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Becoming A Sister


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What's the difference in men becoming priests and women becoming nuns? Do women have to go through almost the same process as men going into the priesthood? How do women know whether they should become nuns? Because for a while now i've talked to alot of Sisters that work at my church, and becoming a nun might be a possibility. I just want to know more about it and how the process of becoming a nun works.

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Well. first you discern whether or not your vocation is to the religious life. There are many ways to do this. First off, deepen your prayer life, especially silent prayer, so you will be able to hear God's words to you. Read the Bible. It [i]is[/i] God's word. Talk to a priest/deacon/campus minister/sister about it. They can give you tons of help. Then tell your parents you are discerning a call to the religious life. It's better that they know. Try to go to Mass daily if you can, try Adoration, and frequent reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

[i]Then[/i], you look up religious orders that suit you. There are tons of sources out there for this: The CMSWR ( I think that what it's called, I always get the initials mixed up!), [url="http://womenreligiousorders.blogspot.com/"]http://womenreligiousorders.blogspot.com/[/url], even Phatmass has a page! Contact them--as many as you want--about their life and ask tons of questions.

Now, it's probably been a few years since you started to discern and you have an order and they've accepted you (after filling out [i]lots[/i] of paper work and getting a psych exam) and you are going to enter.

[b]First: Postulancy/aspirancy (1-2 years)
[/b]Generally, you live as a member of the order, praying, living their Rules, etc. You continue to discern whether or not this is really for you. In many orders, you wear a modified "habit," mostly skirts and a shirt or a dress.
Second:[/b] [b]Novitiate (1-2 years)
[/b]You (sometimes) recieve the habit of your order. Depending on the order, you will begin to be educated on their apostolate and theology studies. You continue to pray, discern, etc.

[b]Third: Temporary Profession (3-6 or more years)
[/b]You continue to discern, pray, etc. while working the apostolate of your order. All of this is in preparation for your final vows and to make sure this [i]is the path God wills for you[/i].

[b]Fourth: Final Profession (forever!)
[/b]There's a line from the bible "You are a priest forever," Well, this is "You are a sister/nun/brother/monk forever." After much discernment, and the permission of your order, you make your final profession. BUT YOU ARE NEVER DONE. You must choose to be a sister every day of your life, just like husbands and wives must choose to be married everyday of their lives. The discernment is ongoing. You never stop praying.

Hope this helps. Dieu vous benisse! and bonne chance on your journey

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great answers, LePetite!

Like she alluded to, a lot of the details (i.e. formation timelines, habits, apostolate) depends on the particular community. When you feel called to a particular one (or have narrowed down to a few), most people go on what's called a "Come and See", where you get to live the prayer and community life with the sisters for a weekend, week, or even a month.

Btw, welcome to phatmass!

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[quote name='LaPetiteSoeur' timestamp='1302258288' post='2226868']
Then tell your parents you are discerning a call to the religious life. It's better that they know.

I don't think that should always be done that early. That's definitely situational and depends on one's relationship with one's parents, their religion, how far along you are in discernment and your spiritual life, etc. A spiritual director or priest would be best to listen to in that case.

But the rest of the little French sister's advice is good :)

Edited by Chamomile
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thank ya'll soooo much!!! this was really helpful to me! i still have a long way before i decide if it's the right path for me, but i know that God has a plan, and i just have to listen and figure it out.
Thanks again!!!

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[quote name='Chamomile' timestamp='1302272254' post='2226894']
I don't think that should always be done that early. That's definitely situational and depends on one's relationship with one's parents, their religion, how far along you are in discernment and your spiritual life, etc. A spiritual director or priest would be best to listen to in that case.

But the rest of the little French sister's advice is good :)

I totally agree with this. Tis excellent advice.

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