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Interracial Dating/marriage


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supremicists are hateful and inflaming in my book. what you've just said is millions times more inflaming dispariging denigrating etc than anything i've said.
i just tell it like it is.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' timestamp='1298757002' post='2215862']

[quote]Mathism, a religion where the laws of math must be applied into your daily life

Some of your deities include the gods of sine and cosine and the goddesses of secant, cosecant, tangent, and cotangent.

Mathists also celebrate the occurences of numbers like e, pi, and 10 in the politics, culture, and other worldly thingsMy teacher is a mathist. I've seen him pray to the trig gods when he made a mistake on trig problem[/quote]
:lol4: :lol4: :lol4: :lol4:

[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1298763045' post='2215897']
100% agree. i guess we now find out we have some racists on these boards. :(

It would be interesting to know which is the most common sin, bigotry or sexual.

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My family is irish, scots, english, german, polish, spanish, japanese, italian, slovak, indian, jewish, and if Michael had lived we would have added black to the mix. MLK was right - the content of one's character is more important than the color of one's skin. Culture is far more important to me than skin shade. I was never taught to hate someone with another ethnicity or color, my parents didn't believe in it. My granny used to say since God didn't ask us what color we want to be - it wasn't important. I always listened to granny.

People who think that color makes a difference in intellligence are ridiculous.

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modern humans are only two hundred thousand years old. we all came from africa. mitocondrial DNA studies verify this, and all the dating technicques. look at how much difference has come in terms of just different types of people, physically speaking. chinese v. africa v. european v. americas including south america and mexico. look at how their langauges vary so much. imagine how much IQ could change too. especially if the environmental factors are there, as quoted above. it's objectively verifiable, and brain sizes (and inteligence correltation) make it even more objectively verified.
and to be racially controversail and such, africans do look more primitive, more ape like. and big white hairy dudes look more ape like too.

on a side note, imagine how much people and related hominids could change. 200k years equals these differences. so two million years is ten times the changes, and four million is twenty times the changes. two thousand percent. could two thousand percent the change be the difference from an ape type creature and humans? i'd say so.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' timestamp='1298769099' post='2215918']
and to be racially controversail and such, africans do look more primitive, more ape like. and big white hairy dudes look more ape like too.

Saying things like this is not acceptable.

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[quote name='infinitelord1' timestamp='1298707139' post='2215750']
I understand that this can be a sensitive subject for some people. I want to know how you all feel about Interracial Dating and Marriage. I don't believe that God cares whether or not an interracial marriage occurs. On the other hand, don't you think that this may be one of the main causes of racism? I think for the most part, racism has decreased dramatically in the United States. We now have an African American president.

Anyways, In the area I live in...I see a lot of interracial couples. I will be honest. I do not like what I see. Let me explain to you why...

Most of the interracial couples that I see are White Female and Black Man couples. The Big question in my mind is why is this? This to me is disturbing. And it wouldn't be so disturbing if things were more proportional. What I am getting at is...if I saw just as many White Man and Black Female couples as you did White Female and Black Man couples I wouldn't be disturbed. But you don't. It's almost as if the White Man is now competing with the Black Man for his own women.

I have had this discussion with multiple females. The most common response is that White Males go for the Asian Females a lot. And this somehow, in their minds, justifies being with a Black Man. But from my own observation...living in the area of the United States were the largest asian population resides...it is not nearly as common as the White Female and Black Male pair.

Even if you look into Hollywood these days... with starts like Keysha, Kim Kardashian, etc. They are either married to or you only see them with a Black Man. So even the best looking women are gunning for the Black Man these days.

From my own experience...there have been 2 girls I have liked over the past couple of years...one of them turned me down...next thing you know it... she's running around with a Black Man, and after him, another Black Man. The other girl, she turned me down, and I find out she prefers black men.

With all the accusations being thrown around about people being racists this and that... yet we overlook another form of racism that is going on before our eyes. And I'm referring to these women who believe, think, and/or feel that being with a Black Man is better.

Let me explain why this is racism in more detail...

Sexual Preference- The preference one shows by having a sexual interest in members of the same, opposite, or either sex.
Racism- the belief that races have distinctive cultural characteristics determined by hereditary factors and that this endows some races with an intrinsic superiority over others.

Given these 2 definitions... we can conclude that when someone acts or states that they prefer a certain race over all other races that this is not a sexual preference. Sexual Preference refers to sexual orientation. So when someone is behaving in a way or stating that one race is superior to another, in any kind of way (in this case in terms of sexuality), then they are exhibiting racist behavior. Racist Behavior to include only dating members of another race. I don't think you can really be racist by dating someone of your own kind because they are apart of the same ethnic group as you. It would only make sense to date someone in the same ethnic group since you share the same thoughts and ideas in relation to the rest of the world.

Call me a racist. But this is what I believe is the truth. Do I believe we should never date outside of our race? No. I think it is OK so long as you focus on falling in love with someone. If that is your motive then race should not matter at all.

Next time you think about making your thoughts and observations public, think again.

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if i were an advanced hominid, i wouldn't breed with non-advanced ones.. would you?

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' timestamp='1298770458' post='2215925']
[url="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7348103/"]http://www.msnbc.msn. com/id/7348103/[/url]

if i were an advanced hominid, i wouldn't breed with non-advanced ones.. would you?

Shut up.

Or keep looking like a racist half-wit, your choice.

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[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1298710622' post='2215753']
At first I thought, poor choice of words. Very bad choice of words. But what I find sort of disturbing is your attitude woven throughout this post.

I don't mean that as an insult, it's just I took one college class on race so that pretty much makes me an expert in these matters. I'm kidding about that but, this young lady you were dating, you're annoyed that she's "running around" with all these black men? You must see the glaring implications behind your language. White women don't collectively belong to the white male population. There is no entitlement. Same with any race. I find that idea disturbing.

And you might say "oh know I know we're not entitled etc etc" of course I wouldn't expect one to outright admit that, but I think you just need to take a harder look at what you think and why you think it. I don't see this as racist as I do sexist.

"why are all the black kids sitting at the same lunch table?" What you notice, and what you observe has a lot to do with your vantage point and the biases you posses. Do you notice how many white male/female pairs there are? A hell of a lot, but you probably don't notice it cause it doesn't pop out at you in all of its normalcy.

I was watching a vh1 show about race and pop-culture and whatnot. it said statistically the least married people were asian men and black women (not together as a pair), and actually it was a few black women like "why are all these white chicks taking our black men? It's already slim pickings to get a black guy with a college degree without a criminal record." Not my opinion, but it goes to show ya, it's all about perspective. What lenses you're looking through. Both their complaint and yours seems to stem from a sense of entitlement bordering on resentment. Almost like you should get first dibs on the white women and black women should get first dibs on black males.

Even though race isn't a biological reality it's still very real within the collective psyche, so there may be underlying reasons and such why people feel entitled to "their" people, so as much as I'd like to dismiss it and say "these ideas are backwards and unnecessary" because that doesn't do much to eliminate the problem.

OK, LET'S talk about Hollywood. It's a bad basis for reality. Something that always kinda irked me is, how many times does the "ugly" gal end up with the totally hawt looking guy? Almost never. How many times does the "ugly" dorky guy end up with the beautiful woman because she is charmed by his personality/intellect or whatever? An awful lot more. If people look at Hollywood to mirror reality (God help us) no wonder less attractive women can be so freaking jealous of attractive women.

But I know in reality that, despite all the tripe of "well men are just visual creatures" that can be used to justify shallowness, I know not all men are hopelessly superficial even if they are often portrayed as such and the idea has even become acceptable among a certain number of people.

My advice is to chillax. If someone is too wrapped up in superficial things, skin color or otherwise, you don't want to be with that person unless of course you're equally as shallow, which might be even a harder pill to swallow.

And your assumption that it's not people's main focus is based on some faulty observations and biases. A bruised ego maybe?

Statistically, the most common interracial marriages involve a White Female/Black Male couple. It is by far the most common.

Hmmm. Yes I agree there is no entitlement to any woman.

I would say that these ideas were brought to my attention initially because of my own personal experiences. I then started to look around, and notice.

It's good to see that I am not the only one who is witnessing whats going on. Black Females are as well.

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[quote name='Light and Truth' timestamp='1298709271' post='2215752']
Of course if you just happen to be attracted to black men more than white men and the guys you like click with you, that's cool.

What I am trying to get at is....the fact that a person may be attracted to a specific race more than another is racism. Deep down inside somewhere...the person, in my opinion, must think that one race is better than another. Thoughts trigger feelings.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' timestamp='1298771089' post='2215928']

if i were an advanced hominid, i wouldn't breed with non-advanced ones.. would you?
What makes you think you are an advanced hominid?

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1298739171' post='2215789']
Man, I feel your pain. People who think there's nothing wrong with interracial dating, and teach their children that, end up producing 27 grandchildren who look like this:


[size="6"]What an abomination!!![/size]

I assume you are being sarcastic. Are you?

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[quote name='infinitelord1' timestamp='1298771910' post='2215935']
What I am trying to get at is....the fact that a person may be attracted to a specific race more than another is racism. Deep down inside somewhere...the person, in my opinion, must think that one race is better than another. Thoughts trigger feelings.

I fail to see how that follows. I like brown haired men more than black haired men, but I don't think that brown haired men are better than black men boys. I like men who have studied philosophy. And personally, I like men who have a hispanic heritage. Does that mean I think that hispanics are somehow better than anyone else? No way. It just means that, in the scheme of things, I'm attracted their culture and to the physical appearances of those men. It hardly follows that I think one race is better than another.

It's okay for there to be differences. It's okay to prefer specific things about one race over another. It [i]does not[/i] necessarily follow that one thinks another race is better than another.

That's ridiculous.

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