he's a little :wacko: and he's not Catholic. I'm hoping to meet with another Sister in my Order while I'm in Rome next week!

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Sister Andrew

My prayers are with all of you that are having some difficulties or misunderstandings with your parents. It's great to have good friends that support you in your discerment and also it's very helpful to have a spiritual director or someone else that you can really talk to and get good advice about the difficultes you might be having.
Most of all stay close to Jesus in the Eucharist and our Mother Mary!
Prayers for all of you!
Sr. Andrew

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I just watched that charades video, it was amesome! "Nuns playing charades!" rotfl

Anywho, The Daughters of St. Paul are amesome! I thought about joining them a long time ago and I think I still could keep them on the table as an option, but my heart belongs to my other Order too

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[quote name='Andrew' timestamp='1303265480' post='2230418']
My prayers are with all of you that are having some difficulties or misunderstandings with your parents. It's great to have good friends that support you in your discerment and also it's very helpful to have a spiritual director or someone else that you can really talk to and get good advice about the difficultes you might be having.
Most of all stay close to Jesus in the Eucharist and our Mother Mary!
Prayers for all of you!
Sr. Andrew

Thank you so much Sr. Andrew.


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