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A Couple Of Questions


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[color="#FF0000"]Please read this first: [/color]I haven't posted in a while, been traveling and have had some good visits with different communities. Still trying to see where God wants me and what fits best. I just wrote my questions and hope that we can have a normal conversation. I am asking these questions in all respect, without any intent to get people riled up or whatever. One question is very direct about sexual matters and that has stars in front of it and behind it, so if you are very delicate, triggered easily or easily offended, please don't read it. I use plain language (as best I can) and I don't expect everybody on this phorum to have the answers to my questions (or thoughts) so this is probably better for the more experienced people on this phorum. Thanks for reading this. God bless everybody today, on the beginning of the Month of St. Joseph!

Here is a link to an article about Mother Dolores Hart, OSB, who is the Prioress of the Abbey of Regina Laudis. I have known for a while that she gets to vote on the movies because she was an actress and never gave up her membership. But the one thing I wondered about it is when the writer mentioned two things, Mother Dolores having an iPhone and the second, having a phone in her room. I was in religious life - cloistered - but we definitely didn't have stuff like this. I've talked about my experience before and while it wasn't the positive, it was also what I considered in some ways, "normal" in terms in living the life. Can anybody tell me if this is the norm for Benedictines? I don't want to start a fight or have a big thing on this phorum, I just want to know what those of you with more experience (also with bigger communities) think or know about this. Could it be that a Prioress gets special stuff? Also, someone told me that Benedictine's don't take a vow of poverty. Is this true? I would ask them directly but they don't have an email address and I am hoping someone here knows. Also, their official name is "Benedictine Nuns of the Ancient Observance" which made me wonder all the more. Thanks.


I have read through some of the past posts on the Lambs of the Intercessor and I still don't know why they were closed. Can anybody just answer this question (and if someone thinks it is too scandalous, then just PM me). I am just looking for a real, straight, normal answer. There must be one. Thanks.

********** I know the topic of Consecrated Virginity has come up over and over again. I have looked at the really good website by an "official" CV and I understand that there was a meeting in Rome not that long ago, rules were defined, etc. I also know/understand that PHYSICAL virginity has been clarified and that a woman MUST (according to the rules) be one. For SURE ONE HUNDRED PERCENT I know a woman with grandchildren (she was widowed, has lived a pious life, etc.) who was consecrated as a Virgin - publicly - by a Bishop. Did she get a dispensation? Is her consecration invalid? Also, and not to be crude, but I have asked this before but again, just an answer please, if a woman has been involved only with women (as in SSA) and then converted but never experienced "normal" sexual relations, is she considered a virgin? *******

Is there still an Abbey of St. Scholastica at Maredret? If so, where is it and is it functioning? I can't find it.

Lastly, does anybody know what the Society of Ss. Peter and Paul is and is it in line with the Church?

Maybe the last questions are better asked on the phorum for church scholars or whatever it is called but I thought I would start here.



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Well, interesting questions.

I can say something about the Benedictines. (TradMom has visited Regina Laudis many times and may be able to tell you a LOT more). OSB rule is ancient from the 5th c. They take vows of stability, conversion of life and obedience. They believe in moderation and balance. Poverty is included in the conversion of life, but I don't think that they observe this vow they way that the PC Collettines might, for example, with a lot of external poverty.

Mother Hart of Regina Laudis is an Abbess. (She also is a voting member of the American Academy who votes on the Academy Awards, so she can view movies, for example). I do know that many Benedictines and Dominicans are online a lot--the Nashville Dominicans vocations directors use their Blackberries a lot, for example. I am sure that both orders emphasize proper usage--that is part of the Benedictine concept of balance.

I think that you should feel free to talk to Benedictines about what their vows are and their understanding of their vows without any hesitation. I am sure that they will be very willing to help you.

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