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My Talk With Sr. Mary Michael Fsp


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Do you mean Sr. Margaret Micheal? If not I haven't met Sr. Mary Micheal. I discerned with the fsp's quite seriously for over a year. They are pretty great. Sr. Helena Burns is hilarious.

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croutons. Yes. Let me fix that. I was typing this in happy mode. Happy mode makes no note of names...Thanks.


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That's great, MT!
Sister Margaret Michael is very nice :)
If I may ask, where did you meet her?
(I met her by accident many years ago, in a McDonalds, lol)

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I didn't actually meet her face to face yet. This was just a phone call seeing as she is in Arlington VA and I'm in Mississippi. We've emailed back and forth quite a bit, and then talked yesterday. I t was so a[i]w[/i]esome! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/dance.gif[/img]

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I've met Sr. Margaret Micheal twice in person, once in VA and once in Chicago when I was on discernment retreats. If you want to talk about the fsp's at all free feel to PM me. I warn you ahead of time though I've very busy at this time and may or may not get back to you in a timely or thorough manner.

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Thank you Shana! I will let you know! I'm very busy right now as well, so if I come up with anything I will def PM you!

Pax and God bless. :)

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MT, I met the Sr. Margaret Michael you speak of. I was visiting for a week in Boston, and we were outside the motherhouse about to play some ball game. I stopped and told her I wanted to put my sweater on, and she looked at me incredulously and said, "SWEATER????" And I told her, "I'M COLD!!" And she said, "WIMP."

It's cos I'm from Texas....at that point, Sr. Augusta came along and coaxed some wild berries into my mouth, and then she dragged me along with her to show me where they were growing...

the FSP...they were my first love :love: the memories are countless...but I'm sure they don't remember me at all... hahahahhaha

If ur ever up there, if you see Sr. Carmen Christi tell her hello from me...she'll probably say, "IS SHE STILL ALIVE??" :P

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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1303071338' post='2229549']
MT, I met the Sr. Margaret Michael you speak of. I was visiting for a week in Boston, and we were outside the motherhouse about to play some ball game. I stopped and told her I wanted to put my sweater on, and she looked at me incredulously and said, "SWEATER????" And I told her, "I'M COLD!!" And she said, "WIMP."

It's cos I'm from Texas....at that point, Sr. Augusta came along and coaxed some wild berries into my mouth, and then she dragged me along with her to show me where they were growing...

the FSP...they were my first love :love: the memories are countless...but I'm sure they don't remember me at all... hahahahhaha

If ur ever up there, if you see Sr. Carmen Christi tell her hello from me...she'll probably say, "[b]IS SHE STILL ALIVE??[/b]" :P

If Vee keeps assaulting you with that chair...that might change the answer!!! Jk, jk, jk. rotfl

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1303072061' post='2229552']
If Vee keeps assaulting you with that chair...that might change the answer!!! Jk, jk, jk. rotfl


Vee is not the only that beats her with the chair! hahahaha

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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1303071338' post='2229549']
MT, I met the Sr. Margaret Michael you speak of. I was visiting for a week in Boston, and we were outside the motherhouse about to play some ball game. I stopped and told her I wanted to put my sweater on, and she looked at me incredulously and said, "SWEATER????" And I told her, "I'M COLD!!" And she said, "WIMP."

It's cos I'm from Texas....at that point, Sr. Augusta came along and coaxed some wild berries into my mouth, and then she dragged me along with her to show me where they were growing...

the FSP...they were my first love :love: the memories are countless...but I'm sure they don't remember me at all... hahahahhaha

If ur ever up there, if you see Sr. Carmen Christi tell her hello from me...she'll probably say, "IS SHE STILL ALIVE??" :P

OK ds when was this? Just curious (I visited the Daughters way back in the day ... I met both sisters).

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Have you interacted with Sr. Helena Burns at all? She's pretty much my favorite religious sister ever. Her blog is at hellburns.blogspot.com. She's so funny and super energetic. And she loves Theology of the Body.

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Have you interacted with Sr. Helena Burns at all? She's pretty much my favorite religious sister ever. Her blog is at hellburns.blogspot.com. She's so funny and super energetic. And she loves Theology of the Body.

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Sorry for the double post. On a related note here's a video with Sr. Helena, Sr. Margaret Micheal and me and some other retreatants playing charades. (Sr. MM is calling me out for being horrible at playing charades, lol).


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[quote name='Shana' timestamp='1303092977' post='2229659']
Have you interacted with Sr. Helena Burns at all? She's pretty much my favorite religious sister ever. Her blog is at hellburns.blogspot.com. She's so funny and super energetic. And she loves Theology of the Body.

I have a little through Twitter. Haven't really talked to her about joining up because I have an open Twitter and some people don't need to see that yet. (ahem, my sister)

But anywho-I love her stuff! I follow her blog. I hate it when you're unable to follow peep's blogs... it's like :wall:

Added: And I'm gonna watch the video now! :hehe: I actually played charades tonight....rotfl

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