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Sisters Of Mary, Mother Of The Church


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I was just wondering about Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church. After they have 4 novices it seems that they did not receive any recent vocations, no postulants and aspirants for this year. What happened?
Also what about the former members of the Intercessors of the Lamb? Were they absorb by another congregations or did they start a new one?
These 2 are always on my prayers

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[quote name='MichaelKoenigTalidong' timestamp='1299152698' post='2217412']

Also what about the former members of the Intercessors of the Lamb? Were they absorb by another congregations or did they start a new one?
These 2 are always on my prayers

I am so happy to see that there are other persons concerned with the former members of the Intercessors of the Lamb.

Those who obey the Church remained as a community, and is in discernment. This is their website: http://www.intercessorrelief.com/ Go to the "About Us" and you will learn some great news about them. Go to Who We Are and they will have an explanation of who they aare.

Those who chose not to obey the Church remained as "Intercessors of the Lamb": http://omaha.com/article/20110212/NEWS01/702129887

[quote]Brown’s backers have said Intercessors of the Lamb Inc. would continue as a nondenominational Christian group...the Intercessors have hooked up with an evangelical Christian group from the Waterloo-Cedar Falls area of eastern Iowa, the IHOPE House of Prayer, to host a prayer meeting.

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[quote name='MichaelKoenigTalidong' timestamp='1299152698' post='2217412']
I was just wondering about Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church. After they have 4 novices it seems that they did not receive any recent vocations, no postulants and aspirants for this year. What happened?
Also what about the former members of the Intercessors of the Lamb? Were they absorb by another congregations or did they start a new one?
These 2 are always on my prayers

The sisters have a number of young women in the application process and even awaiting entrance (me being one of them) Unfortunately with student loan debts that need to be resolved, entrance has to be postponed. They are also working on securing a permanent, somewhat secluded convent as they are having to spread out between two small convents. I do trust however, that the Lord's timing will reveal beautiful fruits for the community.

Thank you for keeping them in your prayers.

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Also, it is important to keep in mind that small communities do not have lots of people join every year...but are still healthy and growing. Explosive growth can be difficult to manage, and not all communities would be welcome to that. For instance, a Carmel has a maximum of 21 sisters, so once they have 'reached capacity' they cannot accept any new vocations for awhile. A year without postulants is not always a reason to ask 'what happened?'

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[quote name='MithLuin' timestamp='1299184289' post='2217535']
Also, it is important to keep in mind that small communities do not have lots of people join every year...but are still healthy and growing. Explosive growth can be difficult to manage, and not all communities would be welcome to that. For instance, a Carmel has a maximum of 21 sisters, so once they have 'reached capacity' they cannot accept any new vocations for awhile. A year without postulants is not always a reason to ask 'what happened?'

Yes, I was thinking of that. If the DSMME suddenly had zero postulants that might be reason to ask "huh?" as that would be really out of character, but with a little bitty community there will be fluctuations.

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All in God's time and way. We cannot pretend to know or understand His mysterious ways - even in my own life, I have really struggled with so much, and yet, at the end of it all, I have found a wonderful spiritual director, faith in God, and security in my life. I am blessed, and all those who remain faithful will be blessed as well. I believe this.


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[quote name='HopefulBride' timestamp='1299161719' post='2217425']
The sisters have a number of young women in the application process and even awaiting entrance (me being one of them) Unfortunately with student loan debts that need to be resolved, entrance has to be postponed. They are also working on securing a permanent, somewhat secluded convent as they are having to spread out between two small convents. I do trust however, that the Lord's timing will reveal beautiful fruits for the community.

Thank you for keeping them in your prayers.

I will pray for you then.. Just persevere..

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what about the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel's Hope founded by Rosalind Moss? I wanted to hear news from them also :clapping:

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+Praised be Jesus Christ!

Kavala, your comments are very wise. It is often so difficult to remember that all is in God's time and way - especially when we want everything in OUR time and way!

I have no doubt this community will continue to grow, and as I pray for that, I pray for the community left behind.



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