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I'm not sure I really understand what is going on here. I joined because I am discerning a religious vocation and your group was recommended by a member of my parish. Some members have welcomed me, but others seem to be implying that I have broken some rules.....I'm totally at a loss as to what I should do.

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Hi! Welcome to phatmass- sorry you didn't get a proper welcome! But you are here and we're excited to have you!

Would you like to tell us a little about your discernment?

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[quote name='kavalame' timestamp='1299292812' post='2218089']
I'm not sure I really understand what is going on here. I joined because I am discerning a religious vocation and your group was recommended by a member of my parish. Some members have welcomed me, but others seem to be implying that I have broken some rules.....I'm totally at a loss as to what I should do.

I was not trying to imply that you broke any rules, it just seemed very odd that your screen name is very similar to an already established user, but I am not a moderator, so I cannot tell if it is against the rules. I apologize if I offended you.

I'm glad that a member of your parish referred you here. There are a lot of resources available for those discerning a vocation and we offer a kind of "support group" for everyone discerning as well. I am not currently discerning a vocation to religious life, but I am still discerning the consecrated virginity or marriage. Would you like to tell us about yourself? If you have any questions, we'd love to help you answer them, such as what communities you are looking for and such. Again, I apologize if I was offensive, and welcome to Phatmass. :like:

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[quote name='kavalame' timestamp='1299292812' post='2218089']
I'm not sure I really understand what is going on here. I joined because I am discerning a religious vocation and your group was recommended by a member of my parish. Some members have welcomed me, but others seem to be implying that I have broken some rules.....I'm totally at a loss as to what I should do.

The people here are very kind and understanding. They have helped me out immensely and been very kind and welcoming. I am sure that Master, as she said, is truly sorry. The people on phatmass are good people who honestly want to help and will help if you ask.

Please tell us about your discernment. I am very interested personally and I have found, as Master said, this place to be like a support group.

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[quote name='emilier98' timestamp='1299296951' post='2218097']
The people here are very kind and understanding. They have helped me out immensely and been very kind and welcoming. I am sure that Master, as she said, is truly sorry. The people on phatmass are good people who honestly want to help and will help if you ask.

Please tell us about your discernment. I am very interested personally and I have found, as Master said, this place to be like a support group.
Mater, not MaSter! :P

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[quote name='franciscanheart' timestamp='1299306450' post='2218148']
Mater, not MaSter! :P

I'm dyslexic. Leave me alone. :P

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1299293402' post='2218090']
Hi! Welcome to phatmass- sorry you didn't get a proper welcome! But you are here and we're excited to have you!

Would you like to tell us a little about your discernment?

Thank you for your interest in my discernment. Briefly, I'm 19, live at home with my family and attend a Community College.
I have felt called to be a nun since I was 14 years old, my folks aren't too happy and hope it is just a passing phase. I don't talk about it with them anymore.
I really love Mother Angelica's nuns. They are so beautiful and have such a beautiful habit.

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[quote name='kavalame' timestamp='1299370102' post='2218388']
Thank you for your interest in my discernment. Briefly, I'm 19, live at home with my family and attend a Community College.
I have felt called to be a nun since I was 14 years old, my folks aren't too happy and hope it is just a passing phase. I don't talk about it with them anymore.
I really love Mother Angelica's nuns. They are so beautiful and have such a beautiful habit.

Congratulations on your calling! i know what it is to have your family not be happy about your calling to be a sister or nun. My family is truly not happy about me becoming a sister. I personally am attracted to the Dominicans, I seem to fit well with them since they are little crazy like I am. lol. I don't talk about my discernment with my family either, I wait for them to bring it up and then I'll talk about it and I try and pretend I am not ecstatically happy about it. The advice I have been given is to pray and persevere and that is what I would tell you to do. If God is calling you He will provide.

Thank you for sharing.


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[quote name='emilier98' timestamp='1299359327' post='2218322']
I'm dyslexic. Leave me alone. :P
My bad. :| It was just weird to see you calling someone "Master" :P

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[quote name='franciscanheart' timestamp='1299385832' post='2218450']
My bad. :| It was just weird to see you calling someone "Master" :P

I am indeed dyslexic, but I was being funny with the leave me alone part. Sometimes dyslexia is funny and makes you read things funny, for instance there is some brand of chocolate I saw somewhere called Tante Chocolate and I read Tantric Chocolate. You know like the thing Sting does. Caused some interesting images to pop in my head. Chocolatiers doing weird yoga poses while making chocolate. Dyslexia is fun! lol

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[quote name='emilier98' timestamp='1299387960' post='2218459']
I am indeed dyslexic, but I was being funny with the leave me alone part. Sometimes dyslexia is funny and makes you read things funny, for instance there is some brand of chocolate I saw somewhere called Tante Chocolate and I read Tantric Chocolate. You know like the thing Sting does. Caused some interesting images to pop in my head. Chocolatiers doing weird yoga poses while making chocolate. Dyslexia is fun! lol
My brother is dyslexic. And dysgraphic. So I definitely don't mean to make fun, just to make Jesus our only "Master"! :P I make little mistakes like that all the time (my gchats with IcePrincess will prove that lol).

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[quote name='franciscanheart' timestamp='1299388168' post='2218461']
My brother is dyslexic. And dysgraphic. So I definitely don't mean to make fun, just to make Jesus our only "Master"! :P I make little mistakes like that all the time (my gchats with IcePrincess will prove that lol).

But then I can't call her Igor anymore! :)


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Totally Franciscan

[quote name='kavalame' timestamp='1299370102' post='2218388']
Thank you for your interest in my discernment. Briefly, I'm 19, live at home with my family and attend a Community College.
I have felt called to be a nun since I was 14 years old, my folks aren't too happy and hope it is just a passing phase. I don't talk about it with them anymore.
I really love Mother Angelica's nuns. They are so beautiful and have such a beautiful habit.

Welcome Kavalame! Have you seen the blog of the PCPA's at Hanceville lately? They are now advertising for new vocations, which is something they have never done before. Check it out! Who knows, that could be you one day soon! God bless you on your journey.

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[quote name='franciscanheart' timestamp='1299388168' post='2218461']
My brother is dyslexic. And dysgraphic. So I definitely don't mean to make fun, just to make Jesus our only "Master"! :P I make little mistakes like that all the time (my gchats with IcePrincess will prove that lol).

I'm not worried about it and I was not in the least bit offended. Jesus is my only master, because we cannot serve two masters as last Sunday's readings reminded me.
What would life be without typing mistakes and autocorrect on the iPhone doing funny things. lol
[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1299389659' post='2218465']
But then I can't call her Igor anymore! :)


You can call me Igor all you want. I'm ok with it, I see it as a sign of friendship. lol

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[quote name='Totally Franciscan' timestamp='1299391281' post='2218466']
Welcome Kavalame! Have you seen the blog of the PCPA's at Hanceville lately? They are now advertising for new vocations, which is something they have never done before. Check it out! Who knows, that could be you one day soon! God bless you on your journey.

They have some great posts!!!! And they have a story about a 1st profession and a new postulant in the first couple of posts!

Another PCPA blog that I really like is: [url="http://desertnuns.blogspot.com/"]Desert Nun News
Pepetual adoration is beautiful :love:

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