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What's The Most Beautiful Habit You've Ever Seen?


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Alberto Guimaraes

Peace and Good!   :saint2:

I agree Chamomile: Sisters and Brothers Franciscans of the Renewal have a beautiful habit, because it is a poor habit.   :nun3:

Many Brothers of the Renewal go barefoot, but I never see if the Sisters go so.  :nun:

I think that franciscanism and discalceament are side-to-side.

Jesus, Mary and Francis be with you all, keep you and bless you!   :saint:

Br. Alberto Guimaraes SFO

Braga - Portugal

Edited by Alberto Guimaraes
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I didn't know which thread to put this in, but I was searching for ceremony pictures of Sisters and came across these pictures of the Benedictines of Mary when a large group of them made their solemn vows. They just look so thrilled and the pictures are beautiful. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-religion/2514702/posts


What is interesting to point out about their habit is that this is when the Sister receives the blue (and red underneath) veil. They call it their choir veil that they will wear for Holy Mass, Lectio Divina, and major Offices. The blue symbolizes Mary's maternity, and the red underneath (as in Old Testament times) for her virginity. There is three small crosses on them also, which represent that She is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The inspiration came from and icon that hangs in the house of Our Blessed Mother in Ephesus.


edited to fix my spelling.

Edited by VeniJesuAmorMi
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