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Catherine Therese

[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1295634534' post='2202562']
For those that have a "militant" or "religious" tag...

Go here and start putting in links to religious orders and communities:


Hopefully, we'll soon have the most complete directory on the internet!

Thanks and God bless.

You need an 'almost religious' tag. I'm guessing as a phorum newbie I don't get to contribute to this?

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[quote name='Catherine Therese' timestamp='1297081555' post='2209625']
You need an 'almost religious' tag. I'm guessing as a phorum newbie I don't get to contribute to this?

Just post the websites and orders here and someone will put them up. I'm still sorting throught Dominicans and Carmelites...

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Catherine Therese

For the benefit of the Australian users of this phorum, or anyone who feels they have a missionary calling to another land:

Conventual Sisters of St Dominic - Wagga Wagga, NSW

(Commentary: doggedly faithful to the Church and the Truth)

Discalced Carmelites - Australia-wide

Sister Disciples of the Divine Master - Strathfield, NSW

Capuchin Friars - Australia

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