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Small But Thriving Community Of Religious Brothers


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A congregation of religious brothers founded in 1999 in Oswego, NY seems to be thriving. The Congregation of Church Nerds was originally founded by four computer programmers - now known as Brothers Adalbert, Albert, Cuthbert, and Dilbert - committed to helping the Church prepare to survive the then-impending Y2K disaster. They have since expanded their ministry to include engineering, building inspection, and computer programming services for religious congregations and Catholic parishes. The congregation is currently considering a further expansion of their ministry to include sponsoring chess clubs in all-male Catholic high schools.

Brother Filbert, the order's spokesNerd, explained that the Nerds live in communities called Teams, similar to monasteries. Each Nerd has a a bed, a chest of drawers, and a computer equipped with 64 gazillion megabytes of memory. Nerds are assigned to Teams as their skills interface with the technical demands of the anticipated projects within a given service area, and in alphabetical order whenever possible.

Brother Gilbert, human resources Nerd, described the order's habit - a short-sleeved black shirt with a modified Roman collar, blue jeans, running shoes, a pocket protector with four pens and a crucifix, and black-rimmed glasses. He indicated that the brothers do not comb their hair, and shaving is optional.

Brothers Herbert, Hubert, and Humbert are preparing for final vows in late summer - they consititute Nerd Version 2011. Brothers Lambert, Norbert, and Robert are preparing for first vows - they will constitute Nerd Version 2012.

Brother Wally, research and development Nerd, says the order is most proud of it release of the iPhone Confession/Reconciliation app, which has already come to the attention of the Holy Father.

Admission Requirements: Men who have completed their college educations. Degree must be in a technical field. Admission test consisting of a timed solution of a Rubic's Cube. For more information, contact Brother Englebert.

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oh my goodness (don't blasphemy)! I couldn't stop laughing at this! I thought, at first, that it was real, but it HAS to be a joke. Nice April geniuses', Luigi! You had me fooled! rotfl

When I read it, I started thinking about the song by Weird Al Yankovic (just want to warn people that this video has an instance where someone flashes the finger but it's censored):


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