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Abortion - States Rights



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[quote name='Don John of Austria' timestamp='1305476720' post='2241869']
If you are responsable for the failure of your staff then he is responsable for not knowing about it.... you can't have it both ways[/quote] Nonsense, I made my point clear. It was based upon what George W. Bush said during the debates, when he was running for president.

[quote]Obviously you do not since you said he would soon become a saint. And that is your interpretation, I am sorry you don't see that. Your ability to be rude rather than make a rational arguement is truely amazing.

No, it has to do with being able to see the future for what it is. He will become a cannonized Saint of the Roman Catholic Church, just you watch and see.

[quote]No its pretty much exactly what you said... They are uneducated, poor people without a strong government, so they kill people.
[/quote] I didn't call them savages. There is a great illiteracy rate in Iraq, just as there is violence, but do I think that they are savages? No. Queen Rania herself has mentioned this point. This only shows how you like to devalue human beings.

[quote]You do know what the word savage means don't you? Would you feel better about the term barbarians? I understand, you don't like the term, it has such a negative sound to it, but that is EXACTLY what you are saying, you just don't like it.

It means uncivilized, primative, etc. and no that definition doesn't apply to them. Therefore no it's not what I have said.

[quote]Glad to know that poor uneducated people just can't control themselves and have to murder peopleat a rate 50 times that of educated people who have more money.

You said that, not me.

[quote]alone, personally, no, I cannot imagine myself finding someone guilty based solely on someones expert opinion, much less sentencing him to death. But I was not on that jury, more than that his "Friends" turned and testified against him.

You said yourself the testimony of one individual should and is enough to convict someone of capital murder and sentence them to death in Texas.

[quote]No it isn't a complicated question, it is a yes or no question. I have no trouble with qualification,but you should stillbe able to answer the question.

Do innocent men have the right tor esist arrest?

I answered your question the problem is that you're looking for a primative answer so you can twist it in your direction. Sorry but it's not that simple.

[quote]No he can't pardon, again your knowlege of Texas Law is flawed. He can give a single 30 day stay, he can only do it once, and he cannot just give pardons.

Yes he can give pardons.Tim Cole was posthumorously pardoned after being put to death. There is also the issue of Clemancy. Clemency — the use of executive power to reduce, forgive or delay a sentence — is considered the last fail-safe in the death penalty review process nationwide The govenor of Texas has this power.
[quote]I believe that the death penalty protects society better than imprisoning people for life. I also don't believe that putting men in a box for 22 hours a day for the rest of thier life is humane or in keeping with human dignity.

I'm sure that you do, but your church doesn't.

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[quote name='RezaMikhaeil' timestamp='1305474106' post='2241850']
As I said, if you want to moderate people talkin trash to people and hurling personal insults, I got no problem but apply it equally. However I should applaud this forum :clapping: , it keeps reminding me why I'm NOT ROMAN CATHOLIC. :getaclue: thankx

I did, that's the thing about calling someone you've never met a [mod]please refrain from using this word --franciscanheart[/mod]. So thanks for reading what i posted.

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[quote name='Amppax' timestamp='1305509770' post='2242082']
I did, that's the thing about calling someone you've never met a [mod]please refrain from using this word --franciscanheart[/mod]. So thanks for reading what i posted.

I wasn't only referencing you, so thanks for the response.

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[quote name='RezaMikhaeil' timestamp='1305509918' post='2242084']
I wasn't only referencing you, so thanks for the response.

you're welcome!
:cake: cake?

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[quote name='Amppax' timestamp='1305473201' post='2241842']
Well, you just did. So now i feel obligated to link this: [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules"]http://www.phatmass....tion=boardrules[/url]

Personal attacks are against the rules. that seems pretty personal to me. Then again, so i calling someone you've never met a douche. :idontknow:
First: You will note I stated the thread went full douche.
B: Repeated use of "sorry" and "FAIL" warrants presentation of dbaggery statements and the picture of Laurence Donatelli. It's in the Geneva convention.
Fifth: The interactions on this board are a form of meeting and the evidence preceded the judgment, ipso facto quid pro quo and e pluribus unum.

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[quote name='Don John of Austria' timestamp='1305506376' post='2242055']
I agree with the teaching ofthe Church as stated in the CCC, I do not agree with the pastorial opinion which accompanies it.

Further the Pope says I do not have to agree with it.

so you disagree with things in the ccc then?

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1305510215' post='2242086']
First: You will note I stated the thread went full douche.
B: Repeated use of "sorry" and "FAIL" warrants presentation of dbaggery statements and the picture of Laurence Donatelli. It's in the Geneva convention.
Fifth: The interactions on this board are a form of meeting and the evidence preceded the judgment, ipso facto quid pro quo and e pluribus unum.

Winchester, thank you for making me more anti-catholic today then I was yesterday, I love you for it! :wall:

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[quote name='RezaMikhaeil' timestamp='1305513274' post='2242116']
Winchester, thank you for making me more anti-catholic today then I was yesterday, I love you for it! :wall:
You know, there's a post a in another thread for you. That post was for ampax. Everything is not about you.


See? Everything's cool, now.

Edited by Winchester
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Don John of Austria

adjective, noun, verb, -aged, -ag·ing.
1. fierce, ferocious, or cruel; untamed: savage beasts.
2. uncivilized; barbarous: savage tribes.
3. enraged or furiously angry, as a person.

Seems like exactly what your saying.

I did indeed say that you can be convicted by a single witness, not necessarily a single expert, but yes , 2 people can stand up and say different things and if the jury believes one over the other that is enough to convict. Makes many trials even possible to have.

The Texas Governor has no power to give clemency, he just doesn't have it. You can think all you want that he does, You can sit at your computer and scream about how it is a NAtional check... blah blah blah.... but the FACT is the Governor of Texas has very little power, and cannot grant Clemency. He can grant a pardon only when a State Board recomends it. He may grant 1 and only 1 30 day stay of execution. That is it.

The Governor of Texas is not the most powerful person in State government, his powers are very very limited. The Lt.Govenor is actually more powerful, a lot more powerful.

Members of the Magestirium of my Church do not believe that the death penalty is more effective at protecting people. But they are not authoritive in that matter. Neither have they eclared that it is a matter of faith and morals that one must hold this position.

Edited by Don John of Austria
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Don John of Austria

[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1305511903' post='2242103']
so you disagree with things in the ccc then?

I disagree wit hcertian parts of the CCC which are merely pastorial yes.

I will warn you havok,be careful were you go with this, there are doors you don't want to open.

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[quote name='Don John of Austria' timestamp='1305514959' post='2242137']
I disagree wit hcertian parts of the CCC which are merely pastorial yes.

I will warn you havok,be careful were you go with this, there are doors you don't want to open.

there are doors i don't want to open? i have no idea what you are talking about? although i will never deny church teaching. if that makes you uncomfortable then maybe you should end this debate because i believe everything the catholic church teaches and will not refuse to proclaim that from the hill tops.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1305515110' post='2242138']
there are doors i don't want to open? i have no idea what you are talking about? although i will never deny church teaching. if that makes you uncomfortable then maybe you should end this debate because i believe everything the catholic church teaches and will not refuse to proclaim that from the hill tops.
I'm pretty sure the second sentence was a statement.

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2267 Assuming that the guilty party's identity and responsibility have been fully determined, the traditional teaching of the Church does not exclude recourse to the death penalty, if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives against the unjust aggressor.

this is the exact quote i am talking about. not anything else. from my understanding this is the actual catholic church stance on the death penalty. do you agree with this part of the ccc? if so are you saying the death penalty in america has only been or is only used for this purpose and no other? do you believe the american prison system is incapable of effectively defending human lives against an unjust aggressor?

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1305515110' post='2242138']
there are doors i don't want to open? i have no idea what you are talking about? although i will never deny church teaching. if that makes you uncomfortable then maybe you should end this debate because i believe everything the catholic church teaches and will not refuse to proclaim that from the hill tops.

after seeing your last post I withdraw this staement, I understand now what you were saying.

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1305515718' post='2242144']
2267 Assuming that the guilty party's identity and responsibility have been fully determined, the traditional teaching of the Church does not exclude recourse to the death penalty, if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives against the unjust aggressor.

this is the exact quote i am talking about. not anything else. from my understanding this is the actual catholic church stance on the death penalty. do you agree with this part of the ccc? if so are you saying the death penalty in america has only been or is only used for this purpose and no other? do you believe the american prison system is incapable of effectively defending human lives against an unjust aggressor?

Yes this is the teeaching and isnot pastorial advice.

Yes I agree with that totally.

I am not,certianly there are people who seek to use it for vengence, that does not mean that it is not fitting to use it for its proper purpose

I do not believethe american prison system is capable of effectively defending human lives against an unjust agressor without torturing many many more people than the death penalty applies to.

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