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I Think Showing Pictures Of Aborted Babies Is Disrespectful


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[quote name='Santa Cruz' timestamp='1301503979' post='2224718']
Thank you, yes I am aware that the public did not see pictures or even hear news of what was going on during the Holocaust until after it was all over. However, seeing the pictures of the Holocaust NOW will help to prevent something like that from happening again. It helps people to understand the capabilities of the evil that lurks in the human heart. We need to know our history. I am glad you took a class on the Holocaust. My family was there, in it and many killed...I know all too well.

Yeah but it didn't stop them from making abortion legal.
We understand that the Holocaust is wrong because we hear the voices of people who have been through it and have seen the pictures. But what i dont understand is that even if people see pictures of aborted babies, it sometimes has the opposite affect. Not only are we disrespecting the child as we have posted huge images of aborted babies on here, but we are also turning people away from our cause.

And what if children under the age of reason viewed these images? They don't think or judge as we do, and I would be scarred for life if I had seen pictures before I was 13 (cause that is when I first viewed a photo).

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[quote name='Santa Cruz' timestamp='1301496735' post='2224678']

You raise a good point that any images shown should be with respect and love and in sorrow of the child lost...I don't know what you mean though when you say people are displaying images to advance a political agenda? What is the political agenda and who does that? I am not saying you are wrong, I just am ignorant of it.

Specifically more Conservative groups, like Republicans and Tea Party Patriots. They might show the pictures (the ones in regards to the Obama family, I'm taking about here) to point out simply another reason to hate Obama, Democrats, and Liberals alike. It's another example of practically exploiting the dead child in order to make others feel hatred towards the Obama administration. That being said, I know that not all Republicans and Conservatives feel or act this way, but it's safe to say that the ones who group anti-Obama ads with pictures of aborted children are likely to be part of a conservative, or at least anti-Obama, political party, geared towards trying to make others believe that Obama is the sole reason for abortions, hoping to lead others against him and into the protestor's political group.

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[quote name='sixpence' timestamp='1301501827' post='2224697']
I agree that this is similar to show pictures from the holocaust.

If I was brutally murdered I would rather that everyone know about it rather than hiding it from the public. ESPECIALLY if it might help someone else escape the same fate...

But would you allow videos of doctors with tongs tearing apart your body and pulling off your limbs? I watched an Abortion video that had doctors with tongs taking the hands off aborted babies and lining them up next to coins.

THAT is something I would not allow people to view. Unless they wanted, and were properly informed/warned beforehand.

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[quote name='AudreyGrace' timestamp='1301521499' post='2224791']
Specifically more Conservative groups, like Republicans and Tea Party Patriots. They might show the pictures (the ones in regards to the Obama family, I'm taking about here) to point out simply another reason to hate Obama, Democrats, and Liberals alike. It's another example of practically exploiting the dead child in order to make others feel hatred towards the Obama administration. That being said, I know that not all Republicans and Conservatives feel or act this way, but it's safe to say that the ones who group anti-Obama ads with pictures of aborted children are likely to be part of a conservative, or at least anti-Obama, political party, geared towards trying to make others believe that Obama is the sole reason for abortions, hoping to lead others against him and into the protestor's political group.

I don't need to see an abortion picture to hate Obama, all I have to do is read the news. The point of showing Obama and aborted babies together is that Obama supports the slaughter of children, and in places like New York City, the largest group of sliced and diced babies (59.8%) are black. Supporting the genocide of half of your family tree is horrendous and self-hatred to the extreme.

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[quote name='Santa Cruz' timestamp='1301496735' post='2224678']

You raise a good point that any images shown should be with respect and love and in sorrow of the child lost...I don't know what you mean though when you say people are displaying images to advance a political agenda? What is the political agenda and who does that? I am not saying you are wrong, I just am ignorant of it.

I would assume the political agenda would be end legalized abortion, not a bad agenda.


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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1301527432' post='2224830']
I don't need to see an abortion picture to hate Obama, all I have to do is read the news. The point of showing Obama and aborted babies together is that Obama supports the slaughter of children, and in places like New York City, [b]the largest group of sliced and diced babies[/b] (59.8%) are black. Supporting the genocide of half of your family tree is horrendous and self-hatred to the extreme.

That phrase made me cringe :dontlike:.

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I listened to a talk by Peter Kreeft last night, and during the Q&A session after it, he was asked about the use of aborted baby pictures. He replied that if the Germans during the Holocaust had seen pictures of what their country was legally doing to people (in concentration camps), they would have been quick to condemn their leaders' actions. But they didn't see. And what was done in the dark, hidden away from public eyes, prospered and destroyed millions. Quite similiar situation here today in regards to abortion.

Women who are 'councelled' before abortion are told their pregnancy contains no human being.. simply a mass of cells. 'Abortion' becomes no more than an ending of a pregnancy, a removing of 'pregnancy matter'... people holding the eye-opening signs outside the abortion mill 'force' women to become more informed quickly, to appeal to their hearts, and to bring them to the conclusion that "I can't do that to my baby."

I think for sidewalk counseling purposes though, it's better technique for someone to ask the permission of the woman being counseled before showing her the pictures.

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='InPersonaChriste' timestamp='1301501428' post='2224694']
They didn't show images to stop the holocaust. I took WWII history for a whole year. Holocaust pictures where opened to the public "after" it had already happened.
You wanna start carpet bombing the houses of abortionists then?
Might be effective, but I'm not sure the PR would be great.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1301613920' post='2225161']
You wanna start carpet bombing the houses of abortionists then?
Might be effective, but I'm not sure the PR would be great.

No that was not what I was saying. I was simply informing Santa Cruz that the holocaust pictures were released [b]after [/b]the holocaust.

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I don't think I can say da pictures ar'e disrespectful. da pictures themselves do not objectify da unborn: they show da unborn were objectified.
Just as photos o'f murdered victims ar'e shown i'n trials convict da murderer, so ar'e these photos shown prove t'o people dat a crime has been committed.

Should da pictures be shown kids?
....they ar'e o'f kids.

Will they scar children life?
...only if their parents tell them "I support dat". Good parents, however, will explain, an'd then tell their kids how they can help. I wasn't scarred life, an'd I learned oven PBA when I wasn't thirteen. My sister isn't scarred, an'd she saw them when she wa's five.

Will they cause women commit suicide?
...at some point they were going find out da truth. I't wa's only a matter o'f time.

Should people be allowed avoid da pictures?
....Should people be allowed avoid da truth? (da CBR's GAPs ar'e typically advertised beforehand an'd alternative routes given, though)

I'n short, I think i't would be more disrespectful t'o da unborn t'o refrain from showing da picture, an'd allow their humanity t'o be denied, than show da pictures t'o prove their humanity. I do not like da pictures. I think they ar'e horrible an'd disgusting an'd heart-wrenching. But, they ar'e necessary. I wouldn't feel any better if every picture wa's wiped from existence, an'd I still knew this stuff wa's going on, only unphotographed.

Edited t'o Add: I protest this fil.ter

Edited by Tally Marx
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