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Interracial Dating/marriage


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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1298738468' post='2215788']
I think the real question here is how in the world did this black man get Janet Jackson:


And this black man get Alicia Keys:


I totally disagree with hot black women dating ugly black men.

Jermaine Dupri and Swizz Beats being famous rappers/producers probably helps

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sometimes when it's relevant, i point out that. asians have higher IQs than whites who have higher IQs than blacks. but whites have more variability, which is why you see more white geniuses and retarded folk.
it's not as relevant to this thread, other than as an example of how people might get mad and sa you're a racist when all you're doing is pointing something out. and how i am a little racist in deciding to post this.
i would never adopt a black child. asian, maybe. i dont want my family line, even if adopted, to be lower quality. even if it's a smart black baby, they will likely breed with blacks, thereby overall reducing the gene pool.
am i racist for this?

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' timestamp='1298752592' post='2215837']
sometimes when it's relevant, i point out that. asians have higher IQs than whites who have higher IQs than blacks. but whites have more variability, which is why you see more white geniuses and retarded folk.
it's not as relevant to this thread, other than as an example of how people might get mad and sa you're a racist when all you're doing is pointing something out. and how i am a little racist in deciding to post this.
i would never adopt a black child. asian, maybe. i dont want my family line, even if adopted, to be lower quality. even if it's a smart black baby, they will likely breed with blacks, thereby overall reducing the gene pool.
am i racist for this?
There is legitimate speculation that IQ tests are inherently favourable to white people...

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Mark of the Cross

My children are half Asian - Filipino- Native + Spanish possible Japanese and half Oz- Caucasian- Descendant of criminal UK + English + possible Chinese and aboriginal. They are smarter than the sum total of the smartness of their parents. Am I a mathematicist? Because of racism I have a problem with isms of any kind!

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' timestamp='1298752592' post='2215837']
sometimes when it's relevant, i point out that. asians have higher IQs than whites who have higher IQs than blacks. but whites have more variability, which is why you see more white geniuses and retarded folk.
it's not as relevant to this thread, other than as an example of how people might get mad and sa you're a racist when all you're doing is pointing something out. and how i am a little racist in deciding to post this.
i would never adopt a black child. asian, maybe. i dont want my family line, even if adopted, to be lower quality. even if it's a smart black baby, they will likely breed with blacks, thereby overall reducing the gene pool.
am i racist for this?

and blacks are better athletes so marrying a white person produces nerds and non athletes. some people i swear.

oh and you are a racists, hope that helps.

Edited by havok579257
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blacks are better athletes. it probably goes with lower intelligence levels, higher physical levels. i value intelligence over physical ability. if someone were to decide different, that's their perogative.
at least i point out that asians are smarter than whites.
i doubt it's just hte testing being bias. it vibes with tests and what people experience and scientific studies.
these aren't just stereotypes. sometimes stereotypes are steretotypes for a reason.
i'm just not and never have been, PC. but at least i'm an equal opportunity offender

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1298759921' post='2215879']
This is about the single worst thread I've ever seen on this site.

I was just about to say the same thing.

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[quote]general consensus among scientists as published in the Wall Street Journal in 1994 titled "Mainstream Science on Intelligence" shows a consensus among scientists that average IQ are as followed in America. Blacks 85. Whites 100. East Asians 106. Further studies done and published in science journals show IQ to be overwhelmingly genetic. Minnesota Twins Study by Dr. Thomas Bouchard, the most famous twin study done, shows that identical twins separated at birth are significantly more similiar in IQ than fraternal twins raised together with a genetic correlation of .80.

Cranial size studies show published in the science journal Intelligence 1997, 25, pg 15 shows the average cranial size as followed. Blacks 1,267 cm3. Whites 1347 cm3. East Asians 1364 cm3. The link between cranial size and intelligence are strongly established in several scientific studies published in journals. "Brain Size and Cognitive Ability" in the 1996 issue of the journal Psychonomic Bulletin and Review surveyed all the published research on this topic. It included studies that used the state-of-the-art technique known as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) which gives a very good image of the human brain. There were eight of these studies with a total sample size of 381 adults. The overall correlation between IQ and brain size measured by MRI is 0.44.

So why are Asians smarter? More specifically Northeast Asians? The scientific theories among scientists today hold the notion that the humans that left Africa 110,000 years ago into colder climates of Europe and Northern Asia required more thought and planning to obtain food than that of Africa. And that Northern Asia had more drastic temperatures than that of Europe. It's evolution at work.

The Bell Curve (1994) stated that the average IQ African Americans was 85; Latino 89; White 103; Asian 106; and Jews 113. Asians score relatively higher on visuospatial than on verbal subtests. The few Amerindian populations that have been systematically tested, including Arctic Natives, tend to score worse on average than white populations but better on average than black populations.[/quote]

i think the 'brain size v. IQ' correlation is most indicative. most objective. just like how some early hominids had greater brain size and intelligence than homo sapien sapien.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1298759921' post='2215879']
This is about the single worst thread I've ever seen on this site.

100% agree. i guess we now find out we have some racists on these boards. :(

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' timestamp='1298759816' post='2215877']
blacks are better athletes. it probably goes with lower intelligence levels, higher physical levels. i value intelligence over physical ability. if someone were to decide different, that's their perogative.
at least i point out that asians are smarter than whites.
i doubt it's just hte testing being bias. it vibes with tests and what people experience and scientific studies.
these aren't just stereotypes. sometimes stereotypes are steretotypes for a reason.
i'm just not and never have been, PC. but at least i'm an equal opportunity offender

this is very similar to what white supremisicts use when argueing the whites are the choosen people. It must be comforting to know your in their company.

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