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Dsmme May Retreat....


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Not nosy at all, Lisa. I'm a journalism student-I know nosy.

I am currently discerning, and have been (sort-of) since I was 15. Seeing as I'm just now finding the time for RCIA (thanks to a crazy class schedule) and officially join the Church (against my mom's wishes).

I am really looking at the DSMME and at the Carmelite community in Terre Haute, IN. I got a phone call from Sr. Mary Clare with the Carmelites this morning. Unfortunately it was a bad time as midterms are this week. :x But I'm supposed to call her back later. :) I had a terrible time understanding her because I have crappy phone service at my apartment and, while she has lived in America for some time, she has a well pronounced British accent. :)

I was a little...skeptical about the DSMME at first because they are mostly teachers. But after learning some more about them, I have realized they have other things besides teaching. I am writer, first and foremost, and have been writing devotionals for Lent and Advent at the church I was raised in for years.

I have also looked at the the Daughters of Charity and the Poor Clares...but I'm not as big a fan. :)

Pax and God Bless.

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1299785028' post='2219854']
Not nosy at all, Lisa. I'm a journalism student-I know nosy.

I am currently discerning, and have been (sort-of) since I was 15. Seeing as I'm just now finding the time for RCIA (thanks to a crazy class schedule) and officially join the Church (against my mom's wishes).

I am really looking at the DSMME and at the Carmelite community in Terre Haute, IN. I got a phone call from Sr. Mary Clare with the Carmelites this morning. Unfortunately it was a bad time as midterms are this week. :x But I'm supposed to call her back later. :) I had a terrible time understanding her because I have crappy phone service at my apartment and, while she has lived in America for some time, she has a well pronounced British accent. :)

I was a little...skeptical about the DSMME at first because they are mostly teachers. But after learning some more about them, I have realized they have other things besides teaching. I am writer, first and foremost, and have been writing devotionals for Lent and Advent at the church I was raised in for years.

I have also looked at the the Daughters of Charity and the Poor Clares...but I'm not as big a fan. :)

Pax and God Bless.

I was in contact with the Terre Haute Carmelites for a time during my discernment. They have a Monastic Weekend coming up in June. You might want to try to attend if you can. I wish I could go just to experience their life even if I am not called there. :)

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Ok, so I was wrong-the DSMME retreat is after finals, but I will likely be doing an internship. :( Or working. :x

And I just looked at the price for train tickets...The closest Amtrak station, and hour from home, has it as a like 10 hour ride...and for $116 each way. Gross.

I will have to look into the Terre Haute retreat...and the train ride. haha!

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1299785028' post='2219854']
Not nosy at all, Lisa. I'm a journalism student-I know nosy.

I am currently discerning, and have been (sort-of) since I was 15. Seeing as I'm just now finding the time for RCIA (thanks to a crazy class schedule) and officially join the Church (against my mom's wishes).

I am really looking at the DSMME and at the Carmelite community in Terre Haute, IN. I got a phone call from Sr. Mary Clare with the Carmelites this morning. Unfortunately it was a bad time as midterms are this week. :x But I'm supposed to call her back later. :) I had a terrible time understanding her because I have crappy phone service at my apartment and, while she has lived in America for some time, she has a well pronounced British accent. :)

I was a little...skeptical about the DSMME at first because they are mostly teachers. But after learning some more about them, I have realized they have other things besides teaching. I am writer, first and foremost, and have been writing devotionals for Lent and Advent at the church I was raised in for years.

I have also looked at the the Daughters of Charity and the Poor Clares...but I'm not as big a fan. :)

Pax and God Bless.

CONGRATS ON BEING IN RCIA!!!! For real, welcome to the Catholic Family!!!!!! :woot:

If you are a journalism student, have you looked at the Daughters of Saint Paul? [url="http://dsp.pauline.org/"]http://dsp.pauline.org/[/url] They are a CMSWR (communities that are generally some of the most loyal to the church) community that uses media for the new evangelization! Side note: their Facebook Pace "Ask a Catholic Nun" is amazing.

And being here on Vocation Station will give you a great idea of some communities you've never even heard of!

Prayers as you prepare to enter the church and discern your vocation! :nunpray:

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I did request more info from the Daughters of Saint Paul. I like them too, but it felt like I didn't get someone personable and willing to talk like I have with the Carmelites and DSMME.
I have also felt like a lot of places don't reach out much to me BECAUSE I'm going through RCIA. But that just may be me. :)

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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1299769677' post='2219800']
Ive only registered for the retreat to show God my intent to try to follow His will wherever it may lead. The thing is Im not sure how exactly Im going to get there yet. The arrival and departure times they set are a bit of a problem right now and Im having trouble working out an itinerary.

I can't figure out how to work the travel, either :( Unless I camp out in the airport for a couple nites....

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1299795305' post='2219933']
I did request more info from the Daughters of Saint Paul. I like them too, but it felt like I didn't get someone personable and willing to talk like I have with the Carmelites and DSMME.
I have also felt like a lot of places don't reach out much to me BECAUSE I'm going through RCIA. But that just may be me. :)

Well I know some orders require you to have been Catholic for at least a year before they will really start talking with you and allow you to come on retreats. As a convert every order and community I have spoken to asks how long ago I converted.

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Ive had no one ask me if I am/was a convert. But then again, I volunteered the info.
A couple that I talked to that I am converting for myself, not bc of a boyfriend or anything. Think this bc most people my age that have/are converted dis so bc they were in a very serious relationship.
Such is life. :D

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1299806919' post='2219989']
Ive had no one ask me if I am/was a convert. But then again, I volunteered the info.
A couple that I talked to that I am converting for myself, not bc of a boyfriend or anything. Think this bc most people my age that have/are converted dis so bc they were in a very serious relationship.
Such is life. :D

And so are you MargaretTeresa! You are seriously in love with Jesus!

Welcome to the PM pham :)

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[quote name='HopefulBride' timestamp='1299848089' post='2220070']
And so are you MargaretTeresa! You are seriously in love with Jesus!

Welcome to the PM pham :)

this is perfect!

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