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Handmaidens Of The Heart Of Jesus


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We assisted Mother Clare so that she could enter the CFR's years ago. She discerned that community was not her ultimate call. After returning home to MN she worked for the Archdiocese of Saint Paul/Minneapolis as their Religious Life liason for several years -as an amazing blessing. She brought in many faithful religious to visit young discerners and started households of discernment for young adult women in the Archdiocese with the Blessed Sacrament and common prayer and meals. Several years ago, now, she and a handful of other young women founded this community. They did their formation with the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles. They do not have a web presence, but you can learn about them in these pictures. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/karencoleman/sets/72157624075027495/with/3904928876/"]http://www.flickr.co...ith/3904928876/[/url]


Also, a post here: [url="http://happy-catholic.blogspot.com/2010/03/andmaids-of-heart-of-jesus.html"]http://happy-catholi...t-of-jesus.html[/url]
And Background here: [url="http://www.nujournal.com/page/content.detail/id/514037/Handmaids-of-the-Heart-of-Jesus.html"]http://www.nujournal...t-of-Jesus.html[/url]

*Not to be confused with the Handmaidens of the SACRED Heart of Jesus. :) This is a different community.

Edited by LaboureSociety
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Ok, when I first read the beginning, I thought, "Sr. Clare left?!?!?" She is the local community servant for the house where the postulants live. Don't scare me like that again, LOL! I've heard of this community before and they are beautiful. Their habit looks very Dominican. :)

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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Does anyone know what their intended apostolate is? Or their charism? They sound like a great order, there's just not a lot of info about them!


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This one in the nujournal article posted above:
[quote] The sisters do apostolic work such as teaching children or anything really in the parishes to help people come to know the Lord, Mother Mary Clare said.

Yay joyful and faithful sisters! I can't wait to hear more about them as they become more established! I for one, love the midwesterness that the article talked about!

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Here's another article about them: [url="http://www.herald-journal.com/archives/2010/stories/winsted-mothermaryclare.html"]http://www.herald-journal.com/archives/2010/stories/winsted-mothermaryclare.html[/url]

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There is some more information [url="http://www.cathedralht.org/spring_2010.pdf"]here.[/url] Scroll down to the bottom.

Also [url="http://www.cathedralht.org/32574_June_10_Newsletter.pdf"]here[/url], scroll down to page 4 and [url="http://www.dnu.org/news/newspaper/april10/index.pdf"]here[/url], at the top and on page 5.

And, there is a "[url="http://www.10000vocations.org/eventdetail.aspx?id=102"]Come and See[/url]" weekend going on right now.

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i noticed that there are more than one communities that came out of CFRs. Hmm, I forgot the name of the other one.

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[quote name='tnavarro61' timestamp='1301298018' post='2223874']
i noticed that there are more than one communities that came out of CFRs. Hmm, I forgot the name of the other one.

maybe the Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth...? I think...

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[quote name='MeteorShower' timestamp='1301323912' post='2223909']
maybe the Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth...? I think...

Yep, the Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth emerged from the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal. The Franciscan Friars of the Primitive Observance emerged from the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. Both orders have a blurb written about them in the book [b][i]The Drama of Reform: Franciscans of the Renewal[/i][/b]. :like:

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WOW I didn't know there were other two communities. What I have in my mind is another community. I forgot the name but definitely not mentioned here. :think:

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[quote name='LaboureSociety' timestamp='1301108915' post='2223387']
We assisted Mother Clare so that she could enter the CFR's years ago. She discerned that community was not her ultimate call. After returning home to MN she worked for the Archdiocese of Saint Paul/Minneapolis as their Religious Life liason for several years -as an amazing blessing. She brought in many faithful religious to visit young discerners and started households of discernment for young adult women in the Archdiocese with the Blessed Sacrament and common prayer and meals. Several years ago, now, she and a handful of other young women founded this community. They did their formation with the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles. They do not have a web presence, but you can learn about them in these pictures. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/karencoleman/sets/72157624075027495/with/3904928876/"]http://www.flickr.co...ith/3904928876/[/url]


Also, a post here: [url="http://happy-catholic.blogspot.com/2010/03/andmaids-of-heart-of-jesus.html"]http://happy-catholi...t-of-jesus.html[/url]
And Background here: [url="http://www.nujournal.com/page/content.detail/id/514037/Handmaids-of-the-Heart-of-Jesus.html"]http://www.nujournal...t-of-Jesus.html[/url]

*Not to be confused with the Handmaidens of the SACRED Heart of Jesus. :) This is a different community.

Thank you for shaing this I wish I lived in the USA You are so very lucky having so many traditional new communities....Can you send some to the UK ;0)

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