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My Talk With Sr. Mary Michael Fsp


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So, I got to talk to Sr. Mary Michael of the FSP today...for 40 minutes! It was wonderful! We talked about my studies (I still wanna quit school) as well as about the FSP. She asked me about what had gotten me interested in the FSP. So I had to tell her about how I had originally kind of been meh about the FSP, thinking I might like something more contemplative, and then looked again at them at the urging of a friend (ahem, Krissy) after I started feeling more...evangelical callings.
It really surprised me how she had me back up and explain what I meant when I said I felt the need to go out and tell people to stop ignoring God. Which led me to telling her about the idiots ignoring God (iiG) on my campus and my parents who really need to focus more on Him and not on other matters. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/brickwall.gif[/img] She also talked about some more materials she could send me (I'M GETTING A BOOK ON EUCHARISTIC ADORATION!!!! WOOT!!!) in addition to the pamphlets on Mother Thecla and Bl. James Alberione I received today.

I really hope to visit St. Louis over the summer to meet the postulants and then I might get to go visit next winter vacation at Boston. :crossfingers:

We're going to continue to talk and email and hopefully Skype at some point. :dance3:

She also asked me about my health, which did and didn't surprise me at the time. It surprised me because I've talked to the Carmelites a couple times and they haven't mentioned it. It didn't surprise me because good health is MUST.

I'm so incredibly blessed that the conversation went well! :smile3: It went a lot more smoothly than my conversations with Carmel have. Maybe it's a sign of great things to come-a sign of God's plan for me. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/amen.gif[/img]

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That sounds awe.some!
If you don't mind me asking, what order is this? I don't know what FSP stands for...:blush:

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[quote name='MeteorShower' timestamp='1302901634' post='2229025']
That sounds awe.some!
If you don't mind me asking, what order is this? I don't know what FSP stands for...:blush:


No probs. Daughters of St. Paul. :dance:



LOVE THEM [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/clap2.gif[/img]

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cool!! thanks :) The Daughters of St. Paul like a brilliant order, from what I can see.

I'm rather envious (in the good way, of course, if that's even possible) of all you guys who are actively discerning your vocations. Nah, I'm just kidding. I'm very happy for you :dance:

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I am actively and secretively discerning thanks to a mother (and father, to a point) who aren't happy with me and my "Catholicness" as Mom calls it. :wall:

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I suppose that would complicate things, wouldn't it :( I guess I kind of know how you feel, a small bit, as my dad isn't religious and isn't fond of religion at all. However, I am fortunate that my mother is Catholic. I'll remember to keep you in my prayers - and your parents, that they come to terms with your "Catholicness." I imagine that it must be hard for you to discern without their knowledge and support.

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Well, here is my problem with the FSP.

Whole Pauline Family, actually.

So you know that in 2009, 1999, 1989, in December there are all these retrospectives on the past decade/century/millennium and then there are always THEM. The people who say "There was no year zero! The decade/century/millenium doesn't end for another year! Have your party next year!"

The killjoys. The sticklers. The fussbudgets. THEM.

Blessed James had his vision which led to the founding of the Paulines while praying in Eucharistic Adoration on "The Night Between the Centuries." Which, initially, processed in my head as Dec. 31, 1899.

Nope. Dec. 31, 1900, just as the new century "really" dawned on Jan 1 1901.

Gasp. He is one of THEM. They are ALL THEM!!!!

Even worse. Blessed James didn't exactly choose to have such a revelation from God. Really, the Holy Spirit times such things.

Does this mean that GOD is one of THEM???


(This should not necessarily play a major role in your discernment. But still. It does give one pause.)

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1302905622' post='2229061']
Ummm....I kind of am one of those no 0s people... :hehe:

oh my goodness (don't blasphemy).

You are a perfect match.

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[quote name='krissylou' timestamp='1302905713' post='2229062']
oh my goodness (don't blasphemy).

You are a perfect match.

HAHAHAHAHa. They way I mostly see it is that it is a new year, another one to thank God for allowing me to see. :)

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1302903545' post='2229044']
I am actively and secretively discerning thanks to a mother (and father, to a point) who aren't happy with me and my "Catholicness" as Mom calls it. :wall:

I understand. I did the same thing for a long time. Once my mom found out I got to hear about how I am going to hell for worshipping Mary. Then I got kicked out of the house. I am still discerning and still following God though. God will give you the grace to make it through.

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[quote name='emilier98' timestamp='1302913437' post='2229121']
I understand. I did the same thing for a long time. Once my mom found out I got to hear about how I am going to hell for worshipping Mary. Then I got kicked out of the house. I am still discerning and still following God though. God will give you the grace to make it through.

I am fortunate enough to have enough friends that I can probably crash on a couch until I were to get my feet back under me. By the time anything gets set, however, I will be on my own, paying back school debt. :/

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1302915006' post='2229130']
I am fortunate enough to have enough friends that I can probably crash on a couch until I were to get my feet back under me. By the time anything gets set, however, I will be on my own, paying back school debt. :/

That is actually what I'm doing. I <3 couches right now. I ended up having to get a second job which really bites because I'm in school, but oh well. Also if it does come to your vocation or your parents you can always email me. My friends are amesome and aren't letting me go through this alone and I would never let anyone else.

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