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Homosexuals Adopting


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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1299212256' post='2217721']
...i don't see how your parents dying when you were ten has anything to do with the asinine statement you made about the majority of heterosexual couples not being fit to bring children into the world...

I think it is in reference to your question about if his parents were amongst the crappy heterosexual parents he referenced.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1299212679' post='2217727']
I think it is in reference to your question about if his parents were amongst the crappy heterosexual parents he referenced.

OH, i get it now...well....if he's thinking the majority of heterosexual parents are crappy parents, then what makes him think that someone shouldnt reference his parents after he makes such a statement?

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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1299212882' post='2217729']
OH, i get it now...well....if he's thinking the majority of heterosexual parents are crappy parents, then what makes him think that someone shouldnt reference his parents after he makes such a statement?

If I were you I'd just say something like, "Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't know that and I never would have said what I said if I did".

That's my $.0002

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okay, hasan, ur right

Semper, I'm sorry I made such a statement...and if i would have known that your parents died when you were 10, I wouldn't have made such a statement...

...at the same time, you shouldn't be generalizing heterosexual couples who bring life into the world...

God bless

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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1299213158' post='2217732']
you shouldn't be generalizing heterosexual couples who bring life into the world...

Same could be said about the majority of posters on here who are stereotyping homosexual couples as varying degrees of evil and ickiness.

Just sayin'.

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Just wondering about this whole "void" that exists in the man-man/woman-woman household and how it seems to be used to justify how "unnatural" homosexual adoption is. Let's say a man and a woman marry, conceive of child, and the husband dies. The woman, having lost the love of her life, never remarries, and raised the child on her own.

This "void" you speak of. It exists in this hypothetical situation, correct? If so, would it be "unnatural" for this woman to raise her child on her own, without the presence of a male father figure? What if he mother moves in and helps raise the child? Does that woman-woman setup violate the laws of nature? How about army wives, who have to do most of the child rearing on their own, for large chunks of time anyway, and are live on army bases and form communities with other army wives? Do those situations also present us with unnatural situations that exist to the detriment of the child?

I'm just trying to gauge the importance of this "void." Because it seems like the main thing that ought to be necessary is love, respect, and concern for the child's emotional and physical wellbeing, and the ability to support and nurture the child into a functioning member of society.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1299213619' post='2217733']
Same could be said about the majority of posters on here who are stereotyping homosexual couples as varying degrees of evil and ickiness.

Just sayin'.

kujo, quit using your intelligence to make my posts seem even more ridiculous! :P

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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1299214098' post='2217737']
kujo, quit using your intelligence to make my posts seem even more ridiculous! :P

Sorry, sis.


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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1299214590' post='2217739']
Sorry, sis.


...you just need to hurry up and marry your cute heterosexual girlfriend and bring lotz of babies into the world..... :smile2:

Hetero FTW!!!! hahhaha

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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1299214983' post='2217740']
...you just need to hurry up and marry your cute heterosexual girlfriend and bring lotz of babies into the world..... :smile2:

Hetero FTW!!!! hahhaha


That, I can ABSOLUTELY do! And then my best friend, who's gay, can be their "g'uncle."

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1299213973' post='2217736'] Because it seems like the main thing that ought to be necessary is love, respect, and concern for the child's emotional and physical wellbeing, and the ability to support and nurture the child into a functioning member of society.
and part of that would be teaching them right from wrong, correct?

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1299216444' post='2217745']
and part of that would be teaching them right from wrong, correct?


And before you walk me through the whole "homosexuality is wrong" stuff, let me stop you. You can be a heterosexual couple with absolutely ZERO morals. Would you rather have a homosexual couple who believes that Christ is their savior and who teaches their children to love and serve Him, or a straight couple who believes you should cutoff old ladies in traffic, and flick boogers and AIDS patients?

All I'm saying is that certain collections of genitals don't predispose you to being a better parent.

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Nihil Obstat

What about the grace that comes from a valid marriage? Isn't that grace, at least to some degree, directed towards a family?

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1299216939' post='2217749']
What about the grace that comes from a valid marriage? Isn't that grace, at least to some degree, directed towards a family?

Is that grace absent from a family who suffers a divorce? Have I been shortchanged in the grace department because my parents are no longer together? Does that make me less of a person?

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1299212469' post='2217724']i didn't know everyone had the inaliable right to adopt.[/quote]I didn't either.[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1299212469' post='2217724']Guess I missed that in the constitution.[/quote]It's in the section that describes straw man arguments.[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1299212469' post='2217724']Life, liberty, pursut of happiness and being able to adopt a child. i'll have to remeber that when the crack heads and men from NAMBLA want to adopt child. we have to do it cause if not its discrimination.[/quote]Could you rephrase this, I am sure you could ramble more.[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1299212469' post='2217724']it comes down to asking if 2 men or 2 women can raise a child as good as one man and one women. the answer is no. two men leave the void of a mother figure. two women leave the void of a father figure. the homosexual couple also teaches the children what is against this very nations beliefs. the nation has held true to marriag being one man and one women. the public has spoken numerous times. to suddenly go in the face of the values this country has is wrong. on a purely secular level, until/if this country ever decides homosexual marriage is ok, then you can talk about adopt in secular terms. although until that point adoption by homosexuals in wrong in the secular sense. not to mention in God's eyes.[/quote]Is this even remotely on topic?[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1299212469' post='2217724']this country was founded on christian principles. to suddenly change that because a fraction of the population wants to is stupid and goes against everything the founding fathers intended. although the way some people think and talk, they don;t seem to care about what this country was built on, they just care whats considered politically correct by extreme liberal media.[/quote]The United States of America was founded by secular politicians relying on secular scholars concerned with a secular world. These were not religious men, some of them were deists and free masons, perhaps even some agnostics. Any Christian undertones were inconsequential or secondary.

As the first treaty of Tripoli in 1796, within the lifetime of the founding fathers and in the infancy of the United States of America, stated verbatim: "[i]As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;[/i]" President John Adams who encouraged, supported, and signed the treaty stated:"[i]And I do hereby enjoin and require all persons bearing office civil or military within the United States, and all other citizens or inhabitants thereof, faithfully to observe and fulfill the said Treaty and every clause and article thereof.[/i]" It was unanimously approved by the Senate, which if you remember your Constitution you can tell me what that means.

So the founders of the United States fully encouraged and supported a treaty without hesitation or resistance to saying the United States was not in any sense founded upon the Christian religion, then bound it upon all the inhabitants of the United States. Only if this treaty was still in force, we could hall you both in for treason. Too bad the founding fathers aren't here eh? This fantasy that the United States is a "[i]Christian nation[/i]" could only be found relevant in that many Americans were and still are related to Christianity.

Fortunately we live in a free and open society, you are free to believe and advocate the United States was founded on Christian principles...

Edited by Mr.CatholicCat
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