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[quote name='MissScripture' timestamp='1296870315' post='2208898']
Well, since no one but Sternhauser really knows the definition, and is one, it's pretty easy to figure out that someone else isn't a "true" anarchist. :|
There seem to be a lot of words that only he knows the definition of.

[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1296871266' post='2208915']
Christlike is as Christlike does.

Christ is a (the) King.
Kings are heads of monarchies.
Monarchy is a form of government.
To be anti-government is to be anti-Christ.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1296924047' post='2209030']
Christ is a (the) King.
Kings are heads of monarchies.
Monarchy is a form of government.
To be anti-government is to be anti-Christ.


I am not against government.


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Everyone loves to hate cops, lawyers, doctors etc. until they really need one.
I have needed a cop many times. I am always afraid of them because of their power ... but they have always done right by me.
Stopped people from knocking me around. Convinced Ma to go to AA meetings. Rushed my brother to the ER. Found the girl who stole my violin. Helped me out of a car wreck.
Must be my charm/beauty.
I think Stern has been blessed in life so far.
But chances are that one day he will need a cop.

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1296931566' post='2209047']
Everyone loves to hate cops, lawyers, doctors etc. until they really need one.

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Well, when you "need" a police officer, have fun cowering for nearly 9 minutes, the national average police response time. [url="http://www.apbweb.com/featured-articles/1188-response-times-city-to-city.html"]http://www.apbweb.co...ty-to-city.html[/url] When seconds count, police are only minutes away.

I'll be responsible and proactive when it comes to defense of the innocent.

I have no problem with men who are voluntarily paid to carry weapons and protect the lives, rights and property of individuals. Those men are not Statepolice, however. However, I wouldn't hesitate to walk up to any of these men and engage in casual conversation: [url="http://www.sfspecialneighborhoodpolicing.org/about_us.html"]http://www.sfspecial...g/about_us.html[/url]

Or this man.




Edited by Sternhauser
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Averages are deceptive. Growing up in the country, a call to 9-11 could result in a 45 min. wait time. This was because there was no police officer stationed anywhere nearby, and the county seat was a 45 min. drive away. We never did need to call the police, though we made about 3 calls to the fire department and 1 for an ambulance.

When I lived in the ghetto, we called the cops when we walked downstairs to find our front door hanging open at 11 PM on a Saturday. They were there [i]instantly[/i] - I do mean that, they couldn't have been more than half a block away, and the response time was about 30 sec. We had two police cars and a helicopter with a spotlight on our front door.

It turned out to be a false alarm, but we didn't know that at the time. We joked that the 9-11 call sounded like 'white people in trouble!' and that's why we got such a fast response. But I'd like to think they would have done the same for our neighbors.

Anyway, yes, in the town where I grew up, if you needed a police officer [i]instantly[/i]...you'd be better off asking for the volunteer fire company to send someone by. But that didn't mean we didn't have police when we needed them. Besides, everyone in that town owned a gun; hunting was quite popular.

German police are scary, though. That's because...they speak German. Anyone speaking German sounds angry and ready to kill you. Didn't stop me from disobeying them when I was in Cologne for World Youth Day.

Edited by MithLuin
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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1296939333' post='2209067']

That's usually what happens to arrows when they hit a rock.


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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1296935396' post='2209057']
Well, when you "need" a police officer, have fun cowering for nearly 9 minutes, the national average police response time. [url="http://www.apbweb.com/featured-articles/1188-response-times-city-to-city.html"]http://www.apbweb.co...ty-to-city.html[/url] When seconds count, police are only minutes away.

See, you've never needed the police. I have never timed them but they have always responded to me lickity split.

[quote] I'll be responsible and proactive when it comes to defense of the innocent. [/quote]

Good for you. Shall I go ahead and call you next time a road-rager comes after me? I think the cops will get to me faster though. It is easy for a man to be blase about the need for police. As a single woman I frequently roam the earth by myself. Anyway, when I was sexually harassed on the street, the hooligans did not care that I had a guy with me. 5-7 of them, 1 of him. I got a cop, and that was the end of that. He did not say anything, just stood there and looked at them. They shut up. Cuz they, like me, know cops are powerful and are not to be messed with.

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1296939942' post='2209074']
See, you've never needed the police. I have never timed them but they have always responded to me lickity split.[/quote]

As I've shown, you are an exception. The average response time is about 9 minutes.

[quote]Good for you. Shall I go ahead and call you next time a road-rager comes after me? I think the cops will get to me faster though. It is easy for a man to be blase about the need for police. As a single woman I frequently roam the earth by myself. Anyway, when I was sexually harassed on the street, the hooligans did not care that I had a guy with me. 5-7 of them, 1 of him. I got a cop, and that was the end of that. He did not say anything, just stood there and looked at them. They shut up. Cuz they, like me, know cops are powerful and are not to be messed with.[/quote]

Why are you so insistent upon relying on [i]other[/i] people to save you, when you have the ability to protect yourself?


You should probably find some better friends, preferably at least 10 copper-jacketed friends. It is nothing less than irresponsible not to be able to defend yourself.



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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1296940312' post='2209077']
As I've shown, you are an exception. The average response time is about 9 minutes.

Why are you so insistent upon relying on [i]other[/i] people to save you, when you have the ability to protect yourself?


You should probably find some better friends, preferably at least 10 copper-jacketed friends. It is nothing less than irresponsible not to be able to defend yourself.


10 rounds? You must be going soft! If you have room for ten, they must be too small!!! :shock:

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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1296935396' post='2209057']
Well, when you "need" a police officer, have fun cowering for nearly 9 minutes, the national average police response time. [url="http://www.apbweb.com/featured-articles/1188-response-times-city-to-city.html"]http://www.apbweb.co...ty-to-city.html[/url] When seconds count, police are only minutes away.

I'll be responsible and proactive when it comes to defense of the innocent.

I have no problem with men who are voluntarily paid to carry weapons and protect the lives, rights and property of individuals. Those men are not Statepolice, however. However, I wouldn't hesitate to walk up to any of these men and engage in casual conversation: [url="http://www.sfspecialneighborhoodpolicing.org/about_us.html"]http://www.sfspecial...g/about_us.html[/url]

Or this man.




All the times I or someone I've known have called the police, they've been there MUCH sooner than 9 minutes. These 10-15 times are probably just exceptions though, right?

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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1296940312' post='2209077']
As I've shown, you are an exception. The average response time is about 9 minutes.

Averages don't mean poo by themselves in statistics :rolleyes:

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it is not my responsibility to take on 7 thugs each with 1 foot and 50 lbs on me.
I am sure you are the best friend ever.
But lets say you were there and decided to be "responsible and proactive."

[u]Scenario 1:[/u]
Stern decides to be "responsible and proactive."
Stern decides to use his muscles and handgun vs. 7 semi-professional criminals, maybe with a weapon or two between them.
Probably they beat the hell out of him, take his gun and shoot him with it.
Lilla decides to flag down a cop

[u]Scenario 2:[/u]
Lilla decides to flag down a cop
The cop chews gum and stares at the 7 semi-professional criminals
They shut up and eventually disperse.
If they beat the hell out of a cop, take his gun and shoot him with it, his police friends will hunt them down like animals and crucify them before they ever see a judge.
The 7 know this because it is a truth universally acknowledged that the police are powerful and not to be messed with
All parties go home to their mothers and eat cornbread
-Happy Ending-

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1296945950' post='2209100']
it is not my responsibility to take on 7 thugs each with 1 foot and 50 lbs on me.
I am sure you are the best friend ever.
But lets say you were there and decided to be "responsible and proactive."

[u]Scenario 1:[/u]
Stern decides to be "responsible and proactive."
Stern decides to use his muscles and handgun vs. 7 semi-professional criminals, maybe with a weapon or two between them.
Probably they beat the hell out of him, take his gun and shoot him with it.
Lilla decides to flag down a cop

What cop? Do you carry a cop with you? You were lucky that time. I don't think how you realize how most violent encounters go down. Street thugs don't particularly enjoy resistance. They're cowards. That's why they're thugs.

[quote][u]Scenario 2:[/u]
Lilla decides to flag down a cop
The cop chews gum and stares at the 7 semi-professional criminals
They shut up and eventually disperse.
If they beat the hell out of a cop, take his gun and shoot him with it, his police friends will hunt them down like animals and crucify them before they ever see a judge.
The 7 know this because it is a truth universally acknowledged that the police are powerful and not to be messed with
All parties go home to their mothers and eat cornbread
-Happy Ending-

Again: what cop? Do groups of 7 thugs usually hang around in the vicinity of cops? Not hardly. Again, you were [i]lucky.[/i]

Four armed individuals try to invade a home. One man sends them scurrying away like rats with his weapon. This is the way it usually happens. Contrary to your "taking his gun away," he shot them and they ran like rodents. And the cops did NOT catch them. Just as they don't capture at least 40% of bank robbers.


Bernie Goetz is another decent example. As he was approached by four young thugs with screwdrivers, he shot them. Contrary to your "taking the gun away," he shot them.


Edited by Sternhauser
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