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[font="'Century Gothic"][size=2]So I'm at home talking to one of my friends about how amesome Dominican life, spirituality and the charism are and with every word I wish more and more to be with the sisters, to be where my heart is. I love the Four Pillars of Dominican life and how Dominicans live their lives. On http://dhspriory.org/our-life/the-dominican-charism/55-overview-of-the-dominican-charism they write "[/size][/font][color=#2C2C2C][font="'Century Gothic"][size=2]The Dominican is dedicated to truth, for God is truth. It is sacred truth, saving truth, that primarily concerns us here. God has called us into the intimacy of his own Trinitarian life, so that as sons in the Son we can cry out Abba, Father. And we are meant one day to see the glory, the power, the love, beauty, wisdom of God face to face." [/size][/font][/color]
[color=#2C2C2C][font="'Century Gothic"][size=2]
[color=#2C2C2C][font="'Century Gothic"][size=2]So what is your favorite part of Dominican/religious life or your order's charism and why?[/size][/font][/color]

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+Praised be Jesus Christ!

I have a couple of things that are my favorite:

I love that in Rome - no matter what Dominican Church one might enter, somewhere (and yes, sometimes you have to look REALLY hard), there is that dog with the torch in his mouth...running! What an image!

I love that to the Dominicans, preaching takes on so many different forms and so inclusive - using art, the internet, their habit, their minds, etc.

I love that their special patron is St. Mary Magdalene.

I love the full Dominican habit for the nuns, with the long veil, the cappa and the wimple. So beautiful - it preaches by itself!

And most especially...I LOVE that I have been able to find so many wonderful pre-Vatican II prayer books on Dominican life, prayer and spirituality (mostly on Ebay).



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I am really drawn to the charism of truth in the order of St. Dominic. Ever since I was little, I've wanted to know the truth about everything. I absolutely hate it when people tell lies.

Also, my most favorite saint is St. Catherine of Siena. I know I've been talking about her a lot this week, but she really is special to me. For some unknown reason, she keeps reappearing in my life. I'm wondering if this is God's way of telling me something, so I am reading all about her. She is amazing.

I love reading about the Albigensian heresy and the way St. Dominic stomped it out with his preaching. He was so full of courage and honor. I utterly adore him. My most favorite part is when the heretics threw his statement of the Catholic faith into the fire and it was never touched by the flames! :clapping:

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The Dominican friars were introduced to me by reading about Pere Marie-Jean-Joseph Lataste in "Five for Sorrow, Ten for Joy" by Rumer Godden. This book is a novel based on a congregation of Dominican sisters that, in reality, is historical fact. There is a whole chapter in the novel, about visiting the building where Pere Lataste was inspired to found this congregation for women.
What I love about Pere Lataste is his God-given grace for seeing Christ in those with whom he spoke, and his completely transparent love of Christ. Pere Lataste said, "God is the greatest of friends, and all the mea culpas in the world are not worth so much as an 'I love you.' "

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I am still struggling to figure out which sprituality fits me (yes, I know that we can have a combination). But the community I am discerning with and feel particularly drawn to has Eucharstic devotion as part of their charism! :love: Jesus in the Eucharist!

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