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Identify A Picture And I Will Say A Rosary For You.


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[quote name='reminiscere' timestamp='1296970240' post='2209247']
I know that it is obviously the death of a missionary - perhaps either of her spiritual brothers? But I spent a great deal of time on Google looking for it, searching all sorts of possible descriptions for it. Unfortunately I found nothing, but I did e-mail the person and message them on Youtube. Hope to have an answer for you soon.

My first thought was also a missionary because of the way he is dressed. Maybe it's a combination of the priest/soldier - maybe he's a military chaplain?

I also messaged the Youtube user last night and didn't post about it, so no one else should probably do this so they don't have bunches of identical messages in their inbox :o

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I think this is a great picture to show to Protestants in particular! It would assist them in better appreciating traditional Catholic art and monastic culture.

[quote name='reminiscere' timestamp='1296970392' post='2209248']
It's really too bad the composer of that beautiful piece, full-habited cloistered Sr. Marie Therese, OCD went to being "Claire Sokol" a Carmelite woman of Reno as they are called :(

What's the story there? "Carmelite woman of Reno"? :dontlike:

All I could find was this, perhaps you'll like it:


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I think this picture is one of the young missionary Charles Anne whom Saint Therese cured. It was one of the miracles for her beatification. This is only my opinion. I couldn't find a picture. He was a 23 year old seminarian suffering from advanced pulmonary tuberculosis.

Edited by GraceUk
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[quote name='Chamomile' timestamp='1297002574' post='2209308']
My first thought was also a missionary because of the way he is dressed. Maybe it's a combination of the priest/soldier - maybe he's a military chaplain?

I also messaged the Youtube user last night and didn't post about it, so no one else should probably do this so they don't have bunches of identical messages in their inbox :o

its too late...i did too! hahahaha and i think orans did also...haah, i'm sure the person who created it will be pleased we're making such a fuss over it... :D

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Wow this turned out much better than I expected, although I kinda feel sorry for the poor video creator on youtube LOL oh well! I had no idea there was such a devotion to Therese during WWI , for instance, and would have completely overlooked the martyr's palm as well. Since everyone contributed something Im going to say a Rosary for each, yes all 20 decades, and I'll throw in a chaplet of St Therese too. I will start with orans since she got in first with some great info and a nice big version of the pic then I will just go in order of poster starting with DS, so orans today (Sunday) this one's for you :pray: I'll post everyday or two once Ive completed the Rosary and chaplet.

I suspect this is Therese's way of making me say the Rosary which I dont really like :sweat: :paperbag: so dont thank me thank her.

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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1297016630' post='2209361']
Since everyone contributed something Im going to say a Rosary for each, yes all 20 decades, and I'll throw in a chaplet of St Therese too.[/quote]
Yay!!! Thanks, vee!! The Lord knows I need it! :beg: :pm:

I really think this is a WWI soldier, especially with those straps across his chest, and quite possibly the one from this story ..

[quote name='Chiquitunga' timestamp='1296981382' post='2209275']
Okay, here's a story .. [url="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http://www.abbaye-saint-benoit.ch/saints/carmel/thereseenfj/pluieroses/guerre/guerre01b.htm&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&twu=1&usg=ALkJrhhLXsrd0En36p_fVud0VNXVA4iM0A#_Toc214380439"][i]Heavenly warning of the death of a soldier[/i][/url]
"She saw distinctly, within walking distance, A. a soldier in the arms of Sister Therese. The little saint was a heavenly beauty and smiled. On the one hand, she supported the young man, on the other, she gave him a palm. Both looked to the sky, they looked radiant and triumphant."[/i]

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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1297016630' post='2209361']
Wow this turned out much better than I expected, although I kinda feel sorry for the poor video creator on youtube LOL oh well! I had no idea there was such a devotion to Therese during WWI , for instance, and would have completely overlooked the martyr's palm as well. Since everyone contributed something Im going to say a Rosary for each, yes all 20 decades, and I'll throw in a chaplet of St Therese too. I will start with orans since she got in first with some great info and a nice big version of the pic then I will just go in order of poster starting with DS, so orans today (Sunday) this one's for you :pray: I'll post everyday or two once Ive completed the Rosary and chaplet.

I suspect this is Therese's way of making me say the Rosary which I dont really like :sweat: :paperbag: so dont thank me thank her.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH, Vee, [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/clap2.gif[/img]. God bless you for your prayer.
You'll get plenty of extra prayers too. God bless!

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[quote name='Chiquitunga' timestamp='1296981382' post='2209275']
Okay, here's a story .. [url="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http://www.abbaye-saint-benoit.ch/saints/carmel/thereseenfj/pluieroses/guerre/guerre01b.htm&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&twu=1&usg=ALkJrhhLXsrd0En36p_fVud0VNXVA4iM0A#_Toc214380439"][i]Heavenly warning of the death of a soldier[/i][/url]
"She saw distinctly, within walking distance, A. a soldier in the arms of Sister Therese. The little saint was a heavenly beauty and smiled. On the one hand, she supported the young man, on the other, she gave him a palm. Both looked to the sky, they looked radiant and triumphant."[/i]

Dear Chiquitunga, your research has been GREAT!! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/clap2.gif[/img]
Thank you very much.

As an aside, may I ask how do you get those BIG pictures show in your posts?
Thanks a lot, and God bless.

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[quote name='Orans' timestamp='1297048157' post='2209546']
Dear Chiquitunga, your research has been GREAT!! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/clap2.gif[/img]
Thank you very much.

As an aside, may I ask how do you get those BIG pictures show in your posts?
Thanks a lot, and God bless.

Oh thanks, Orans! :wave: And you're very welcome! I :heart: researching things like this! :detective: But I don't think I would have looked into this soldier idea as much if you hadn't posted. I'd didn't know all of that about St. Therese and WWI and her canonization, etc. like vee either (in fact I'd never heard anything about it) That was so neat to learn about! Thank you!!

For the pictures, I just took a screen shot of them and uploaded them here, [url="http://tinypic.com/"]http://tinypic.com/[/url] (to message board size, so they'd be the same :like:) Most people use photobucket I think, but I haven't set up an account there yet .. tinypic does the job anyway. Then to put it on here I just used the little insert image button we have - two buttons to the right of the smiley :)

God bless! And thanks again vee for all the prayers! :nun3:

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[quote name='Chiquitunga' timestamp='1297059063' post='2209593']
Oh thanks, Orans! :wave: And you're very welcome! I :heart: researching things like this! :detective: But I don't think I would have looked into this soldier idea as much if you hadn't posted. I'd didn't know all of that about St. Therese and WWI and her canonization, etc. like vee either (in fact I'd never heard anything about it) That was so neat to learn about! Thank you!!

For the pictures, I just took a screen shot of them and uploaded them here, [url="http://tinypic.com/"]http://tinypic.com/[/url] (to message board size, so they'd be the same :like:) Most people use photobucket I think, but I haven't set up an account there yet .. tinypic does the job anyway. Then to put it on here I just used the little insert image button we have - two buttons to the right of the smiley :)

God bless! And thanks again vee for all the prayers! :nun3:

Thank you very much, Chiquitunga, I'll try it next time.

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[quote name='Orans' timestamp='1297047783' post='2209544']
THANK YOU VERY MUCH, Vee, [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/clap2.gif[/img]. God bless you for your prayer.
You'll get plenty of extra prayers too. God bless!

Dont thank me too much as it was a quiet Sunday afternoon so somehow I managed to fall asleep during the Glorious Mysteries :sweat: I did finish them and the rest of Rosary after I woke up though!

DOMINICANSOUL... I prayed the whole Rosary and a chaplet for you today, and I stayed awake for the duration too! :like:

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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1297128062' post='2209904']
Dont thank me too much as it was a quiet Sunday afternoon so somehow I managed to fall asleep during the Glorious Mysteries :sweat: I did finish them and the rest of Rosary after I woke up though!

So it was not only the full 20 decades rosary but some "contemplative resting in God" as well [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/dance.gif[/img]
Thank you very much! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/nun1.gif[/img]

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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1297128062' post='2209904']
DOMINICANSOUL... I prayed the whole Rosary and a chaplet for you today, and I stayed awake for the duration too! :like:

you prayed for me and my cat got mange!

sheesh, thanx Vee :saint:

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[quote name='Orans' timestamp='1297129423' post='2209910']
So it was not only the full 20 decades rosary but some "contemplative resting in God" as well [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/dance.gif[/img]
Thank you very much! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/nun1.gif[/img]
Yes! Deep contemplation! Or maybe really passive recollection... :smile2:

[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1297136227' post='2209941']
you prayed for me and my cat got mange!

sheesh, thanx Vee :saint:
Oh whatevers DS, your cat probably got it from you. :saint:

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