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Argument For Population Control


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[quote name='Maggie' timestamp='1300249718' post='2221080']
Moon colonization. DO EEEEET NOW!!!!!!!
YEAH! I'm all about this. :clapping:

[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1300276949' post='2221126']
Nice! I have met many people that attended college in the 70s that were taught that ZPG[zero population growth] is vital for the existance of Earth. And is why they only had two children. The documentary [ [url="http://www.demographicbomb.com/"]http://www.demographicbomb.com/[/url] ] details that b/c of this overpopulation myth and ZPG movement, the world, especially Europe and Southeast Asia are suffering from NPG[negative population growth]. Japan's NPG is tragic. Many, many Japanese couples never have children, but as they get older they desire family, specially grandchildren. There is an actual business that an elderly couple can pay for children to be at thier home for a couple of hours pretending to be thier grandchildren. Very sad.
That's so sad about teh grandchildren. :cry2:

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1300286961' post='2221139']
Wait, you pay kids to come over, break stuff and ask you for money?

Yes. My dad gets that and I don't even charge him a dime. That is b/c I am a loving son. And for a bonus, he recieved a Matchbox car stuck in his VCR.

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I should mention this for anyone who happens to watch teh Bjorn Lomborg vids. [url="http://www.ucsusa.org/global_warming/science_and_impacts/global_warming_contrarians/ucs-examines-the-skeptical.html"]UCS Examines 'The Skeptical Environmentalist'[/url]

Edited by Laudate_Dominum
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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1300072084' post='2220575']
I think nature has a way of taking care of population issues with famine and plague.

As well as pushing "single vocation" to throw water on good Catholics' legitimate desire to seek marriage.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1300154456' post='2220784']
not true, although unlikely it is possible that the population could exceed the maximum limit of the earth. Of course, referring to maximum sustaining limit. as in, resources are replenished at a lower rate than they are used up, which would eventually lead to those resources being gone. It is theorhetically possible that that point is behind us already. Doubtful, although i would say that given current resources useage, we are running unsustainably over the long term, and as fuels dry up, we will have to change our habits.[/quote]

That depends on a variable factor: technology.

[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1300154456' post='2220784']
sure, why look into the future at all? and if we do, why start at a reasonable baseline, assuming current rates of useage, etc are the same?

Just be smart about it. Thinking we can make any reasonable estimate of the earth's population in 50 years isn't very smart and also rather impractical. We have a lot more certainty about the next five and ten years and a lot more control over actions that are taken in the near future.

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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1300337293' post='2221347']
My husband would move to Antarctica if I'd let him.
Your husband sounds epic. :dance:

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