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How long have you been discerning and what is your favorite prayer?

Mine is from a Maiden's wreath

Englighten me to know your will,
and strenghthen me to do it.
Prepare my heart to meet your love,
and cling forever to it.

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I've been discerning for a little over a year

God I offer myself to thee to build with me and do with me as Thou wilt
Relieve me of the bondage of self that I may better do Thy will
Take away my difficulties that victory over them may bear witness to those that I would help of Thy power, Thy love and Thy way of life
May I do Thy will always
God, I turn my will and my life over to your care

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I have been discerning on and off since December 2007. I had two periods in that time when I was not discerning because either I felt I wasn't called or I became very confused. I just recently started discerning again after a break of about 6 months. Before this time, I was convinced God was not calling me because every order I contacted turned me down. Now, I have hope since the order I am discerning is open to those with medical illnesses.

My favorite prayer is the Hail Mary. I also like Hail, Holy Queen and the Memorae by St. Bernard (Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary...). :)

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I've been discerning my whole life and am still doing so! :) My favorite prayers are

Anima Christi
Veni Spiritu Sancti

any prayers - I love to pray..... :love:

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1301446755' post='2224491']
I've been discerning my whole life and am still doing so! :) My favorite prayers are

Anima Christi
Veni Spiritu Sancti

any prayers - I love to pray..... :love:

Beautiful! I like what everyone has said.

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Mary Magdalene

I've been seriously discerning for just over a year now.

My favourite prayers

Haily Mary and the prayer to St Michael the Archangel


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For about a year, but I think God's been gently drawing me closer to Him for quite a while! Whether or not I'm called to be a Sister, my relationship with Him has grown- which is the most important!

My favorite prayer is the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Oh, how I need His mercy! But all prayers = :love:

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I have been discerning on and off since I was in first grade. Seriously for about 3 years.

Favorite prayer is the Anima Christi

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Would you like to share your discernment story with us? How long have you been discerning? Have you visited/are you considering any particular communities? If theere is anything we can do to encourage your vocation, let us know! :welcome:

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1301500324' post='2224691']
Would you like to share your discernment story with us? How long have you been discerning? Have you visited/are you considering any particular communities? If theere is anything we can do to encourage your vocation, let us know! :welcome:

I didn't expect anyone to notice that I was not answering this question. I have been discerning for 5 years, and I have recently contacted the order I feel most drawn too. I have met the Monks in wesminster abbey where my brothers went for Minor Seminary, and I have met a Dominican sister of Saint Cecilia, a grey nun, and a blue nun ( I never asked her order). I have also asked questions with some Byzantine sisters. None of these orders I have felt called too. Truth is I am really Catholic and very traditional. :D So i am trying to fit my "style" with what God wants. I love the Franciscan order and the Benedictine order. The nun i am currently in contact with is Benedictine.

Prayers :amen:

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[quote name='InPersonaChriste' timestamp='1301501118' post='2224692']
I didn't expect anyone to notice that I was not answering this question. I have been discerning for 5 years, and I have recently contacted the order I feel most drawn too. I have met the Monks in wesminster abbey where my brothers went for Minor Seminary, and I have met a Dominican sister of Saint Cecilia, a grey nun, and a blue nun ( I never asked her order). I have also asked questions with some Byzantine sisters. None of these orders I have felt called too. Truth is I am really Catholic and very traditional. :D So i am trying to fit my "style" with what God wants. I love the Franciscan order and the Benedictine order. The nun i am currently in contact with is Benedictine.

Prayers :amen:

If you haven't already, you might want to look into the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles. They are a really beautiful order with the Latin Mass and full habit. I don't feel called at all to the Benedictine charism, but if I did, I'd consider them. I love their ceremonies for investiture and vows. :)


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I guess it's been almost four years now. That's kind of crazy to think about! But, then again, I felt "the call" shortly after/coinciding with my baptism four years ago (well, four years ago April 7th). It took me a while to recognize what that desire [i]was[/i], as I didn't really know a whole lot about religious life. And then I spent two years wrestling with it. Last year I finally gave in, while I was finishing school. And for the past nine or ten months, I've been working my bum off to get my student loans paid off so I can enter.

Wow. Four years. :blush:

As for my favorite prayer... I'd have to say it's Blessed Elizabeth's prayer to the Holy Trinity.

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