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Interracial Dating/marriage


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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1298769621' post='2215922']
Next time you think about making your thoughts and observations public, think again.

explain to me where I went wrong. I think that this is a protected communication...100% protected by the U.S. Constitution. This is not an act of hate. I am simply trying to address racism, and point out a wrong that is going on in society. You can disagree with me all you want. But you shouldn't tell me that I should not have posted it.

I was well aware that this would be a sensitive topic. What I don't understand is...why would people not want to end racism?...even if that means ending it in a way that they don't agree with.

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[quote name='TeresaBenedicta' timestamp='1298772230' post='2215939']
I fail to see how that follows. I like brown haired men more than black haired men, but I don't think that brown haired men are better than black men boys. I like men who have studied philosophy. And personally, I like men who have a hispanic heritage. Does that mean I think that hispanics are somehow better than anyone else? No way. It just means that, in the scheme of things, I'm attracted their culture and to the physical appearances of those men. It hardly follows that I think one race is better than another.

It's okay for there to be differences. It's okay to prefer specific things about one race over another. It [i]does not[/i] necessarily follow that one thinks another race is better than another.

That's ridiculous.

Discrimination- treatment or consideration of, or [i][b]making a distinction in favor of or against[/b][/i], a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.

Edited by infinitelord1
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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1298758380' post='2215869']
and blacks are better athletes so marrying a white person produces nerds and non athletes. some people i swear.

oh and you are a racists, hope that helps.

Please keep in mind, while reading this, that I am not coming at you in a threatening way... I just want to point something out to you in hopes that you may come to realize something. You are free to disagree.

I think that by saying "Blacks are better athletes" you are being a racist yourself. Please be aware that not only are other people racists in certain ways. You are as well. So please try to approach this in light manner before simply throwing accusations around about other people being racist. It may be more beneficial for you and the person you are rebuking by making them aware of how they may be being racist. Rather than just accusing them of it.

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I am sorry if this thread is causing you to feel any negative feelings. I knew it would be a sensitive topic. I wanted to see what other people thought about what I have been thinking about. Please forgive me if my own possible faults may be causing you any pain or anger.

I think if we continue this thread, we should practice charity.

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[quote name='infinitelord1' timestamp='1298772607' post='2215942']
I think that this is a protected communication...100% protected by the U.S. Constitution. This is not an act of hate. I am simply trying to address racism, and point out a wrong that is going on in society. You can disagree with me all you want. But you shouldn't tell me that I should not have posted it.
Having the right to say something doesn't make it prudent or moral to do so.

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[quote name='infinitelord1' timestamp='1298772788' post='2215943']
Discrimination- treatment or consideration of, or [i][b]making a distinction in favor of or against[/b][/i], a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.

This really doesn't apply. It's far too vague. By this criteria, the fact that I prefer blue cars to white cars would be discrimination. Any determination between anything is discrimination.

If that's what you want to use as the criteria for racism... boy, you've got a lot of racism to fight.

When it comes sexual preference, there is 'discrimination' in so far as a person has, well, preferences. It hardly all comes down to race. But race can influence culture, skin tone, language/accents, etc, all of which may or may not be part of the attraction one person has for another. What is wrong if an individual has these preferences?

Preferring one thing to another does not qualify as discrimination in the sense of sexism/racism/etc. This is because preference does not necessarily imply that one thinks the that inherent value of two things are any different.

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Brothers and Sisters to Us
U.S. Catholic Bishops Pastoral Letter on Racism, 1979

Racism is a sin; a sin that divides the human family, blots out the image of God among specific members of that family, and violates the fundamental human dignity of those called to be children of the same Father. Racism is the sin that says some human beings are inherently superior and others essentially inferior because of races. It is the sin that makes racial characteristics the determining factor for the exercise of human rights. It mocks the words of Jesus: "Treat others the way you would have them treat you." (4) Indeed, racism is more than a disregard for the words of Jesus; it is a denial of the truth of the dignity of each human being revealed by the mystery of the Incarnation.

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[quote name='TeresaBenedicta' timestamp='1298774491' post='2215952']
This really doesn't apply. It's far too vague. By this criteria, the fact that I prefer blue cars to white cars would be discrimination. Any determination between anything is discrimination.

If that's what you want to use as the criteria for racism... boy, you've got a lot of racism to fight.

When it comes sexual preference, there is 'discrimination' in so far as a person has, well, preferences. It hardly all comes down to race. But race can influence culture, skin tone, language/accents, etc, all of which may or may not be part of the attraction one person has for another. What is wrong if an individual has these preferences?

Preferring one thing to another does not qualify as discrimination in the sense of sexism/racism/etc. This is because preference does not necessarily imply that one thinks the that inherent value of two things are any different.

Preferring one race over another in terms of sexuality is not sexual preference. It is Racism. Sexual Preference refers to what gender you are attracted to. Or you may even be attracted to both genders.

I think that if a person is dealing with racism in terms of preferring one race over another sexually...then that person should deal with the issues that are causing this. God does not create us to prefer one race over another...can you at least agree with that?

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[quote name='TeresaBenedicta' timestamp='1298774491' post='2215952']
This really doesn't apply. It's far too vague. By this criteria, the fact that I prefer blue cars to white cars would be discrimination. Any determination between anything is discrimination.

If that's what you want to use as the criteria for racism... boy, you've got a lot of racism to fight.

When it comes sexual preference, there is 'discrimination' in so far as a person has, well, preferences. It hardly all comes down to race. But race can influence culture, skin tone, language/accents, etc, all of which may or may not be part of the attraction one person has for another. What is wrong if an individual has these preferences?

Preferring one thing to another does not qualify as discrimination in the sense of sexism/racism/etc. This is because preference does not necessarily imply that one thinks the that inherent value of two things are any different.

I think that infiniteL is trying to say that only picking within a group for a partner can be construed as racist and that can be true, but your point that simply having a preference isn't that same as thinking one group is better ( whatever that means) than another.
Is that a good summary?

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[quote name='infinitelord1' timestamp='1298774686' post='2215959']
Preferring one race over another in terms of sexuality is not sexual preference. It is Racism. Sexual Preference refers to what gender you are attracted to. Or you may even be attracted to both genders.

I think that if a person is dealing with racism in terms of preferring one race over another sexually...then that person should deal with the issues that are causing this. God does not create us to prefer one race over another...can you at least agree with that?

I can't. The fact that I prefer tall red-haired irishmen is a preference, that doens't mean tall black haired spaniards are inferior. You have to give some credit to personal taste.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1298774875' post='2215965']
I can't. The fact that I prefer tall red-haired irishmen is a preference, that doens't mean tall black haired spaniards are inferior. You have to give some credit to personal taste.

I would be careful about that. I would be willing to bet that your maximum potential, for having attractions for both of them, is equal. You just may not be as open to a spaniard man as you are an irishman. would you agree?

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[quote name='infinitelord1' timestamp='1298774686' post='2215959']
Preferring one race over another in terms of sexuality is not sexual preference. It is Racism. Sexual Preference refers to what gender you are attracted to. Or you may even be attracted to both genders.

I think that if a person is dealing with racism in terms of preferring one race over another sexually...then that person should deal with the issues that are causing this. God does not create us to prefer one race over another...can you at least agree with that?

No, I can't agree to that.

I think you're simplifying things way too much.

I like men who have dark hair, brown skin, dark eyes, and a Spanish accent. This combination, physically, is sexually attractive to me. I also like men that come from a strong cultural background and have a strong desire to preserve that cultural background. That is attractive to me on a personal level, since I think culture is important. I also happen to be fascinated with Hispanic culture and language. Most Hispanic men fall into these categories. I might, therefore, say to a friend of mine (and I have before) that I am attracted to Hispanic men.

Those aren't the only qualities I find attractive in a man. I like men who are intelligent, in love with their faith, and enjoy sports.

It really doesn't matter what it is.

Those are factors that play into whether or not I'm attracted to a particular man. There aren't any "issues" causing this. It's just what I personally find attractive. It's not wrong that I am personally attracted to Hispanic men. It does not mean that I find any other race of men to be somehow 'less' than Hispanic men. It does not mean I think Hispanics are better than any other race. (That would be silly, considering I'm Caucasian.) It simply means that I find myself attractive mostly to Hispanic men.

When a person is attracted to a particular race, it's likely because that race tends to have natural physical features that are attractive to that particular person. Culture may play a role as well.

I fail to see how this is any different from a guy who is attracted to blonds over brunets, or country girls over city girls.

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If it makes you all feel better, I would date a woman of any race. I have met black females that I would have loved the opportunity to get to know better (with the intention of dating/marriage). I will admit I haven't met an asian woman who I have felt strongly about, but I do believe it is possible. And I would date/marry her if I developed those kinds of feelings for her. Same applies to any other race.

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[quote name='infinitelord1' timestamp='1298775537' post='2215974']
If it makes you all feel better, I would date a woman of any race.
well, better not share this thread with any woman then. :|

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[quote name='TeresaBenedicta' timestamp='1298775500' post='2215973']
No, I can't agree to that.

I think you're simplifying things way too much.

I like men who have dark hair, brown skin, dark eyes, and a Spanish accent. This combination, physically, is sexually attractive to me. I also like men that come from a strong cultural background and have a strong desire to preserve that cultural background. That is attractive to me on a personal level, since I think culture is important. I also happen to be fascinated with Hispanic culture and language. Most Hispanic men fall into these categories. I might, therefore, say to a friend of mine (and I have before) that I am attracted to Hispanic men.

Those aren't the only qualities I find attractive in a man. I like men who are intelligent, in love with their faith, and enjoy sports.

It really doesn't matter what it is.

Those are factors that play into whether or not I'm attracted to a particular man. There aren't any "issues" causing this. It's just what I personally find attractive. It's not wrong that I am personally attracted to Hispanic men. It does not mean that I find any other race of men to be somehow 'less' than Hispanic men. It does not mean I think Hispanics are better than any other race. (That would be silly, considering I'm Caucasian.) It simply means that I find myself attractive mostly to Hispanic men.

When a person is attracted to a particular race, it's likely because that race tends to have natural physical features that are attractive to that particular person. Culture may play a role as well.

I fail to see how this is any different from a guy who is attracted to blonds over brunets, or country girls over city girls.

Its different because it is in terms of race. And racism is illegal in the United States. I think maybe you disagree simply because you may have never felt as strongly about someone of a different race as you have felt towards what is more familiar to you sexually. This does not mean that you are capable of having those same feelings for any other race.

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